var/cache/graphql/dev/ContainerNu4gxbu/graphqlDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 1402

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  1. <?php
  2. namespace ContainerNu4gxbu;
  3. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator;
  4. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
  5. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
  6. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
  7. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\LogicException;
  8. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException;
  9. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\FrozenParameterBag;
  10. use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;
  11. /**
  12.  * This class has been auto-generated
  13.  * by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component.
  14.  *
  15.  * @final
  16.  */
  17. class graphqlDevDebugProjectContainer extends Container
  18. {
  19.     private $buildParameters;
  20.     private $containerDir;
  21.     private $targetDir;
  22.     private $parameters = [];
  23.     private $getService;
  24.     public function __construct(array $buildParameters = [], $containerDir __DIR__)
  25.     {
  26.         $this->getService = \Closure::fromCallable([$this'getService']);
  27.         $this->buildParameters $buildParameters;
  28.         $this->containerDir $containerDir;
  29.         $this->targetDir = \dirname($containerDir);
  30.         $this->parameters $this->getDefaultParameters();
  31.         $this->services $this->privates = [];
  32.         $this->syntheticIds = [
  33.             'kernel' => true,
  34.         ];
  35.         $this->methodMap = [
  36.             'App\\Service\\AppManager' => 'getAppManagerService',
  37.             'App\\Service\\Context' => 'getContextService',
  38.             '' => 'getCache_AppService',
  39.             'cache.system' => 'getCache_SystemService',
  40.             'doctrine' => 'getDoctrineService',
  41.             'doctrine.dbal.default_connection' => 'getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService',
  42.             'doctrine.orm.entity_manager' => 'getDoctrine_Orm_EntityManagerService',
  43.             'event_dispatcher' => 'getEventDispatcherService',
  44.             'http_kernel' => 'getHttpKernelService',
  45.             'overblog_graphql.cache_compiler' => 'getOverblogGraphql_CacheCompilerService',
  46.             'overblog_graphql.event_listener.classloader_listener' => 'getOverblogGraphql_EventListener_ClassloaderListenerService',
  47.             'profiler' => 'getProfilerService',
  48.             'request_stack' => 'getRequestStackService',
  49.             'router' => 'getRouterService',
  50.             'security.authorization_checker' => 'getSecurity_AuthorizationCheckerService',
  51.             'security.token_storage' => 'getSecurity_TokenStorageService',
  52.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real' => 'getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Default_Transport_RealService',
  53.             'translator' => 'getTranslatorService',
  54.             'twig' => 'getTwigService',
  55.             'validator' => 'getValidatorService',
  56.         ];
  57.         $this->fileMap = [
  58.             'App\\Service\\DomainManager' => 'getDomainManagerService.php',
  59.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Article\\ArticleBlogController' => 'getArticleBlogControllerService.php',
  60.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Article\\ArticleCompetitionController' => 'getArticleCompetitionControllerService.php',
  61.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Article\\ArticleController' => 'getArticleControllerService.php',
  62.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Article\\ArticleProductController' => 'getArticleProductControllerService.php',
  63.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Article\\ArticleRecipeController' => 'getArticleRecipeControllerService.php',
  64.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\BannerController' => 'getBannerControllerService.php',
  65.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\CustomerController' => 'getCustomerControllerService.php',
  66.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\CustomerOrderController' => 'getCustomerOrderControllerService.php',
  67.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\DeliveryController' => 'getDeliveryControllerService.php',
  68.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\DiscountCouponController' => 'getDiscountCouponControllerService.php',
  69.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\NewsletterController' => 'getNewsletterControllerService.php',
  70.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\PartnerController' => 'getPartnerControllerService.php',
  71.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Rating\\RatingController' => 'getRatingControllerService.php',
  72.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Rating\\RatingTypeController' => 'getRatingTypeControllerService.php',
  73.             'Eshop\\Controller\\Admin\\Rating\\RatingValueController' => 'getRatingValueControllerService.php',
  74.             'Eshop\\Controller\\ArticleController' => 'getArticleController2Service.php',
  75.             'Eshop\\Controller\\EmailController' => 'getEmailControllerService.php',
  76.             'Eshop\\Controller\\HomepageController' => 'getHomepageControllerService.php',
  77.             'Eshop\\Controller\\ProductController' => 'getProductControllerService.php',
  78.             'Eshop\\Controller\\ProductDescriptionController' => 'getProductDescriptionControllerService.php',
  79.             'Eshop\\Controller\\ProductVariableController' => 'getProductVariableControllerService.php',
  80.             'Eshop\\Controller\\SecurityController' => 'getSecurityControllerService.php',
  81.             'Eshop\\Controller\\StorageController' => 'getStorageControllerService.php',
  82.             'GraphQL\\Controller\\SecurityController' => 'getSecurityController2Service.php',
  83.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Article\\CreateFavouriteCustomerArticleMutation' => 'getCreateFavouriteCustomerArticleMutationService.php',
  84.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\ClientLabel\\CreateClientLabelMutation' => 'getCreateClientLabelMutationService.php',
  85.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\CustomerReceiptMutation' => 'getCustomerReceiptMutationService.php',
  86.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\CustomerReceipt\\CustomerReceiptMutation' => 'getCustomerReceiptMutation2Service.php',
  87.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\AddCustomerOrderItemsMutation' => 'getAddCustomerOrderItemsMutationService.php',
  88.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\ConfirmCustomerOrderMutation' => 'getConfirmCustomerOrderMutationService.php',
  89.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateCustomerAddressMutation' => 'getCreateCustomerAddressMutationService.php',
  90.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateCustomerMutation' => 'getCreateCustomerMutationService.php',
  91.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateCustomerOrderMutation' => 'getCreateCustomerOrderMutationService.php',
  92.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateCustomerServiceRatingMutation' => 'getCreateCustomerServiceRatingMutationService.php',
  93.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateCustomerTypeMutation' => 'getCreateCustomerTypeMutationService.php',
  94.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\CreateFavouriteCustomerProductMutation' => 'getCreateFavouriteCustomerProductMutationService.php',
  95.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\DeleteCustomerAddressMutation' => 'getDeleteCustomerAddressMutationService.php',
  96.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\DeleteCustomerMutation' => 'getDeleteCustomerMutationService.php',
  97.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\DeleteCustomerOrderItemsMutation' => 'getDeleteCustomerOrderItemsMutationService.php',
  98.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\DeleteCustomerTypeMutation' => 'getDeleteCustomerTypeMutationService.php',
  99.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\EditCustomerAddressMutation' => 'getEditCustomerAddressMutationService.php',
  100.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\EditCustomerMutation' => 'getEditCustomerMutationService.php',
  101.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\EditCustomerOrderItemsMutation' => 'getEditCustomerOrderItemsMutationService.php',
  102.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\EditCustomerOrderMutation' => 'getEditCustomerOrderMutationService.php',
  103.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Customer\\EditCustomerOrderStateMutation' => 'getEditCustomerOrderStateMutationService.php',
  104.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Discount\\DiscountDeleteMutation' => 'getDiscountDeleteMutationService.php',
  105.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Discount\\DiscountMutation' => 'getDiscountMutationService.php',
  106.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\LabelConvertMutation' => 'getLabelConvertMutationService.php',
  107.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\LoggerMutation' => 'getLoggerMutationService.php',
  108.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\AddOrderProductsMutation' => 'getAddOrderProductsMutationService.php',
  109.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\ConfirmOrderMutation' => 'getConfirmOrderMutationService.php',
  110.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\CreateOrderMutation' => 'getCreateOrderMutationService.php',
  111.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\DeleteOrderMutation' => 'getDeleteOrderMutationService.php',
  112.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\DeleteOrderProductMutation' => 'getDeleteOrderProductMutationService.php',
  113.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Order\\EditOrderProductsMutation' => 'getEditOrderProductsMutationService.php',
  114.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\PointOfSale\\CreatePointOfSaleMoveMutation' => 'getCreatePointOfSaleMoveMutationService.php',
  115.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\PriceTagConvertorMutation' => 'getPriceTagConvertorMutationService.php',
  116.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Product\\CreateProductMutation' => 'getCreateProductMutationService.php',
  117.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Product\\ProductEditMutation' => 'getProductEditMutationService.php',
  118.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Product\\ProductInventoryMutation' => 'getProductInventoryMutationService.php',
  119.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SellPriceMutation' => 'getSellPriceMutationService.php',
  120.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreCentral\\CreateStoreCentralMutation' => 'getCreateStoreCentralMutationService.php',
  121.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getAddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  122.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\ConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  123.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\DeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getDeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  124.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\DeleteStoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getDeleteStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  125.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\EditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getEditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  126.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\StoreWarehouseRecord\\StoreWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getStoreWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  127.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\AddSupplierOrderProductsMutation' => 'getAddSupplierOrderProductsMutationService.php',
  128.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\DeleteSupplierOrderMutation' => 'getDeleteSupplierOrderMutationService.php',
  129.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\DeleteSupplierOrderProductMutation' => 'getDeleteSupplierOrderProductMutationService.php',
  130.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\EditSupplierOrderMutation' => 'getEditSupplierOrderMutationService.php',
  131.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\EditSupplierOrderProductsMutation' => 'getEditSupplierOrderProductsMutationService.php',
  132.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierOrder\\SupplierOrderMutation' => 'getSupplierOrderMutationService.php',
  133.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\AddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getAddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  134.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\ConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  135.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\DeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getDeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  136.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\DeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getDeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  137.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\EditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getEditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  138.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\SupplierWarehouseRecord\\SupplierWarehouseRecordMutation' => 'getSupplierWarehouseRecordMutationService.php',
  139.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Mutation\\Supplier\\SupplierMutation' => 'getSupplierMutationService.php',
  140.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\AddressResolver' => 'getAddressResolverService.php',
  141.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleBlogResolver' => 'getArticleBlogResolverService.php',
  142.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleCompetitionResolver' => 'getArticleCompetitionResolverService.php',
  143.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleImageResolver' => 'getArticleImageResolverService.php',
  144.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleProductResolver' => 'getArticleProductResolverService.php',
  145.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleRecipeAllergenResolver' => 'getArticleRecipeAllergenResolverService.php',
  146.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleRecipeProductResolver' => 'getArticleRecipeProductResolverService.php',
  147.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleRecipeResolver' => 'getArticleRecipeResolverService.php',
  148.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleResolver' => 'getArticleResolverService.php',
  149.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\ArticleTagResolver' => 'getArticleTagResolverService.php',
  150.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Article\\CompetitionConditionFileResolver' => 'getCompetitionConditionFileResolverService.php',
  151.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Attribute\\AttributeResolver' => 'getAttributeResolverService.php',
  152.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Attribute\\AttributeValueResolver' => 'getAttributeValueResolverService.php',
  153.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Attribute\\AttributeValueTranslationResolver' => 'getAttributeValueTranslationResolverService.php',
  154.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Banner\\BannerArticleRedirectResolver' => 'getBannerArticleRedirectResolverService.php',
  155.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Banner\\BannerImageResolver' => 'getBannerImageResolverService.php',
  156.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Banner\\BannerResolver' => 'getBannerResolverService.php',
  157.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Banner\\BannerUrlRedirectResolver' => 'getBannerUrlRedirectResolverService.php',
  158.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\CategoryResolver' => 'getCategoryResolverService.php',
  159.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Category\\EshopCategoryResolver' => 'getEshopCategoryResolverService.php',
  160.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\ClientLabel\\ClientLabelResolver' => 'getClientLabelResolverService.php',
  161.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\ClientResolver' => 'getClientResolverService.php',
  162.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\CustomerReceipt\\CustomerReceiptResolver' => 'getCustomerReceiptResolverService.php',
  163.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerOrderAddressResolver' => 'getCustomerOrderAddressResolverService.php',
  164.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerOrderPaymentMethodResolver' => 'getCustomerOrderPaymentMethodResolverService.php',
  165.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerOrderResolver' => 'getCustomerOrderResolverService.php',
  166.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerReceiptResolver' => 'getCustomerReceiptResolver2Service.php',
  167.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerResolver' => 'getCustomerResolverService.php',
  168.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerServiceRatingResolver' => 'getCustomerServiceRatingResolverService.php',
  169.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\CustomerTypeResolver' => 'getCustomerTypeResolverService.php',
  170.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Customer\\LoggedCustomerAddressResolver' => 'getLoggedCustomerAddressResolverService.php',
  171.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Delivery\\DeliveryMethodPlaceResolver' => 'getDeliveryMethodPlaceResolverService.php',
  172.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Delivery\\DeliveryMethodPlaceValueResolver' => 'getDeliveryMethodPlaceValueResolverService.php',
  173.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Delivery\\DeliveryMethodResolver' => 'getDeliveryMethodResolverService.php',
  174.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Delivery\\DeliverySlotResolver' => 'getDeliverySlotResolverService.php',
  175.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Discount\\DiscountResolver' => 'getDiscountResolverService.php',
  176.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\EshopDiscountCoupon\\DiscountCouponResolver' => 'getDiscountCouponResolverService.php',
  177.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\EuropeanArticleNumberResolver' => 'getEuropeanArticleNumberResolverService.php',
  178.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Label\\LabelResolver' => 'getLabelResolverService.php',
  179.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Newsletter\\NewsletterFileResolver' => 'getNewsletterFileResolverService.php',
  180.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Newsletter\\NewsletterImageResolver' => 'getNewsletterImageResolverService.php',
  181.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Newsletter\\NewsletterResolver' => 'getNewsletterResolverService.php',
  182.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Order\\OrderDeliverySlotResolver' => 'getOrderDeliverySlotResolverService.php',
  183.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Order\\OrderResolver' => 'getOrderResolverService.php',
  184.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Partner\\PartnerFileResolver' => 'getPartnerFileResolverService.php',
  185.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Partner\\PartnerImageResolver' => 'getPartnerImageResolverService.php',
  186.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Partner\\PartnerResolver' => 'getPartnerResolverService.php',
  187.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\PaymentMethod\\PaymentMethodResolver' => 'getPaymentMethodResolverService.php',
  188.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Permission\\PermissionResolver' => 'getPermissionResolverService.php',
  189.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\PointOfSaleResolver' => 'getPointOfSaleResolverService.php',
  190.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\PointOfSale\\PointOfSaleMoveResolver' => 'getPointOfSaleMoveResolverService.php',
  191.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\PointOfSale\\PointOfSaleResolver' => 'getPointOfSaleResolver2Service.php',
  192.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Product\\ProductContainersResolver' => 'getProductContainersResolverService.php',
  193.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Product\\ProductResolver' => 'getProductResolverService.php',
  194.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\SellPriceResolver' => 'getSellPriceResolverService.php',
  195.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\ServiceRating\\ServiceRatingTypesResolver' => 'getServiceRatingTypesResolverService.php',
  196.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\ServiceRating\\ServiceRatingValuesResolver' => 'getServiceRatingValuesResolverService.php',
  197.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\StoreCentral\\StoreCentralResolver' => 'getStoreCentralResolverService.php',
  198.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\StoreHeader\\StoreHeaderResolver' => 'getStoreHeaderResolverService.php',
  199.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Store\\StoreGroupResolver' => 'getStoreGroupResolverService.php',
  200.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Store\\StoreResolver' => 'getStoreResolverService.php',
  201.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Store\\StoreStockResolver' => 'getStoreStockResolverService.php',
  202.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Supplier\\SupplierOrderProductResolver' => 'getSupplierOrderProductResolverService.php',
  203.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Supplier\\SupplierOrderResolver' => 'getSupplierOrderResolverService.php',
  204.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Supplier\\SupplierResolver' => 'getSupplierResolverService.php',
  205.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\SynchronizationResolver' => 'getSynchronizationResolverService.php',
  206.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\Tax\\TaxResolver' => 'getTaxResolverService.php',
  207.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\UserResolver' => 'getUserResolverService.php',
  208.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\User\\UserDataResolver' => 'getUserDataResolverService.php',
  209.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\WarehouseRecord\\StoreWarehouseRecordResolver' => 'getStoreWarehouseRecordResolverService.php',
  210.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\Query\\WarehouseRecord\\SupplierWarehouseRecordResolver' => 'getSupplierWarehouseRecordResolverService.php',
  211.             'GraphQL\\Resolver\\UtilsResolver' => 'getUtilsResolverService.php',
  212.             'GraphQL\\Type\\DateTimeType' => 'getDateTimeTypeService.php',
  213.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Command\\CompileCommand' => 'getCompileCommandService.php',
  214.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Command\\DebugCommand' => 'getDebugCommandService.php',
  215.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Command\\GraphQLDumpSchemaCommand' => 'getGraphQLDumpSchemaCommandService.php',
  216.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Command\\ValidateCommand' => 'getValidateCommandService.php',
  217.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Controller\\GraphController' => 'getGraphControllerService.php',
  218.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\ErrorLoggerListener' => 'getErrorLoggerListenerService.php',
  219.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\GraphQL\\Relay\\Mutation\\MutationFieldResolver' => 'getMutationFieldResolverService.php',
  220.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\GraphQL\\Relay\\Node\\GlobalIdFieldResolver' => 'getGlobalIdFieldResolverService.php',
  221.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\GraphQL\\Relay\\Node\\NodeFieldResolver' => 'getNodeFieldResolverService.php',
  222.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\GraphQL\\Relay\\Node\\PluralIdentifyingRootFieldResolver' => 'getPluralIdentifyingRootFieldResolverService.php',
  223.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddCustomerOrderItemsInputType' => 'getAddCustomerOrderItemsInputTypeService.php',
  224.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddOrderProductInputType' => 'getAddOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  225.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddOrderProductsInputType' => 'getAddOrderProductsInputTypeService.php',
  226.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddProductWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getAddProductWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  227.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getAddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  228.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getAddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  229.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddSupplierOrderProductInputType' => 'getAddSupplierOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  230.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddSupplierOrderProductsInputType' => 'getAddSupplierOrderProductsInputTypeService.php',
  231.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddressInputType' => 'getAddressInputTypeService.php',
  232.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AddressType' => 'getAddressTypeService.php',
  233.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleBlogType' => 'getArticleBlogTypeService.php',
  234.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleCompetitionType' => 'getArticleCompetitionTypeService.php',
  235.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleImageType' => 'getArticleImageTypeService.php',
  236.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleProductType' => 'getArticleProductTypeService.php',
  237.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleRecipeProductType' => 'getArticleRecipeProductTypeService.php',
  238.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleRecipeType' => 'getArticleRecipeTypeService.php',
  239.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleTagFilterType' => 'getArticleTagFilterTypeService.php',
  240.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleTagType' => 'getArticleTagTypeService.php',
  241.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleType' => 'getArticleTypeService.php',
  242.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ArticleTypeFilterType' => 'getArticleTypeFilterTypeService.php',
  243.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AttributeType' => 'getAttributeTypeService.php',
  244.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AttributeValueTranslationType' => 'getAttributeValueTranslationTypeService.php',
  245.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\AttributeValueType' => 'getAttributeValueTypeService.php',
  246.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\BannerImageType' => 'getBannerImageTypeService.php',
  247.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\BannerRedirectType' => 'getBannerRedirectTypeService.php',
  248.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\BannerType' => 'getBannerTypeService.php',
  249.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CategoryImageType' => 'getCategoryImageTypeService.php',
  250.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CategoryType' => 'getCategoryTypeService.php',
  251.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ClientFilterType' => 'getClientFilterTypeService.php',
  252.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ClientLabelInputType' => 'getClientLabelInputTypeService.php',
  253.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ClientLabelType' => 'getClientLabelTypeService.php',
  254.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ClientType' => 'getClientTypeService.php',
  255.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CompetitionConditionFileType' => 'getCompetitionConditionFileTypeService.php',
  256.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ConfirmCustomerOrderInputType' => 'getConfirmCustomerOrderInputTypeService.php',
  257.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ConfirmOrderInputType' => 'getConfirmOrderInputTypeService.php',
  258.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  259.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  260.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateCustomerAddressInputType' => 'getCreateCustomerAddressInputTypeService.php',
  261.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateCustomerInputType' => 'getCreateCustomerInputTypeService.php',
  262.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateCustomerOrderInputType' => 'getCreateCustomerOrderInputTypeService.php',
  263.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateCustomerServiceRatingInputType' => 'getCreateCustomerServiceRatingInputTypeService.php',
  264.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateCustomerTypeInputType' => 'getCreateCustomerTypeInputTypeService.php',
  265.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateEuropeanArticleNumberInputType' => 'getCreateEuropeanArticleNumberInputTypeService.php',
  266.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateFavoriteCustomerArticleInputType' => 'getCreateFavoriteCustomerArticleInputTypeService.php',
  267.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateFavouriteCustomerProductInputType' => 'getCreateFavouriteCustomerProductInputTypeService.php',
  268.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateOrderInputType' => 'getCreateOrderInputTypeService.php',
  269.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreatePointOfSaleMoveInputType' => 'getCreatePointOfSaleMoveInputTypeService.php',
  270.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateProductImageType' => 'getCreateProductImageTypeService.php',
  271.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateProductInputType' => 'getCreateProductInputTypeService.php',
  272.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateProductTaxInputType' => 'getCreateProductTaxInputTypeService.php',
  273.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateProductTranslationInputType' => 'getCreateProductTranslationInputTypeService.php',
  274.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CreateStoreCentralInputType' => 'getCreateStoreCentralInputTypeService.php',
  275.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerAddressInputType' => 'getCustomerAddressInputTypeService.php',
  276.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerAddressType' => 'getCustomerAddressTypeService.php',
  277.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerInputType' => 'getCustomerInputTypeService.php',
  278.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderItemType' => 'getCustomerOrderItemTypeService.php',
  279.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderPaymentMethodInputType' => 'getCustomerOrderPaymentMethodInputTypeService.php',
  280.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderPaymentMethodType' => 'getCustomerOrderPaymentMethodTypeService.php',
  281.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderProductInputType' => 'getCustomerOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  282.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderStateType' => 'getCustomerOrderStateTypeService.php',
  283.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerOrderType' => 'getCustomerOrderTypeService.php',
  284.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptInputType' => 'getCustomerReceiptInputTypeService.php',
  285.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptItemInputType' => 'getCustomerReceiptItemInputTypeService.php',
  286.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInputType' => 'getCustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInputTypeService.php',
  287.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInputType' => 'getCustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInputTypeService.php',
  288.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptRoundingInputType' => 'getCustomerReceiptRoundingInputTypeService.php',
  289.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerReceiptType' => 'getCustomerReceiptTypeService.php',
  290.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerServiceRatingType' => 'getCustomerServiceRatingTypeService.php',
  291.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerType' => 'getCustomerTypeService.php',
  292.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerTypeFilterType' => 'getCustomerTypeFilterTypeService.php',
  293.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\CustomerTypeType' => 'getCustomerTypeTypeService.php',
  294.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DateTimeFilterType' => 'getDateTimeFilterTypeService.php',
  295.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DateType' => 'getDateTypeService.php',
  296.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteCustomerAddressInputType' => 'getDeleteCustomerAddressInputTypeService.php',
  297.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteCustomerInputType' => 'getDeleteCustomerInputTypeService.php',
  298.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteCustomerOrderItemsInputType' => 'getDeleteCustomerOrderItemsInputTypeService.php',
  299.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteCustomerTypeInputType' => 'getDeleteCustomerTypeInputTypeService.php',
  300.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteDiscountInputType' => 'getDeleteDiscountInputTypeService.php',
  301.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteOrderInputType' => 'getDeleteOrderInputTypeService.php',
  302.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteOrderProductInputType' => 'getDeleteOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  303.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteProductWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteProductWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  304.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  305.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  306.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteProductsWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteProductsWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  307.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteStoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  308.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteSupplierOrderInputType' => 'getDeleteSupplierOrderInputTypeService.php',
  309.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteSupplierOrderProductInputType' => 'getDeleteSupplierOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  310.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getDeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  311.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliveryMethodPlaceType' => 'getDeliveryMethodPlaceTypeService.php',
  312.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliveryMethodPlaceValueType' => 'getDeliveryMethodPlaceValueTypeService.php',
  313.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliveryMethodType' => 'getDeliveryMethodTypeService.php',
  314.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliveryPlaceTypeType' => 'getDeliveryPlaceTypeTypeService.php',
  315.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliverySlotInputType' => 'getDeliverySlotInputTypeService.php',
  316.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliverySlotStoresType' => 'getDeliverySlotStoresTypeService.php',
  317.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliverySlotType' => 'getDeliverySlotTypeService.php',
  318.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DeliverySlotsPricesType' => 'getDeliverySlotsPricesTypeService.php',
  319.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountCouponType' => 'getDiscountCouponTypeService.php',
  320.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountInputType' => 'getDiscountInputTypeService.php',
  321.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountItemFilterType' => 'getDiscountItemFilterTypeService.php',
  322.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountItemInputType' => 'getDiscountItemInputTypeService.php',
  323.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountItemType' => 'getDiscountItemTypeService.php',
  324.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountItemTypeType' => 'getDiscountItemTypeTypeService.php',
  325.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountOrderType' => 'getDiscountOrderTypeService.php',
  326.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountStoreFilterType' => 'getDiscountStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  327.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountTriggerBarcodeType' => 'getDiscountTriggerBarcodeTypeService.php',
  328.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInputType' => 'getDiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInputTypeService.php',
  329.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\DiscountType' => 'getDiscountTypeService.php',
  330.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditCustomerAddressInputType' => 'getEditCustomerAddressInputTypeService.php',
  331.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditCustomerInputType' => 'getEditCustomerInputTypeService.php',
  332.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditCustomerOrderInputType' => 'getEditCustomerOrderInputTypeService.php',
  333.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditCustomerOrderStateInputType' => 'getEditCustomerOrderStateInputTypeService.php',
  334.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditOrderProductInputType' => 'getEditOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  335.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditOrderProductsInputType' => 'getEditOrderProductsInputTypeService.php',
  336.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditProductTaxInputType' => 'getEditProductTaxInputTypeService.php',
  337.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditProductTranslationInputType' => 'getEditProductTranslationInputTypeService.php',
  338.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditProductWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getEditProductWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  339.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getEditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  340.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getEditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  341.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditSupplierOrderInputType' => 'getEditSupplierOrderInputTypeService.php',
  342.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditSupplierOrderProductInputType' => 'getEditSupplierOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  343.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EditSupplierOrderProductsInputType' => 'getEditSupplierOrderProductsInputTypeService.php',
  344.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopCategoryType' => 'getEshopCategoryTypeService.php',
  345.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopDiscountCouponType' => 'getEshopDiscountCouponTypeService.php',
  346.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopNewsletterFileType' => 'getEshopNewsletterFileTypeService.php',
  347.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopNewsletterImageType' => 'getEshopNewsletterImageTypeService.php',
  348.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopNewsletterType' => 'getEshopNewsletterTypeService.php',
  349.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopPartnerFileType' => 'getEshopPartnerFileTypeService.php',
  350.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopPartnerImageType' => 'getEshopPartnerImageTypeService.php',
  351.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EshopPartnerType' => 'getEshopPartnerTypeService.php',
  352.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EuropeanArticleNumberQuantityType' => 'getEuropeanArticleNumberQuantityTypeService.php',
  353.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\EuropeanArticleNumberType' => 'getEuropeanArticleNumberTypeService.php',
  354.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LabelConvertExportType' => 'getLabelConvertExportTypeService.php',
  355.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LabelConvertType' => 'getLabelConvertTypeService.php',
  356.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LabelInputType' => 'getLabelInputTypeService.php',
  357.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LabelSettingsInputType' => 'getLabelSettingsInputTypeService.php',
  358.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LabelType' => 'getLabelTypeService.php',
  359.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\LoggerInputType' => 'getLoggerInputTypeService.php',
  360.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\MutationType' => 'getMutationTypeService.php',
  361.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\NumberFilterType' => 'getNumberFilterTypeService.php',
  362.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderDeliverySlotType' => 'getOrderDeliverySlotTypeService.php',
  363.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderFilterType' => 'getOrderFilterTypeService.php',
  364.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderItemType' => 'getOrderItemTypeService.php',
  365.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderProductInputType' => 'getOrderProductInputTypeService.php',
  366.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderStoreFilterType' => 'getOrderStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  367.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\OrderType' => 'getOrderTypeService.php',
  368.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PageInfoType' => 'getPageInfoTypeService.php',
  369.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PaymentInputType' => 'getPaymentInputTypeService.php',
  370.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PaymentMethodTranslationType' => 'getPaymentMethodTranslationTypeService.php',
  371.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PaymentMethodType' => 'getPaymentMethodTypeService.php',
  372.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PermissionType' => 'getPermissionTypeService.php',
  373.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PlaceSearchInputType' => 'getPlaceSearchInputTypeService.php',
  374.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PointOfSaleMoveType' => 'getPointOfSaleMoveTypeService.php',
  375.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PointOfSaleType' => 'getPointOfSaleTypeService.php',
  376.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PriceTagConvertInputType' => 'getPriceTagConvertInputTypeService.php',
  377.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\PriceTagConvertType' => 'getPriceTagConvertTypeService.php',
  378.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductAlertOrderType' => 'getProductAlertOrderTypeService.php',
  379.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductContainersType' => 'getProductContainersTypeService.php',
  380.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductEditInputType' => 'getProductEditInputTypeService.php',
  381.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilterType' => 'getProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilterTypeService.php',
  382.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductFilterType' => 'getProductFilterTypeService.php',
  383.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductInputType' => 'getProductInputTypeService.php',
  384.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductInventoryInputType' => 'getProductInventoryInputTypeService.php',
  385.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductLocaleRestrictionType' => 'getProductLocaleRestrictionTypeService.php',
  386.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductOrderType' => 'getProductOrderTypeService.php',
  387.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductPackageInputType' => 'getProductPackageInputTypeService.php',
  388.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductPackageType' => 'getProductPackageTypeService.php',
  389.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductPriceType' => 'getProductPriceTypeService.php',
  390.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreDiscountFilterType' => 'getProductStoreDiscountFilterTypeService.php',
  391.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreFilterType' => 'getProductStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  392.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreGroupFilterType' => 'getProductStoreGroupFilterTypeService.php',
  393.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreGroupInputType' => 'getProductStoreGroupInputTypeService.php',
  394.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreGroupType' => 'getProductStoreGroupTypeService.php',
  395.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreInputType' => 'getProductStoreInputTypeService.php',
  396.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreSortByFieldType' => 'getProductStoreSortByFieldTypeService.php',
  397.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreSortByType' => 'getProductStoreSortByTypeService.php',
  398.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductStoreType' => 'getProductStoreTypeService.php',
  399.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductSupplierFilterType' => 'getProductSupplierFilterTypeService.php',
  400.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductSupplierInputType' => 'getProductSupplierInputTypeService.php',
  401.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductSupplierType' => 'getProductSupplierTypeService.php',
  402.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTagFilterType' => 'getProductTagFilterTypeService.php',
  403.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTagType' => 'getProductTagTypeService.php',
  404.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTaxFilterType' => 'getProductTaxFilterTypeService.php',
  405.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTaxType' => 'getProductTaxTypeService.php',
  406.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTranslationFilterType' => 'getProductTranslationFilterTypeService.php',
  407.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductTranslationType' => 'getProductTranslationTypeService.php',
  408.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductType' => 'getProductTypeService.php',
  409.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductVariableType' => 'getProductVariableTypeService.php',
  410.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ProductWarehouseRecordType' => 'getProductWarehouseRecordTypeService.php',
  411.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\QueryType' => 'getQueryTypeService.php',
  412.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\RatingTypesType' => 'getRatingTypesTypeService.php',
  413.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\RatingValuesType' => 'getRatingValuesTypeService.php',
  414.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\RecipeAllergenType' => 'getRecipeAllergenTypeService.php',
  415.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\ResultType' => 'getResultTypeService.php',
  416.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SellPriceInputType' => 'getSellPriceInputTypeService.php',
  417.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SellPriceProductInputType' => 'getSellPriceProductInputTypeService.php',
  418.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SellPriceType' => 'getSellPriceTypeService.php',
  419.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SortOrderType' => 'getSortOrderTypeService.php',
  420.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreCentralType' => 'getStoreCentralTypeService.php',
  421.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreFilterType' => 'getStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  422.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreGroupFilterType' => 'getStoreGroupFilterTypeService.php',
  423.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreGroupStoreFilterType' => 'getStoreGroupStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  424.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreGroupType' => 'getStoreGroupTypeService.php',
  425.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreHeaderPaymentType' => 'getStoreHeaderPaymentTypeService.php',
  426.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreHeaderType' => 'getStoreHeaderTypeService.php',
  427.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreInputType' => 'getStoreInputTypeService.php',
  428.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreMoveType' => 'getStoreMoveTypeService.php',
  429.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreStoreGroupFilterType' => 'getStoreStoreGroupFilterTypeService.php',
  430.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreType' => 'getStoreTypeService.php',
  431.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getStoreWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  432.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\StoreWarehouseRecordType' => 'getStoreWarehouseRecordTypeService.php',
  433.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierFilterType' => 'getSupplierFilterTypeService.php',
  434.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierInputType' => 'getSupplierInputTypeService.php',
  435.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierOrderFilterType' => 'getSupplierOrderFilterTypeService.php',
  436.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierOrderInputType' => 'getSupplierOrderInputTypeService.php',
  437.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierOrderProductType' => 'getSupplierOrderProductTypeService.php',
  438.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierOrderType' => 'getSupplierOrderTypeService.php',
  439.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierType' => 'getSupplierTypeService.php',
  440.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierWarehouseRecordInputType' => 'getSupplierWarehouseRecordInputTypeService.php',
  441.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SupplierWarehouseRecordType' => 'getSupplierWarehouseRecordTypeService.php',
  442.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\SynchronizationType' => 'getSynchronizationTypeService.php',
  443.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\TaxType' => 'getTaxTypeService.php',
  444.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\UnitTypeType' => 'getUnitTypeTypeService.php',
  445.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\UserFilterType' => 'getUserFilterTypeService.php',
  446.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\UserType' => 'getUserTypeService.php',
  447.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\WarehouseMoveMutationInputType' => 'getWarehouseMoveMutationInputTypeService.php',
  448.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\WarehouseMovementType' => 'getWarehouseMovementTypeService.php',
  449.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\WarehouseRecordType' => 'getWarehouseRecordTypeService.php',
  450.             'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__\\WarehouseStoreFilterType' => 'getWarehouseStoreFilterTypeService.php',
  451.             'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\RedirectController' => 'getRedirectControllerService.php',
  452.             'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\TemplateController' => 'getTemplateControllerService.php',
  453.             'cache.app_clearer' => 'getCache_AppClearerService.php',
  454.             'cache.global_clearer' => 'getCache_GlobalClearerService.php',
  455.             'cache.system_clearer' => 'getCache_SystemClearerService.php',
  456.             'cache_clearer' => 'getCacheClearerService.php',
  457.             'cache_warmer' => 'getCacheWarmerService.php',
  458.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Brandbank\\FullProcessCommand' => 'getFullProcessCommandService.php',
  459.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Brandbank\\ImportCommand' => 'getImportCommandService.php',
  460.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Brandbank\\ProcessCommand' => 'getProcessCommandService.php',
  461.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Import\\ReceiptMetroCommand' => 'getReceiptMetroCommandService.php',
  462.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Product\\ProductClearCommand' => 'getProductClearCommandService.php',
  463.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Central\\Product\\ProductCreateCommand' => 'getProductCreateCommandService.php',
  464.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Category\\CategoryCommand' => 'getCategoryCommandService.php',
  465.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Import\\ProductImportCSVCommand' => 'getProductImportCSVCommandService.php',
  466.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Import\\ReceiptLabasCommand' => 'getReceiptLabasCommandService.php',
  467.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Import\\ReceiptMetroCommand' => 'getReceiptMetroCommand2Service.php',
  468.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Importer\\ImporterCreateProductCommand' => 'getImporterCreateProductCommandService.php',
  469.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\PaymentMethod\\PaymentMethodCommand' => 'getPaymentMethodCommandService.php',
  470.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\SellPrice\\SellPriceCommand' => 'getSellPriceCommandService.php',
  471.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\AllControlCommand' => 'getAllControlCommandService.php',
  472.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\AllRecalculateCommand' => 'getAllRecalculateCommandService.php',
  473.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\ClearStockCommand' => 'getClearStockCommandService.php',
  474.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\ControlCommand' => 'getControlCommandService.php',
  475.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\HistoryCommand' => 'getHistoryCommandService.php',
  476.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\InventoryCommand' => 'getInventoryCommandService.php',
  477.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\InventoryMissingCommand' => 'getInventoryMissingCommandService.php',
  478.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\RecalculateCommand' => 'getRecalculateCommandService.php',
  479.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\StoreStock\\StoreStockGroupSellPriceCommand' => 'getStoreStockGroupSellPriceCommandService.php',
  480.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreCentralUnsentTotalCommand' => 'getStoreCentralUnsentTotalCommandService.php',
  481.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreClearPriceOutOfStockCommand' => 'getStoreClearPriceOutOfStockCommandService.php',
  482.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreCopyMissingPriceCommand' => 'getStoreCopyMissingPriceCommandService.php',
  483.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreCopyPriceCommand' => 'getStoreCopyPriceCommandService.php',
  484.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreStockSellPriceCommand' => 'getStoreStockSellPriceCommandService.php',
  485.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Client\\Store\\StoreStockSellPriceHistoryCommand' => 'getStoreStockSellPriceHistoryCommandService.php',
  486.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Czech\\GetClientsEmailCommand' => 'getGetClientsEmailCommandService.php',
  487.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\DatabaseCleanerCommand' => 'getDatabaseCleanerCommandService.php',
  488.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Doctrine\\UpdateSchemaDoctrineCommand' => 'getUpdateSchemaDoctrineCommandService.php',
  489.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Doctrine\\UpdateSchemasDoctrineCommand' => 'getUpdateSchemasDoctrineCommandService.php',
  490.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\InstallCommand' => 'getInstallCommandService.php',
  491.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\LoggerCleanerCommand' => 'getLoggerCleanerCommandService.php',
  492.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Client\\ClientDatabaseCommand' => 'getClientDatabaseCommandService.php',
  493.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Cron\\CronCommand' => 'getCronCommandService.php',
  494.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\ProductMergeCommand' => 'getProductMergeCommandService.php',
  495.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Token\\TokenInvalidCommand' => 'getTokenInvalidCommandService.php',
  496.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Weather\\WeatherCommand' => 'getWeatherCommandService.php',
  497.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Migration\\StoreGroupCommand' => 'getStoreGroupCommandService.php',
  498.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Migration\\StoreStockGroupCommand' => 'getStoreStockGroupCommandService.php',
  499.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\TestCommand' => 'getTestCommandService.php',
  500.             'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\UpdateDatabaseClientUserCommand' => 'getUpdateDatabaseClientUserCommandService.php',
  501.             'console.command.public_alias.Eshop\\Command\\ClearDeliverySlotCommand' => 'getClearDeliverySlotCommandService.php',
  502.             'console.command.public_alias.Eshop\\Command\\DeliveryCommand' => 'getDeliveryCommandService.php',
  503.             'console.command.public_alias.Eshop\\Command\\SendConfirmedOrderEmailCommand' => 'getSendConfirmedOrderEmailCommandService.php',
  504.             'console.command_loader' => 'getConsole_CommandLoaderService.php',
  505.             'container.env_var_processors_locator' => 'getContainer_EnvVarProcessorsLocatorService.php',
  506.             'error_controller' => 'getErrorControllerService.php',
  507.             'filesystem' => 'getFilesystemService.php',
  508.             'form.factory' => 'getForm_FactoryService.php',
  509.             'form.type.file' => 'getForm_Type_FileService.php',
  510.             'gaufrette.app_file_filesystem' => 'getGaufrette_AppFileFilesystemService.php',
  511.             'knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map' => 'getKnpGaufrette_FilesystemMapService.php',
  512.             'overblog_graphiql.controller' => 'getOverblogGraphiql_ControllerService.php',
  513.             'overblog_graphql.access_resolver' => 'getOverblogGraphql_AccessResolverService.php',
  514.             'overblog_graphql.arguments_transformer' => 'getOverblogGraphql_ArgumentsTransformerService.php',
  515.             'overblog_graphql.definition.boolean_type' => 'getOverblogGraphql_Definition_BooleanTypeService.php',
  516.             'overblog_graphql.definition.float_type' => 'getOverblogGraphql_Definition_FloatTypeService.php',
  517.             'overblog_graphql.definition.id_type' => 'getOverblogGraphql_Definition_IdTypeService.php',
  518.             'overblog_graphql.definition.int_type' => 'getOverblogGraphql_Definition_IntTypeService.php',
  519.             'overblog_graphql.definition.string_type' => 'getOverblogGraphql_Definition_StringTypeService.php',
  520.             'overblog_graphql.mutation_resolver' => 'getOverblogGraphql_MutationResolverService.php',
  521.             'overblog_graphql.react.promise_adapter' => 'getOverblogGraphql_React_PromiseAdapterService.php',
  522.             'overblog_graphql.request_batch_parser' => 'getOverblogGraphql_RequestBatchParserService.php',
  523.             'overblog_graphql.request_executor' => 'getOverblogGraphql_RequestExecutorService.php',
  524.             'overblog_graphql.request_parser' => 'getOverblogGraphql_RequestParserService.php',
  525.             'overblog_graphql.resolver_resolver' => 'getOverblogGraphql_ResolverResolverService.php',
  526.             'overblog_graphql.type_resolver' => 'getOverblogGraphql_TypeResolverService.php',
  527.             'routing.loader' => 'getRouting_LoaderService.php',
  528.             'security.authentication_utils' => 'getSecurity_AuthenticationUtilsService.php',
  529.             'security.password_encoder' => 'getSecurity_PasswordEncoderService.php',
  530.             'services_resetter' => 'getServicesResetterService.php',
  531.             'session' => 'getSessionService.php',
  532.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default' => 'getSwiftmailer_Mailer_DefaultService.php',
  533.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default.plugin.messagelogger' => 'getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Default_Plugin_MessageloggerService.php',
  534.             'swiftmailer.transport' => 'getSwiftmailer_TransportService.php',
  535.             'web_profiler.controller.exception_panel' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_ExceptionPanelService.php',
  536.             'web_profiler.controller.profiler' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_ProfilerService.php',
  537.             'web_profiler.controller.router' => 'getWebProfiler_Controller_RouterService.php',
  538.         ];
  539.         $this->aliases = [
  540.             'Overblog\\GraphiQLBundle\\Controller\\GraphiQLController' => 'overblog_graphiql.controller',
  541.             'database_connection' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  542.             'doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager' => 'doctrine.orm.entity_manager',
  543.             'mailer' => 'swiftmailer.mailer.default',
  544.         ];
  545.         $this->privates['service_container'] = function () {
  546.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernelInterface.php';
  547.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/KernelInterface.php';
  548.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/RebootableInterface.php';
  549.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/TerminableInterface.php';
  550.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php';
  551.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Kernel/MicroKernelTrait.php';
  552.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/VirtualKernel.php';
  553.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Service/AppManager.php';
  554.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Service/Context.php';
  555.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Translation/Provider/TranslationLocaleProviderInterface.php';
  556.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Translation/Provider/ImmutableTranslationLocaleProvider.php';
  557.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventSubscriberInterface.php';
  558.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/EventListener/LoggingSubscriber.php';
  559.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Service/LoggerManager.php';
  560.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Service/RequestLogManager.php';
  561.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/EventListener/RequestLoggingSubscriber.php';
  562.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/Service/RequestLoggingBanManager.php';
  563.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/Repository/ConnectionRepository.php';
  564.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/Repository/RequestLoggingConnectionRepository.php';
  565.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ResponseListener.php';
  566.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/StreamedResponseListener.php';
  567.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/LocaleListener.php';
  568.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ValidateRequestListener.php';
  569.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/DisallowRobotsIndexingListener.php';
  570.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ErrorListener.php';
  571.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ParameterBagInterface.php';
  572.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ParameterBag.php';
  573.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/FrozenParameterBag.php';
  574.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/container/src/ContainerInterface.php';
  575.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ContainerBagInterface.php';
  576.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ContainerBag.php';
  577.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php';
  578.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ControllerResolverInterface.php';
  579.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/TraceableControllerResolver.php';
  580.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ControllerResolver.php';
  581.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ContainerControllerResolver.php';
  582.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/ControllerResolver.php';
  583.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ArgumentResolverInterface.php';
  584.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/TraceableArgumentResolver.php';
  585.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Controller/ArgumentResolver.php';
  586.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ControllerMetadata/ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface.php';
  587.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ControllerMetadata/ArgumentMetadataFactory.php';
  588.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/RequestStack.php';
  589.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/config/ConfigCacheFactoryInterface.php';
  590.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/config/ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory.php';
  591.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/LocaleAwareListener.php';
  592.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/cache/src/CacheItemPoolInterface.php';
  593.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AdapterInterface.php';
  594.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache-contracts/CacheInterface.php';
  595.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/PruneableInterface.php';
  596.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/service-contracts/ResetInterface.php';
  597.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/ResettableInterface.php';
  598.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/TraceableAdapter.php';
  599.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareInterface.php';
  600.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php';
  601.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/AbstractAdapterTrait.php';
  602.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache-contracts/CacheTrait.php';
  603.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/ContractsTrait.php';
  604.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/AbstractAdapter.php';
  605.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/FilesystemCommonTrait.php';
  606.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/FilesystemTrait.php';
  607.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Adapter/FilesystemAdapter.php';
  608.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Marshaller/MarshallerInterface.php';
  609.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/cache/Marshaller/DefaultMarshaller.php';
  610.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/AbstractSessionListener.php';
  611.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/SessionListener.php';
  612.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/service-contracts/ServiceProviderInterface.php';
  613.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/service-contracts/ServiceLocatorTrait.php';
  614.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ServiceLocator.php';
  615.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ValidatorBuilder.php';
  616.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validation.php';
  617.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ObjectInitializerInterface.php';
  618.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Validator/DoctrineInitializer.php';
  619.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/LoaderInterface.php';
  620.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/AutoMappingTrait.php';
  621.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Validator/DoctrineLoader.php';
  622.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface.php';
  623.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory.php';
  624.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation-contracts/TranslatorInterface.php';
  625.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/TranslatorBagInterface.php';
  626.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation-contracts/LocaleAwareInterface.php';
  627.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Translator.php';
  628.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/CacheWarmer/WarmableInterface.php';
  629.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Translation/Translator.php';
  630.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/MessageFormatterInterface.php';
  631.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/IntlFormatterInterface.php';
  632.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/Formatter/MessageFormatter.php';
  633.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation-contracts/TranslatorTrait.php';
  634.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/translation/IdentityTranslator.php';
  635.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php';
  636.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/ProfilerStorageInterface.php';
  637.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/FileProfilerStorage.php';
  638.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerInterface.php';
  639.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/ResettableInterface.php';
  640.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php';
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  841.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Decorator/EntityManagerDecorator.php';
  842.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/EntityManager/AppEntityManager.php';
  843.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/lib/generator/src/Generator/AbstractClassGenerator.php';
  844.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/lib/generator/src/Generator/AbstractTypeGenerator.php';
  845.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/lib/generator/src/Generator/TypeGenerator.php';
  846.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/Generator/TypeGenerator.php';
  847.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/expression-language/ExpressionLanguage.php';
  848.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionLanguage.php';
  849.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/expression-language/ExpressionFunction.php';
  850.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction.php';
  851.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Call.php';
  852.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/DependencyInjection/Parameter.php';
  853.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/DependencyInjection/Service.php';
  854.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Arguments.php';
  855.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/IsTypeOf.php';
  856.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Mutation.php';
  857.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Relay/FromGlobalID.php';
  858.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Relay/GlobalID.php';
  859.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Relay/IdFetcherCallback.php';
  860.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Relay/MutateAndGetPayloadCallback.php';
  861.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Relay/ResolveSingleInputCallback.php';
  862.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/GraphQL/Resolver.php';
  863.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/NewObject.php';
  864.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/GetUser.php';
  865.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/HasAnyPermission.php';
  866.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/HasAnyRole.php';
  867.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/HasPermission.php';
  868.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/HasRole.php';
  869.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/IsAnonymous.php';
  870.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/IsAuthenticated.php';
  871.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/IsFullyAuthenticated.php';
  872.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/IsGranted.php';
  873.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/ExpressionLanguage/ExpressionFunction/Security/IsRememberMe.php';
  874.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Factory/MetadataFactoryInterface.php';
  875.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validator/ValidatorInterface.php';
  876.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Validator/TraceableValidator.php';
  877.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/psr/event-dispatcher/src/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  878.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  879.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcherInterface.php';
  880.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php';
  881.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php';
  882.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php';
  883.             include_once \dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/CachedReader.php';
  884.         };
  885.     }
  886.     public function compile(): void
  887.     {
  888.         throw new LogicException('You cannot compile a dumped container that was already compiled.');
  889.     }
  890.     public function isCompiled(): bool
  891.     {
  892.         return true;
  893.     }
  894.     public function getRemovedIds(): array
  895.     {
  896.         return require $this->containerDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'removed-ids.php';
  897.     }
  898.     protected function load($file$lazyLoad true)
  899.     {
  900.         return require $this->containerDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file;
  901.     }
  902.     /**
  903.      * Gets the public 'App\Service\AppManager' shared autowired service.
  904.      *
  905.      * @return \App\Service\AppManager
  906.      */
  907.     protected function getAppManagerService()
  908.     {
  909.         return $this->services['App\\Service\\AppManager'] = new \App\Service\AppManager(($this->services['doctrine.orm.entity_manager'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_EntityManagerService()), ($this->services['App\\Service\\Context'] ?? ($this->services['App\\Service\\Context'] = new \App\Service\Context())), ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()));
  910.     }
  911.     /**
  912.      * Gets the public 'App\Service\Context' shared autowired service.
  913.      *
  914.      * @return \App\Service\Context
  915.      */
  916.     protected function getContextService()
  917.     {
  918.         return $this->services['App\\Service\\Context'] = new \App\Service\Context();
  919.     }
  920.     /**
  921.      * Gets the public '' shared service.
  922.      *
  923.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  924.      */
  925.     protected function getCache_AppService()
  926.     {
  927.         $a = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter('jb7qT75cPz'0, ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller(NULL));
  928.         $a->setLogger(($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService()));
  929.         return $this->services[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter($a);
  930.     }
  931.     /**
  932.      * Gets the public 'cache.system' shared service.
  933.      *
  934.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  935.      */
  936.     protected function getCache_SystemService()
  937.     {
  938.         return $this->services['cache.system'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('xKgHtbKERW'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  939.     }
  940.     /**
  941.      * Gets the public 'doctrine' shared service.
  942.      *
  943.      * @return \App\Doctrine\Registry
  944.      */
  945.     protected function getDoctrineService()
  946.     {
  947.         return $this->services['doctrine'] = new \App\Doctrine\Registry($this$this->parameters['doctrine.connections'], $this->parameters['doctrine.entity_managers'], 'default''default');
  948.     }
  949.     /**
  950.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection' shared service.
  951.      *
  952.      * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
  953.      */
  954.     protected function getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()
  955.     {
  956.         $a = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
  957.         $b = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('doctrine');
  958.         $b->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  959.         $b->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  960.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($b);
  961.         $a->setSQLLogger(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\LoggerChain([=> new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger($b, ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)))), => ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack()))]));
  962.         $c = new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ContainerAwareEventManager(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  963.             'App\\EventListener\\ORMEntityListener' => ['privates''App\\EventListener\\ORMEntityListener''getORMEntityListenerService.php'true],
  964.             'doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners''getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultListeners_AttachEntityListenersService.php'true],
  965.         ], [
  966.             'App\\EventListener\\ORMEntityListener' => '?',
  967.             'doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners' => '?',
  968.         ]));
  969.         $c->addEventSubscriber(new \App\EventListener\ORMTranslatableListener(new \App\Translation\TranslatableEntityLocaleAssigner(($this->privates['App\\Translation\\Provider\\ImmutableTranslationLocaleProvider'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\Translation\\Provider\\ImmutableTranslationLocaleProvider'] = new \App\Translation\Provider\ImmutableTranslationLocaleProvider('sk_SK'))), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())))));
  970.         $c->addEventSubscriber(new \App\EventSubscriber\LoadClassMetadataSubscriber(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1))));
  971.         $c->addEventListener([=> 'prePersist'], 'App\\EventListener\\ORMEntityListener');
  972.         $c->addEventListener([=> 'preUpdate'], 'App\\EventListener\\ORMEntityListener');
  973.         $c->addEventListener([=> 'loadClassMetadata'], 'doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners');
  974.         return $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] = (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ConnectionFactory([]))->createConnection(['connection_override_options' => [], 'url' => $this->getEnv('resolve:DATABASE_URL'), 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql''host' => 'localhost''port' => NULL'user' => 'root''password' => NULL'driverOptions' => [], 'defaultTableOptions' => []], $a$c, []);
  975.     }
  976.     /**
  977.      * Gets the public 'doctrine.orm.entity_manager' shared autowired service.
  978.      *
  979.      * @return \App\EntityManager\AppEntityManager
  980.      */
  981.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_EntityManagerService()
  982.     {
  983.         return $this->services['doctrine.orm.entity_manager'] = new \App\EntityManager\AppEntityManager($this->getAppEntityManager_InnerService());
  984.     }
  985.     /**
  986.      * Gets the public 'event_dispatcher' shared service.
  987.      *
  988.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher
  989.      */
  990.     protected function getEventDispatcherService()
  991.     {
  992.         $a = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('event');
  993.         $a->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  994.         $a->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  995.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($a);
  996.         $this->services['event_dispatcher'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher(new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher(), ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true))), $a, ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  997.         $instance->addListener('central.client.post_create', [=> function () {
  998.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Central\\ClientPostListener'] ?? $this->load('getClientPostListenerService.php'));
  999.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1000.         $instance->addListener('central.client.post_update', [=> function () {
  1001.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Central\\ClientPostListener'] ?? $this->load('getClientPostListenerService.php'));
  1002.         }, => 'update'], 0);
  1003.         $instance->addListener('central.product.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1004.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Central\\ProductListener'] ?? $this->load('getProductListenerService.php'));
  1005.         }, => 'europeanArticleNumber'], 0);
  1006.         $instance->addListener('central.product.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1007.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Central\\ProductListener'] ?? $this->load('getProductListenerService.php'));
  1008.         }, => 'europeanArticleNumber'], 0);
  1009.         $instance->addListener('client.customer.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1010.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Customer\\CustomerListener'] ?? $this->load('getCustomerListenerService.php'));
  1011.         }, => 'register'], 0);
  1012.         $instance->addListener('client.customer.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1013.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Customer\\CustomerListener'] ?? $this->load('getCustomerListenerService.php'));
  1014.         }, => 'update'], 0);
  1015.         $instance->addListener('client.importer_product.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1016.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Importer\\ImporterProductListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Importer\\ImporterProductListener'] = new \App\EventListener\Client\Importer\ImporterProductListener()));
  1017.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1018.         $instance->addListener('client.importer_product.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1019.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Importer\\ImporterProductListener'] ?? ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Importer\\ImporterProductListener'] = new \App\EventListener\Client\Importer\ImporterProductListener()));
  1020.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1021.         $instance->addListener('client.order.pre_create.confirm', [=> function () {
  1022.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Order\\OrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getOrderListenerService.php'));
  1023.         }, => 'confirm'], 0);
  1024.         $instance->addListener('client.order.pre_update.confirm', [=> function () {
  1025.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Order\\OrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getOrderListenerService.php'));
  1026.         }, => 'confirm'], 0);
  1027.         $instance->addListener('client.point_of_sale_move.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1028.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\PointOfSale\\PointOfSaleMoveListener'] ?? $this->load('getPointOfSaleMoveListenerService.php'));
  1029.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1030.         $instance->addListener('client.sell_price.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1031.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\SellPrice\\SellPriceListener'] ?? $this->load('getSellPriceListenerService.php'));
  1032.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1033.         $instance->addListener('client.sell_price.post_create', [=> function () {
  1034.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\SellPrice\\SellPriceListener'] ?? $this->load('getSellPriceListenerService.php'));
  1035.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1036.         $instance->addListener('client.store_alert.pre_delete', [=> function () {
  1037.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreAlertDeleteListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreAlertDeleteListenerService.php'));
  1038.         }, => 'delete'], 0);
  1039.         $instance->addListener('client.store_central.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1040.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreCentralListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreCentralListenerService.php'));
  1041.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1042.         $instance->addListener('client.store_central.post_create', [=> function () {
  1043.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreCentralListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreCentralListenerService.php'));
  1044.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1045.         $instance->addListener('client.store_group.post_create', [=> function () {
  1046.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreGroupListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreGroupListenerService.php'));
  1047.         }, => 'copyAssortment'], 0);
  1048.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1049.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1050.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1051.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.post_create', [=> function () {
  1052.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1053.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1054.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1055.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1056.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1057.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.post_update', [=> function () {
  1058.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1059.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1060.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_update.confirm', [=> function () {
  1061.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1062.         }, => 'confirm'], 0);
  1063.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_update.move_add', [=> function () {
  1064.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1065.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1066.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_update.move_delete', [=> function () {
  1067.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1068.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1069.         $instance->addListener('client.store_header.pre_delete', [=> function () {
  1070.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreHeaderListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreHeaderListenerService.php'));
  1071.         }, => 'delete'], 0);
  1072.         $instance->addListener('', [=> function () {
  1073.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreListenerService.php'));
  1074.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1075.         $instance->addListener('', [=> function () {
  1076.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreListenerService.php'));
  1077.         }, => 'post'], 0);
  1078.         $instance->addListener('client.store_move.pre_create.inventory', [=> function () {
  1079.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreMoveInventoryListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreMoveInventoryListenerService.php'));
  1080.         }, => 'process'], 0);
  1081.         $instance->addListener('client.store_move.pre_create.add', [=> function () {
  1082.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreMoveListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreMoveListenerService.php'));
  1083.         }, => 'addMove'], 0);
  1084.         $instance->addListener('client.store_move.pre_delete.delete', [=> function () {
  1085.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreMoveListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreMoveListenerService.php'));
  1086.         }, => 'removeMove'], 0);
  1087.         $instance->addListener('client.store_stock_group.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1088.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreStockGroupListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreStockGroupListenerService.php'));
  1089.         }, => 'change'], 0);
  1090.         $instance->addListener('client.store_stock_group.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1091.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreStockGroupListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreStockGroupListenerService.php'));
  1092.         }, => 'change'], 0);
  1093.         $instance->addListener('client.store_stock.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1094.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Store\\StoreStockListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreStockListenerService.php'));
  1095.         }, => 'pre'], 0);
  1096.         $instance->addListener('client.supplier_order.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1097.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Supplier\\SupplierOrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getSupplierOrderListenerService.php'));
  1098.         }, => 'supplierOrderProducts'], 0);
  1099.         $instance->addListener('client.supplier_order.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1100.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Supplier\\SupplierOrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getSupplierOrderListenerService.php'));
  1101.         }, => 'supplierOrderProducts'], 0);
  1102.         $instance->addListener('client.supplier_order_product.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1103.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Client\\Supplier\\SupplierOrderProductListener'] ?? $this->load('getSupplierOrderProductListenerService.php'));
  1104.         }, => 'preCreate'], 0);
  1105.         $instance->addListener('cupiky.client.store_header.post_create', [=> function () {
  1106.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Cyprian\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListenerService.php'));
  1107.         }, => 'postStoreHeaderCreate'], 0);
  1108.         $instance->addListener('cupiky.client.point_of_sale_move.post_create', [=> function () {
  1109.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Cyprian\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListenerService.php'));
  1110.         }, => 'postPointOfSaleMoveCreate'], 0);
  1111.         $instance->addListener('cupiky.client.store_move.post_create.inventory', [=> function () {
  1112.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Cyprian\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListenerService.php'));
  1113.         }, => 'postInventoryCreate'], 0);
  1114.         $instance->addListener('cupiky.client.store_central.post_create', [=> function () {
  1115.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Cyprian\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListenerService.php'));
  1116.         }, => 'postStoreCentralCreate'], 0);
  1117.         $instance->addListener('eshop.customer_order.pre_update.confirm_customer_order', [=> function () {
  1118.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Eshop\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener2Service.php'));
  1119.         }, => 'sendConfirmedOrderEmail'], 0);
  1120.         $instance->addListener('gonarex.client.store_header.post_update.confirm', [=> function () {
  1121.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Gonarex\\StoreWarehouseDuplicityListener'] ?? $this->load('getStoreWarehouseDuplicityListenerService.php'));
  1122.         }, => 'confirm'], -10);
  1123.         $instance->addListener('ilas.client.store_header.post_create', [=> function () {
  1124.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Ilas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener3Service.php'));
  1125.         }, => 'postStoreHeaderCreate'], 0);
  1126.         $instance->addListener('ilas.client.point_of_sale_move.post_create', [=> function () {
  1127.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Ilas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener3Service.php'));
  1128.         }, => 'postPointOfSaleMoveCreate'], 0);
  1129.         $instance->addListener('ilas.client.store_move.post_create.inventory', [=> function () {
  1130.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Ilas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener3Service.php'));
  1131.         }, => 'postInventoryCreate'], 0);
  1132.         $instance->addListener('ilas.client.store_central.post_create', [=> function () {
  1133.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Ilas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener3Service.php'));
  1134.         }, => 'postStoreCentralCreate'], 0);
  1135.         $instance->addListener('labas.client.store_header.post_create', [=> function () {
  1136.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Labas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener4Service.php'));
  1137.         }, => 'postStoreHeaderCreate'], 0);
  1138.         $instance->addListener('labas.client.point_of_sale_move.post_create', [=> function () {
  1139.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Labas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener4Service.php'));
  1140.         }, => 'postPointOfSaleMoveCreate'], 0);
  1141.         $instance->addListener('labas.eshop.customer_order.pre_update.confirm_customer_order', [=> function () {
  1142.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Labas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener4Service.php'));
  1143.         }, => 'postEshopCustomerOrder'], 0);
  1144.         $instance->addListener('labas.eshop.customer_order.post_update.edit_customer_order_state', [=> function () {
  1145.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\Labas\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener4Service.php'));
  1146.         }, => 'changeCustomerOrderState'], 0);
  1147.         $instance->addListener('vinolevice.client.store_central.post_create', [=> function () {
  1148.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\Custom\\VinoLevice\\PostListener'] ?? $this->load('getPostListener5Service.php'));
  1149.         }, => 'postStoreCentralCreate'], 0);
  1150.         $instance->addListener('central.product.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1151.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1152.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1153.         $instance->addListener('central.product.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1154.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1155.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1156.         $instance->addListener('central.category.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1157.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1158.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1159.         $instance->addListener('central.category.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1160.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1161.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1162.         $instance->addListener('client.category.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1163.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1164.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1165.         $instance->addListener('client.category.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1166.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\ImagesUploadListener'] ?? $this->load('getImagesUploadListenerService.php'));
  1167.         }, => 'uploadImages'], 0);
  1168.         $instance->addListener('eshop.customer_address.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1169.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\CustomerAddressListener'] ?? $this->load('getCustomerAddressListenerService.php'));
  1170.         }, => 'create'], 0);
  1171.         $instance->addListener('eshop.customer_order.pre_create', [=> function () {
  1172.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\CustomerOrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getCustomerOrderListenerService.php'));
  1173.         }, => 'process'], 0);
  1174.         $instance->addListener('eshop.customer_order.pre_update', [=> function () {
  1175.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\CustomerOrderListener'] ?? $this->load('getCustomerOrderListenerService.php'));
  1176.         }, => 'process'], 0);
  1177.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1178.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\ExceptionListener'] ?? ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\ExceptionListener'] = new \GraphQL\EventListener\ExceptionListener(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)))));
  1179.         }, => '__invoke'], 0);
  1180.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  1181.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector()));
  1182.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  1183.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  1184.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.swift'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_SwiftService());
  1185.         }, => 'onKernelTerminate'], 0);
  1186.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1187.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.swift'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_SwiftService());
  1188.         }, => 'onCliTerminate'], 0);
  1189.         $instance->addListener('graphql.error_formatting', [=> function () {
  1190.             return ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Validator\\Formatter'] ?? ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Validator\\Formatter'] = new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Validator\Formatter()));
  1191.         }, => 'onErrorFormatting'], 0);
  1192.         $instance->addListener('graphql.executor.context', [=> function () {
  1193.             return ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\RequestFilesListener'] ?? $this->load('getRequestFilesListenerService.php'));
  1194.         }, => 'onExecutorContextEvent'], 0);
  1195.         $instance->addListener('graphql.type_loaded', [=> function () {
  1196.             return ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\TypeDecoratorListener'] ?? $this->load('getTypeDecoratorListenerService.php'));
  1197.         }, => 'onTypeLoaded'], 0);
  1198.         $instance->addListener('graphql.error_formatting', [=> function () {
  1199.             return ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\ValidationErrorsListener'] ?? ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\ValidationErrorsListener'] = new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\EventListener\ValidationErrorsListener()));
  1200.         }, => 'onErrorFormatting'], 0);
  1201.         $instance->addListener('graphql.post_executor', [=> function () {
  1202.             return ($this->privates['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\ErrorHandlerListener'] ?? $this->load('getErrorHandlerListenerService.php'));
  1203.         }, => 'onPostExecutor'], 0);
  1204.         $instance->addListener('graphql.error_formatting', [=> function () {
  1205.             return ($this->services['Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\EventListener\\ErrorLoggerListener'] ?? $this->load('getErrorLoggerListenerService.php'));
  1206.         }, => 'onErrorFormatting'], 0);
  1207.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1208.             return ($this->services['overblog_graphql.event_listener.classloader_listener'] ?? $this->getOverblogGraphql_EventListener_ClassloaderListenerService());
  1209.         }, => 'load'], 255);
  1210.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  1211.             return ($this->services['overblog_graphql.event_listener.classloader_listener'] ?? $this->getOverblogGraphql_EventListener_ClassloaderListenerService());
  1212.         }, => 'load'], 255);
  1213.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1214.             return ($this->privates['nelmio_cors.cors_listener'] ?? $this->getNelmioCors_CorsListenerService());
  1215.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 250);
  1216.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1217.             return ($this->privates['nelmio_cors.cors_listener'] ?? $this->getNelmioCors_CorsListenerService());
  1218.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  1219.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1220.             return ($this->privates['nelmio_cors.cacheable_response_vary_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['nelmio_cors.cacheable_response_vary_listener'] = new \Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CacheableResponseVaryListener()));
  1221.         }, => 'onResponse'], 0);
  1222.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  1223.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\CommandListener'] ?? $this->load('getCommandListenerService.php'));
  1224.         }, => 'onConsoleCommand'], 0);
  1225.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  1226.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\CommandListener'] ?? $this->load('getCommandListenerService.php'));
  1227.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], -128);
  1228.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1229.             return ($this->privates['App\\EventListener\\CommandListener'] ?? $this->load('getCommandListenerService.php'));
  1230.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], -128);
  1231.         $instance->addListener('form.pre_set_data', [=> function () {
  1232.             return ($this->privates['App\\Form\\EventListener\\Central\\Client\\ClientCategoryListener'] ?? $this->load('getClientCategoryListenerService.php'));
  1233.         }, => 'onPreSetData'], 0);
  1234.         $instance->addListener('form.post_submit', [=> function () {
  1235.             return ($this->privates['App\\Form\\EventListener\\Central\\Client\\ClientCategoryListener'] ?? $this->load('getClientCategoryListenerService.php'));
  1236.         }, => 'onPostSubmit'], 0);
  1237.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1238.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\LoggingSubscriber'] ?? $this->getLoggingSubscriberService());
  1239.         }, => 'logResponse'], 0);
  1240.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1241.             return ($this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\RequestLoggingSubscriber'] ?? $this->getRequestLoggingSubscriberService());
  1242.         }, => 'requestLogging'], 1000);
  1243.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1244.             return ($this->privates['response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener('UTF-8')));
  1245.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  1246.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1247.             return ($this->privates['streamed_response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['streamed_response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener()));
  1248.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -1024);
  1249.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1250.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListenerService());
  1251.         }, => 'setDefaultLocale'], 100);
  1252.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1253.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListenerService());
  1254.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 16);
  1255.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  1256.             return ($this->privates['locale_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleListenerService());
  1257.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  1258.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1259.             return ($this->privates['validate_request_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['validate_request_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener()));
  1260.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 256);
  1261.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1262.             return ($this->privates['disallow_search_engine_index_response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['disallow_search_engine_index_response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DisallowRobotsIndexingListener()));
  1263.         }, => 'onResponse'], -255);
  1264.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller_arguments', [=> function () {
  1265.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListener2Service());
  1266.         }, => 'onControllerArguments'], 0);
  1267.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1268.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListener2Service());
  1269.         }, => 'logKernelException'], 0);
  1270.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1271.             return ($this->privates['exception_listener'] ?? $this->getExceptionListener2Service());
  1272.         }, => 'onKernelException'], -128);
  1273.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1274.             return ($this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleAwareListenerService());
  1275.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 15);
  1276.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  1277.             return ($this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] ?? $this->getLocaleAwareListenerService());
  1278.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], -15);
  1279.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  1280.             return ($this->privates['console.error_listener'] ?? $this->load('getConsole_ErrorListenerService.php'));
  1281.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], -128);
  1282.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1283.             return ($this->privates['console.error_listener'] ?? $this->load('getConsole_ErrorListenerService.php'));
  1284.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], -128);
  1285.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  1286.             return ($this->privates['console.suggest_missing_package_subscriber'] ?? ($this->privates['console.suggest_missing_package_subscriber'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\SuggestMissingPackageSubscriber()));
  1287.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], 0);
  1288.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1289.             return ($this->privates['session_listener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  1290.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 128);
  1291.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1292.             return ($this->privates['session_listener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  1293.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -1000);
  1294.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  1295.             return ($this->privates['session_listener'] ?? $this->getSessionListenerService());
  1296.         }, => 'onFinishRequest'], 0);
  1297.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1298.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  1299.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -100);
  1300.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1301.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  1302.         }, => 'onKernelException'], 0);
  1303.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  1304.             return ($this->privates['profiler_listener'] ?? $this->getProfilerListenerService());
  1305.         }, => 'onKernelTerminate'], -1024);
  1306.         $instance->addListener('kernel.controller', [=> function () {
  1307.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector()));
  1308.         }, => 'onKernelController'], 0);
  1309.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1310.             return ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector()));
  1311.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  1312.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1313.             return ($this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] ?? $this->getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService());
  1314.         }, => 'configure'], 2048);
  1315.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  1316.             return ($this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] ?? $this->getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService());
  1317.         }, => 'configure'], 2048);
  1318.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1319.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  1320.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 32);
  1321.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  1322.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  1323.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  1324.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1325.             return ($this->privates['router_listener'] ?? $this->getRouterListenerService());
  1326.         }, => 'onKernelException'], -64);
  1327.         $instance->addListener('kernel.exception', [=> function () {
  1328.             return ($this->privates['swiftmailer.email_sender.listener'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php'));
  1329.         }, => 'onException'], 0);
  1330.         $instance->addListener('kernel.terminate', [=> function () {
  1331.             return ($this->privates['swiftmailer.email_sender.listener'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php'));
  1332.         }, => 'onTerminate'], 0);
  1333.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  1334.             return ($this->privates['swiftmailer.email_sender.listener'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php'));
  1335.         }, => 'onException'], 0);
  1336.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1337.             return ($this->privates['swiftmailer.email_sender.listener'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php'));
  1338.         }, => 'onTerminate'], 0);
  1339.         $instance->addListener('console.command', [=> function () {
  1340.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService());
  1341.         }, => 'onCommand'], 255);
  1342.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1343.             return ($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService());
  1344.         }, => 'onTerminate'], -255);
  1345.         $instance->addListener('console.error', [=> function () {
  1346.             return ($this->privates['maker.console_error_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['maker.console_error_listener'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Event\ConsoleErrorSubscriber()));
  1347.         }, => 'onConsoleError'], 0);
  1348.         $instance->addListener('console.terminate', [=> function () {
  1349.             return ($this->privates['maker.console_error_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['maker.console_error_listener'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Event\ConsoleErrorSubscriber()));
  1350.         }, => 'onConsoleTerminate'], 0);
  1351.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1352.             return ($this->privates['security.rememberme.response_listener'] ?? ($this->privates['security.rememberme.response_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener()));
  1353.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  1354.         $instance->addListener('', [=> function () {
  1355.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_VoteListenerService.php'));
  1356.         }, => 'onVoterVote'], 0);
  1357.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1358.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  1359.         }, => 'configureLogoutUrlGenerator'], 8);
  1360.         $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [=> function () {
  1361.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  1362.         }, => 'onKernelRequest'], 8);
  1363.         $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [=> function () {
  1364.             return ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService());
  1365.         }, => 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  1366.         $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [=> function () {
  1367.             return ($this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'] ?? $this->getWebProfiler_DebugToolbarService());
  1368.         }, => 'onKernelResponse'], -128);
  1369.         return $instance;
  1370.     }
  1371.     /**
  1372.      * Gets the public 'http_kernel' shared service.
  1373.      *
  1374.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel
  1375.      */
  1376.     protected function getHttpKernelService()
  1377.     {
  1378.         $a = ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)));
  1379.         return $this->services['http_kernel'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel(($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()), new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver(new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerResolver($this, ($this->privates['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService())), $a), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableArgumentResolver(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadataFactory(), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  1380.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.request_attribute'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestAttributeService.php'));
  1381.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.request'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestService.php'));
  1382.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.session'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_SessionService.php'));
  1383.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_UserValueResolverService.php'));
  1384.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.service'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_ServiceService.php'));
  1385.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.default'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_DefaultService.php'));
  1386.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.variadic'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_VariadicService.php'));
  1387.             yield => ($this->privates['debug.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_ArgumentResolver_NotTaggedControllerService.php'));
  1388.         }, 8)), $a));
  1389.     }
  1390.     /**
  1391.      * Gets the public 'overblog_graphql.cache_compiler' shared service.
  1392.      *
  1393.      * @return \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Generator\TypeGenerator
  1394.      */
  1395.     protected function getOverblogGraphql_CacheCompilerService()
  1396.     {
  1397.         $this->services['overblog_graphql.cache_compiler'] = $instance = new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Generator\TypeGenerator('Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\__DEFINITIONS__', [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/Resources/skeleton')], NULL$this->parameters['overblog_graphql_types.config'], trueNULL$this->targetDir.''NULL);
  1398.         $a = new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage(NULL);
  1399.         $a->addGlobalName('globalVariable->get(\'typeResolver\')''typeResolver');
  1400.         $a->addGlobalName('globalVariable->get(\'argumentFactory\')''argumentFactory');
  1401.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Call());
  1402.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\DependencyInjection\Parameter());
  1403.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\DependencyInjection\Service());
  1404.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Arguments());
  1405.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\IsTypeOf());
  1406.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Mutation());
  1407.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Relay\FromGlobalID());
  1408.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Relay\GlobalID());
  1409.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Relay\IdFetcherCallback());
  1410.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Relay\MutateAndGetPayloadCallback());
  1411.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Relay\ResolveSingleInputCallback());
  1412.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Resolver());
  1413.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\NewObject());
  1414.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\GetUser());
  1415.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\HasAnyPermission());
  1416.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\HasAnyRole());
  1417.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\HasPermission());
  1418.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\HasRole());
  1419.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\IsAnonymous());
  1420.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\IsAuthenticated());
  1421.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\IsFullyAuthenticated());
  1422.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\IsGranted());
  1423.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\Security\IsRememberMe());
  1424.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\DependencyInjection\Parameter('param'));
  1425.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\DependencyInjection\Service('serv'));
  1426.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Mutation('mut'));
  1427.         $a->addFunction(new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction\GraphQL\Resolver('res'));
  1428.         $instance->addUseStatement('Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Definition\\ConfigProcessor');
  1429.         $instance->addUseStatement('Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Definition\\LazyConfig');
  1430.         $instance->addUseStatement('Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Definition\\GlobalVariables');
  1431.         $instance->addImplement('Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\Definition\\Type\\GeneratedTypeInterface');
  1432.         $instance->setExpressionLanguage($a);
  1433.         return $instance;
  1434.     }
  1435.     /**
  1436.      * Gets the public 'overblog_graphql.event_listener.classloader_listener' shared service.
  1437.      *
  1438.      * @return \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\EventListener\ClassLoaderListener
  1439.      */
  1440.     protected function getOverblogGraphql_EventListener_ClassloaderListenerService()
  1441.     {
  1442.         return $this->services['overblog_graphql.event_listener.classloader_listener'] = new \Overblog\GraphQLBundle\EventListener\ClassLoaderListener(($this->services['overblog_graphql.cache_compiler'] ?? $this->getOverblogGraphql_CacheCompilerService()));
  1443.     }
  1444.     /**
  1445.      * Gets the public 'profiler' shared service.
  1446.      *
  1447.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler
  1448.      */
  1449.     protected function getProfilerService()
  1450.     {
  1451.         $a = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('profiler');
  1452.         $a->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  1453.         $a->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  1454.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($a);
  1455.         $this->services['profiler'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\FileProfilerStorage(('file:'.$this->targetDir.''.'/profiler')), $atrue);
  1456.         $b = ($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'));
  1457.         $c = ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack()));
  1458.         $d = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\DataCollector\CacheDataCollector();
  1459.         $d->addInstance('', ($this->services[''] ?? $this->getCache_AppService()));
  1460.         $d->addInstance('cache.system', ($this->services['cache.system'] ?? $this->getCache_SystemService()));
  1461.         $d->addInstance('cache.validator', ($this->privates['cache.validator'] ?? $this->getCache_ValidatorService()));
  1462.         $d->addInstance('cache.serializer', ($this->privates['cache.serializer'] ?? $this->getCache_SerializerService()));
  1463.         $d->addInstance('cache.annotations', ($this->privates['cache.annotations'] ?? $this->getCache_AnnotationsService()));
  1464.         $d->addInstance('cache.property_info', ($this->privates['cache.property_info'] ?? $this->getCache_PropertyInfoService()));
  1465.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_MetadataService()));
  1466.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.default.result', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_ResultService()));
  1467.         $d->addInstance('cache.doctrine.orm.default.query', ($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_QueryService()));
  1468.         $d->addInstance('cache.security_expression_language', ($this->privates['cache.security_expression_language'] ?? $this->getCache_SecurityExpressionLanguageService()));
  1469.         $e = new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DataCollector\DoctrineDataCollector(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()), true);
  1470.         $e->addLogger('default', ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] ?? ($this->privates['doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack())));
  1471.         $f = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\ConfigDataCollector();
  1472.         if ($this->has('kernel')) {
  1473.             $f->setKernel($b);
  1474.         }
  1475.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.request'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.request'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector())));
  1476.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\TimeDataCollector($b, ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)))));
  1477.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\MemoryDataCollector());
  1478.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Validator\DataCollector\ValidatorDataCollector(($this->services['validator'] ?? $this->getValidatorService())));
  1479.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\AjaxDataCollector());
  1480.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.form'] ?? $this->getDataCollector_FormService()));
  1481.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\ExceptionDataCollector());
  1482.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\LoggerDataCollector($a, ($this->targetDir.''.'/graphqlDevDebugProjectContainer'), $c));
  1483.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\EventDataCollector(($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()), $c));
  1484.         $instance->add(($this->privates['data_collector.router'] ?? ($this->privates['data_collector.router'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector())));
  1485.         $instance->add($d);
  1486.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollector\TranslationDataCollector(($this->services['translator'] ?? $this->getTranslatorService())));
  1487.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector\SecurityDataCollector(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), ($this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] ?? ($this->privates['security.role_hierarchy'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleHierarchy([]))), ($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_FirewallService())));
  1488.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\DataCollector\TwigDataCollector(($this->privates['twig.profile'] ?? ($this->privates['twig.profile'] = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile())), ($this->services['twig'] ?? $this->getTwigService())));
  1489.         $instance->add($e);
  1490.         $instance->add(new \Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector($this));
  1491.         $instance->add($f);
  1492.         return $instance;
  1493.     }
  1494.     /**
  1495.      * Gets the public 'request_stack' shared service.
  1496.      *
  1497.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack
  1498.      */
  1499.     protected function getRequestStackService()
  1500.     {
  1501.         return $this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack();
  1502.     }
  1503.     /**
  1504.      * Gets the public 'router' shared service.
  1505.      *
  1506.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router
  1507.      */
  1508.     protected function getRouterService()
  1509.     {
  1510.         $a = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('router');
  1511.         $a->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  1512.         $a->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  1513.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($a);
  1514.         $this->services['router'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router((new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1515.             'routing.loader' => ['services''routing.loader''getRouting_LoaderService.php'true],
  1516.         ], [
  1517.             'routing.loader' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Config\\Loader\\LoaderInterface',
  1518.         ]))->withContext('router.default'$this), 'kernel::loadRoutes', ['cache_dir' => $this->targetDir.'''debug' => true'generator_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Generator\\CompiledUrlGenerator''generator_dumper_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Generator\\Dumper\\CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper''matcher_class' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Routing\\RedirectableCompiledUrlMatcher''matcher_dumper_class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Matcher\\Dumper\\CompiledUrlMatcherDumper''strict_requirements' => true'resource_type' => 'service'], ($this->privates['router.request_context'] ?? $this->getRouter_RequestContextService()), ($this->privates['parameter_bag'] ?? ($this->privates['parameter_bag'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag($this))), $a'sk_SK');
  1519.         $instance->setConfigCacheFactory(($this->privates['config_cache_factory'] ?? $this->getConfigCacheFactoryService()));
  1520.         return $instance;
  1521.     }
  1522.     /**
  1523.      * Gets the public 'security.authorization_checker' shared service.
  1524.      *
  1525.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker
  1526.      */
  1527.     protected function getSecurity_AuthorizationCheckerService()
  1528.     {
  1529.         return $this->services['security.authorization_checker'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker(($this->services['security.token_storage'] ?? $this->getSecurity_TokenStorageService()), ($this->privates['security.authentication.manager'] ?? $this->getSecurity_Authentication_ManagerService()), ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService()), false);
  1530.     }
  1531.     /**
  1532.      * Gets the public 'security.token_storage' shared service.
  1533.      *
  1534.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage
  1535.      */
  1536.     protected function getSecurity_TokenStorageService()
  1537.     {
  1538.         return $this->services['security.token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage(($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] ?? ($this->privates['security.untracked_token_storage'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage())), new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1539.             'session' => ['services''session''getSessionService.php'true],
  1540.         ], [
  1541.             'session' => '?',
  1542.         ]));
  1543.     }
  1544.     /**
  1545.      * Gets the public 'swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real' shared service.
  1546.      *
  1547.      * @return \Swift_Transport
  1548.      */
  1549.     protected function getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Default_Transport_RealService()
  1550.     {
  1551.         return $this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real'] = \Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\DependencyInjection\SwiftmailerTransportFactory::createTransport(['transport' => 'smtp''url' => $this->getEnv('MAILER_URL'), 'username' => NULL'password' => NULL'host' => 'localhost''port' => NULL'timeout' => 30'source_ip' => NULL'local_domain' => NULL'encryption' => NULL'auth_mode' => NULL'command' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i''stream_options' => []], ($this->privates['router.request_context'] ?? $this->getRouter_RequestContextService()), ($this->privates['swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.eventdispatcher'] ?? ($this->privates['swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.eventdispatcher'] = new \Swift_Events_SimpleEventDispatcher())));
  1552.     }
  1553.     /**
  1554.      * Gets the public 'translator' shared service.
  1555.      *
  1556.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator
  1557.      */
  1558.     protected function getTranslatorService()
  1559.     {
  1560.         return $this->services['translator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator(($this->privates['translator.default'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DefaultService()));
  1561.     }
  1562.     /**
  1563.      * Gets the public 'twig' shared service.
  1564.      *
  1565.      * @return \Twig\Environment
  1566.      */
  1567.     protected function getTwigService()
  1568.     {
  1569.         $a = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader([], \dirname(__DIR__5));
  1570.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Framework');
  1571.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Framework');
  1572.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Swiftmailer');
  1573.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Swiftmailer');
  1574.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Doctrine');
  1575.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Doctrine');
  1576.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Resources/views'), 'Security');
  1577.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/Resources/views'), '!Security');
  1578.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views'), 'WebProfiler');
  1579.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views'), '!WebProfiler');
  1580.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphiql-bundle/Resources/views'), 'OverblogGraphiQL');
  1581.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphiql-bundle/Resources/views'), '!OverblogGraphiQL');
  1582.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/templates'));
  1583.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Email'), 'email');
  1584.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Email'), '!email');
  1585.         $a->addPath((\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Form'));
  1586.         $this->services['twig'] = $instance = new \Twig\Environment($a, ['autoescape' => 'name''cache' => ($this->targetDir.''.'/twig'), 'charset' => 'UTF-8''debug' => true'strict_variables' => true]);
  1587.         $b = ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] ?? ($this->privates['debug.stopwatch'] = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(true)));
  1588.         $c = ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack()));
  1589.         $d = ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] ?? $this->getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService());
  1590.         $e = new \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper(NULL'UTF-8'1);
  1591.         $e->setDisplayOptions(['maxStringLength' => 4096'fileLinkFormat' => $d]);
  1592.         $f = new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\AppVariable();
  1593.         $f->setEnvironment('dev');
  1594.         $f->setDebug(true);
  1595.         if ($this->has('security.token_storage')) {
  1596.             $f->setTokenStorage(($this->services['security.token_storage'] ?? $this->getSecurity_TokenStorageService()));
  1597.         }
  1598.         if ($this->has('request_stack')) {
  1599.             $f->setRequestStack($c);
  1600.         }
  1601.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\ProfilerExtension(($this->privates['twig.profile'] ?? ($this->privates['twig.profile'] = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile())), $b));
  1602.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension(($this->services['translator'] ?? $this->getTranslatorService())));
  1603.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\AssetExtension(new \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages(new \Symfony\Component\Asset\PathPackage('', new \Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy\EmptyVersionStrategy(), new \Symfony\Component\Asset\Context\RequestStackContext($c''false)), [])));
  1604.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\CodeExtension($d, \dirname(__DIR__5), 'UTF-8'));
  1605.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension(($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService())));
  1606.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\YamlExtension());
  1607.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\StopwatchExtension($btrue));
  1608.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\ExpressionExtension());
  1609.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpKernelExtension());
  1610.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\HttpFoundationExtension(new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper($c, ($this->privates['router.request_context'] ?? $this->getRouter_RequestContextService()))));
  1611.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension());
  1612.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\LogoutUrlExtension(($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService())));
  1613.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\SecurityExtension(($this->services['security.authorization_checker'] ?? $this->getSecurity_AuthorizationCheckerService())));
  1614.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\ArrayExtension());
  1615.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\DateExtension($instance));
  1616.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\JsonDecodeExtension());
  1617.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\LocaleExtension());
  1618.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\MarginExtension());
  1619.         $instance->addExtension(new \Eshop\Twig\OrderStatusExtension());
  1620.         $instance->addExtension(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Twig\DoctrineExtension());
  1621.         $instance->addExtension(new \Twig\Extension\DebugExtension());
  1622.         $instance->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig\WebProfilerExtension($e));
  1623.         $instance->addGlobal('app'$f);
  1624.         $instance->addRuntimeLoader(new \Twig\RuntimeLoader\ContainerRuntimeLoader(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  1625.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpKernelRuntime' => ['privates''twig.runtime.httpkernel''getTwig_Runtime_HttpkernelService.php'true],
  1626.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormRenderer' => ['privates''twig.form.renderer''getTwig_Form_RendererService.php'true],
  1627.         ], [
  1628.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpKernelRuntime' => '?',
  1629.             'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormRenderer' => '?',
  1630.         ])));
  1631.         (new \Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Configurator\EnvironmentConfigurator('F j, Y H:i''%d days'NULL0'.'','))->configure($instance);
  1632.         return $instance;
  1633.     }
  1634.     /**
  1635.      * Gets the public 'validator' shared service.
  1636.      *
  1637.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator
  1638.      */
  1639.     protected function getValidatorService()
  1640.     {
  1641.         return $this->services['validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator(($this->privates['validator.builder'] ?? $this->getValidator_BuilderService())->getValidator());
  1642.     }
  1643.     /**
  1644.      * Gets the private 'App\EntityManager\AppEntityManager.inner' shared service.
  1645.      *
  1646.      * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
  1647.      */
  1648.     protected function getAppEntityManager_InnerService($lazyLoad true)
  1649.     {
  1650.         $a = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
  1651.         $b = new \Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain();
  1652.         $c = ($this->privates['doctrine.orm.default_annotation_metadata_driver'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultAnnotationMetadataDriverService());
  1653.         $b->addDriver($c'App\\Entity');
  1654.         $b->addDriver($c'GraphQL\\Entity');
  1655.         $b->addDriver($c'Eshop\\Entity');
  1656.         $a->setEntityNamespaces(['App' => 'App\\Entity''GraphQL' => 'GraphQL\\Entity''Eshop' => 'Eshop\\Entity']);
  1657.         $a->setMetadataCacheImpl(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_MetadataService())));
  1658.         $a->setQueryCacheImpl(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.query'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_QueryService())));
  1659.         $a->setResultCacheImpl(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider(($this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.result'] ?? $this->getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_ResultService())));
  1660.         $a->setMetadataDriverImpl($b);
  1661.         $a->setProxyDir(($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'));
  1662.         $a->setProxyNamespace('Proxies');
  1663.         $a->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(true);
  1664.         $a->setClassMetadataFactoryName('Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\ClassMetadataFactory');
  1665.         $a->setDefaultRepositoryClassName('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository');
  1666.         $a->setNamingStrategy(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy());
  1667.         $a->setQuoteStrategy(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy());
  1668.         $a->setEntityListenerResolver(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Mapping\ContainerEntityListenerResolver($this));
  1669.         $a->setRepositoryFactory(new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ContainerRepositoryFactory(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [], [])));
  1670.         $a->addCustomStringFunction('lower_unaccent''App\\Doctrine\\DQL\\LowerUnaccent');
  1671.         $a->addCustomDatetimeFunction('date''App\\Doctrine\\DQL\\Date');
  1672.         $instance = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create(($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()), $a);
  1673.         (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ManagerConfigurator([], []))->configure($instance);
  1674.         return $instance;
  1675.     }
  1676.     /**
  1677.      * Gets the private 'GraphQL\EventListener\LoggingSubscriber' shared autowired service.
  1678.      *
  1679.      * @return \GraphQL\EventListener\LoggingSubscriber
  1680.      */
  1681.     protected function getLoggingSubscriberService()
  1682.     {
  1683.         return $this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\LoggingSubscriber'] = new \GraphQL\EventListener\LoggingSubscriber(new \App\Service\RequestLogManager(($this->services['kernel'] ?? $this->get('kernel'1)), ($this->services['App\\Service\\AppManager'] ?? $this->getAppManagerService()), (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/logger')));
  1684.     }
  1685.     /**
  1686.      * Gets the private 'GraphQL\EventListener\RequestLoggingSubscriber' shared autowired service.
  1687.      *
  1688.      * @return \GraphQL\EventListener\RequestLoggingSubscriber
  1689.      */
  1690.     protected function getRequestLoggingSubscriberService()
  1691.     {
  1692.         $a = ($this->services['App\\Service\\AppManager'] ?? $this->getAppManagerService());
  1693.         return $this->privates['GraphQL\\EventListener\\RequestLoggingSubscriber'] = new \GraphQL\EventListener\RequestLoggingSubscriber($a, new \GraphQL\Service\RequestLoggingBanManager(new \GraphQL\Repository\RequestLoggingConnectionRepository($a)));
  1694.     }
  1695.     /**
  1696.      * Gets the private 'annotations.cached_reader' shared service.
  1697.      *
  1698.      * @return \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader
  1699.      */
  1700.     protected function getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()
  1701.     {
  1702.         return $this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader(($this->privates['annotations.reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_ReaderService()), $this->load('getAnnotations_CacheService.php'), true);
  1703.     }
  1704.     /**
  1705.      * Gets the private 'annotations.reader' shared service.
  1706.      *
  1707.      * @return \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader
  1708.      */
  1709.     protected function getAnnotations_ReaderService()
  1710.     {
  1711.         $this->privates['annotations.reader'] = $instance = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader();
  1712.         $a = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry();
  1713.         $a->registerUniqueLoader('class_exists');
  1714.         $instance->addGlobalIgnoredName('required'$a);
  1715.         return $instance;
  1716.     }
  1717.     /**
  1718.      * Gets the private 'cache.annotations' shared service.
  1719.      *
  1720.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1721.      */
  1722.     protected function getCache_AnnotationsService()
  1723.     {
  1724.         return $this->privates['cache.annotations'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('2bwE21h0if'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1725.     }
  1726.     /**
  1727.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata' shared service.
  1728.      *
  1729.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1730.      */
  1731.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_MetadataService()
  1732.     {
  1733.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  1734.     }
  1735.     /**
  1736.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.default.query' shared service.
  1737.      *
  1738.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1739.      */
  1740.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_QueryService()
  1741.     {
  1742.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.query'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  1743.     }
  1744.     /**
  1745.      * Gets the private 'cache.doctrine.orm.default.result' shared service.
  1746.      *
  1747.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1748.      */
  1749.     protected function getCache_Doctrine_Orm_Default_ResultService()
  1750.     {
  1751.         return $this->privates['cache.doctrine.orm.default.result'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter());
  1752.     }
  1753.     /**
  1754.      * Gets the private 'cache.property_info' shared service.
  1755.      *
  1756.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1757.      */
  1758.     protected function getCache_PropertyInfoService()
  1759.     {
  1760.         return $this->privates['cache.property_info'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('fw0i8S0uks'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1761.     }
  1762.     /**
  1763.      * Gets the private 'cache.security_expression_language' shared service.
  1764.      *
  1765.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1766.      */
  1767.     protected function getCache_SecurityExpressionLanguageService()
  1768.     {
  1769.         return $this->privates['cache.security_expression_language'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('DBCl+csNny'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1770.     }
  1771.     /**
  1772.      * Gets the private 'cache.serializer' shared service.
  1773.      *
  1774.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1775.      */
  1776.     protected function getCache_SerializerService()
  1777.     {
  1778.         return $this->privates['cache.serializer'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('K7sL77Pu72'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1779.     }
  1780.     /**
  1781.      * Gets the private 'cache.validator' shared service.
  1782.      *
  1783.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter
  1784.      */
  1785.     protected function getCache_ValidatorService()
  1786.     {
  1787.         return $this->privates['cache.validator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TraceableAdapter(\Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache('8acflx7cg-'0$this->getParameter('container.build_id'), ($this->targetDir.''.'/pools'), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_CacheService())));
  1788.     }
  1789.     /**
  1790.      * Gets the private 'config_cache_factory' shared service.
  1791.      *
  1792.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
  1793.      */
  1794.     protected function getConfigCacheFactoryService()
  1795.     {
  1796.         return $this->privates['config_cache_factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  1797.             yield => ($this->privates['dependency_injection.config.container_parameters_resource_checker'] ?? ($this->privates['dependency_injection.config.container_parameters_resource_checker'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Config\ContainerParametersResourceChecker($this)));
  1798.             yield => ($this->privates['config.resource.self_checking_resource_checker'] ?? ($this->privates['config.resource.self_checking_resource_checker'] = new \Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\SelfCheckingResourceChecker()));
  1799.         }, 2));
  1800.     }
  1801.     /**
  1802.      * Gets the private 'data_collector.form' shared service.
  1803.      *
  1804.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector
  1805.      */
  1806.     protected function getDataCollector_FormService()
  1807.     {
  1808.         return $this->privates['data_collector.form'] = new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector(new \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataExtractor());
  1809.     }
  1810.     /**
  1811.      * Gets the private 'debug.debug_handlers_listener' shared service.
  1812.      *
  1813.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener
  1814.      */
  1815.     protected function getDebug_DebugHandlersListenerService()
  1816.     {
  1817.         $a = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('php');
  1818.         $a->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  1819.         $a->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  1820.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($a);
  1821.         return $this->privates['debug.debug_handlers_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener(NULL$aNULL, -1true, ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] ?? $this->getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService()), true);
  1822.     }
  1823.     /**
  1824.      * Gets the private 'debug.file_link_formatter' shared service.
  1825.      *
  1826.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter
  1827.      */
  1828.     protected function getDebug_FileLinkFormatterService()
  1829.     {
  1830.         return $this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter(NULL, ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), \dirname(__DIR__5), function () {
  1831.             return ($this->privates['debug.file_link_formatter.url_format'] ?? $this->load('getDebug_FileLinkFormatter_UrlFormatService.php'));
  1832.         });
  1833.     }
  1834.     /**
  1835.      * Gets the private 'debug.log_processor' shared service.
  1836.      *
  1837.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\DebugProcessor
  1838.      */
  1839.     protected function getDebug_LogProcessorService()
  1840.     {
  1841.         return $this->privates['debug.log_processor'] = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\DebugProcessor(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1842.     }
  1843.     /**
  1844.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  1845.      *
  1846.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\TraceableAccessDecisionManager
  1847.      */
  1848.     protected function getDebug_Security_Access_DecisionManagerService()
  1849.     {
  1850.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\TraceableAccessDecisionManager(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AccessDecisionManager(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  1851.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_AuthenticatedVoterService.php'));
  1852.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_SimpleRoleVoterService.php'));
  1853.             yield => ($this->privates[''] ?? $this->load('getDebug_Security_Voter_Security_Access_ExpressionVoterService.php'));
  1854.         }, 3), 'affirmative'falsetrue));
  1855.     }
  1856.     /**
  1857.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  1858.      *
  1859.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener
  1860.      */
  1861.     protected function getDebug_Security_FirewallService()
  1862.     {
  1863.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener(($this->privates[''] ?? $this->getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()), ($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()), ($this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] ?? $this->getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService()));
  1864.     }
  1865.     /**
  1866.      * Gets the private 'doctrine.orm.default_annotation_metadata_driver' shared service.
  1867.      *
  1868.      * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver
  1869.      */
  1870.     protected function getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultAnnotationMetadataDriverService()
  1871.     {
  1872.         return $this->privates['doctrine.orm.default_annotation_metadata_driver'] = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()), [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/App/Entity'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/GraphQL/Entity'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/src/Eshop/Entity')]);
  1873.     }
  1874.     /**
  1875.      * Gets the private 'exception_listener' shared service.
  1876.      *
  1877.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener
  1878.      */
  1879.     protected function getExceptionListener2Service()
  1880.     {
  1881.         return $this->privates['exception_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener('error_controller', ($this->privates['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()), true);
  1882.     }
  1883.     /**
  1884.      * Gets the private 'locale_aware_listener' shared service.
  1885.      *
  1886.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener
  1887.      */
  1888.     protected function getLocaleAwareListenerService()
  1889.     {
  1890.         return $this->privates['locale_aware_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  1891.             yield => ($this->privates['translator.default'] ?? $this->getTranslator_DefaultService());
  1892.         }, 1), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())));
  1893.     }
  1894.     /**
  1895.      * Gets the private 'locale_listener' shared service.
  1896.      *
  1897.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener
  1898.      */
  1899.     protected function getLocaleListenerService()
  1900.     {
  1901.         return $this->privates['locale_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), 'sk_SK', ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService()));
  1902.     }
  1903.     /**
  1904.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.console' shared service.
  1905.      *
  1906.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler
  1907.      */
  1908.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService()
  1909.     {
  1910.         $this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler(NULLtrue, [], []);
  1911.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] = new \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor())));
  1912.         return $instance;
  1913.     }
  1914.     /**
  1915.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.main' shared service.
  1916.      *
  1917.      * @return \Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossedHandler
  1918.      */
  1919.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_MainService()
  1920.     {
  1921.         $a = new \Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler((\dirname(__DIR__4).'/log/graphql/dev.log'), 0100trueNULLfalse);
  1922.         $a->pushProcessor(($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] = new \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor())));
  1923.         $a->setFilenameFormat('{filename}-{date}''Y-m-d');
  1924.         return $this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] = new \Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossedHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\GroupHandler([=> $a=> new \Monolog\Handler\DeduplicationHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.swift'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_SwiftService()), ($this->targetDir.''.'/monolog_dedup_922a7b2c3485f2fca0b658c7a9e614d9d914a2f5'), 40060true), => ($this->privates['monolog.handler.console'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_ConsoleService())], true), 5000truetrueNULL);
  1925.     }
  1926.     /**
  1927.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.swift' shared service.
  1928.      *
  1929.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\SwiftMailerHandler
  1930.      */
  1931.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_SwiftService()
  1932.     {
  1933.         $this->privates['monolog.handler.swift'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\SwiftMailerHandler(($this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_Mailer_DefaultService.php')), [=> $this->getMonolog_Handler_Swift_MailMessageFactoryService(), => 'createMessage'], 100true);
  1934.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] ?? ($this->privates['monolog.processor.psr_log_message'] = new \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor())));
  1935.         $instance->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\HtmlFormatter());
  1936.         $instance->setTransport(($this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real'] ?? $this->getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Default_Transport_RealService()));
  1937.         return $instance;
  1938.     }
  1939.     /**
  1940.      * Gets the private 'monolog.handler.swift.mail_message_factory' shared service.
  1941.      *
  1942.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle\SwiftMailer\MessageFactory
  1943.      */
  1944.     protected function getMonolog_Handler_Swift_MailMessageFactoryService($lazyLoad true)
  1945.     {
  1946.         return new \Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle\SwiftMailer\MessageFactory(($this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default'] ?? $this->load('getSwiftmailer_Mailer_DefaultService.php')), $this->getEnv('FROM_EMAIL'), [=> $this->getEnv('DEFAULT_EMAIL_RECIPIENT'), => ''], $this->getEnv('string:PROJECT_DOMAIN').' - graphql - %message%''text/html');
  1947.     }
  1948.     /**
  1949.      * Gets the private 'monolog.logger.cache' shared service.
  1950.      *
  1951.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  1952.      */
  1953.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_CacheService()
  1954.     {
  1955.         $this->privates['monolog.logger.cache'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('cache');
  1956.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  1957.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  1958.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  1959.         return $instance;
  1960.     }
  1961.     /**
  1962.      * Gets the private 'monolog.logger.request' shared service.
  1963.      *
  1964.      * @return \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
  1965.      */
  1966.     protected function getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()
  1967.     {
  1968.         $this->privates['monolog.logger.request'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger('request');
  1969.         $instance->pushProcessor(($this->privates['debug.log_processor'] ?? $this->getDebug_LogProcessorService()));
  1970.         $instance->pushHandler(($this->privates['monolog.handler.main'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Handler_MainService()));
  1971.         \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddDebugLogProcessorPass::configureLogger($instance);
  1972.         return $instance;
  1973.     }
  1974.     /**
  1975.      * Gets the private 'nelmio_cors.cors_listener' shared service.
  1976.      *
  1977.      * @return \Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener
  1978.      */
  1979.     protected function getNelmioCors_CorsListenerService()
  1980.     {
  1981.         return $this->privates['nelmio_cors.cors_listener'] = new \Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener(new \Nelmio\CorsBundle\Options\Resolver([=> new \Nelmio\CorsBundle\Options\ConfigProvider($this->parameters[''], $this->parameters['nelmio_cors.defaults'])]));
  1982.     }
  1983.     /**
  1984.      * Gets the private 'parameter_bag' shared service.
  1985.      *
  1986.      * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag
  1987.      */
  1988.     protected function getParameterBagService()
  1989.     {
  1990.         return $this->privates['parameter_bag'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag($this);
  1991.     }
  1992.     /**
  1993.      * Gets the private 'profiler_listener' shared service.
  1994.      *
  1995.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener
  1996.      */
  1997.     protected function getProfilerListenerService()
  1998.     {
  1999.         return $this->privates['profiler_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener(($this->services['profiler'] ?? $this->getProfilerService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), NULLfalsefalse);
  2000.     }
  2001.     /**
  2002.      * Gets the private 'router.request_context' shared service.
  2003.      *
  2004.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext
  2005.      */
  2006.     protected function getRouter_RequestContextService()
  2007.     {
  2008.         return $this->privates['router.request_context'] = new \Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext('''GET''localhost''http'80443);
  2009.     }
  2010.     /**
  2011.      * Gets the private 'router_listener' shared service.
  2012.      *
  2013.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener
  2014.      */
  2015.     protected function getRouterListenerService()
  2016.     {
  2017.         return $this->privates['router_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener(($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService()), ($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->privates['router.request_context'] ?? $this->getRouter_RequestContextService()), ($this->privates['monolog.logger.request'] ?? $this->getMonolog_Logger_RequestService()), \dirname(__DIR__5), true);
  2018.     }
  2019.     /**
  2020.      * Gets the private 'security.authentication.manager' shared service.
  2021.      *
  2022.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationProviderManager
  2023.      */
  2024.     protected function getSecurity_Authentication_ManagerService()
  2025.     {
  2026.         $this->privates['security.authentication.manager'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationProviderManager(new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  2027.             yield => ($this->privates['security.authentication.provider.guard.graphql'] ?? $this->load('getSecurity_Authentication_Provider_Guard_GraphqlService.php'));
  2028.         }, 1), true);
  2029.         $instance->setEventDispatcher(($this->services['event_dispatcher'] ?? $this->getEventDispatcherService()));
  2030.         return $instance;
  2031.     }
  2032.     /**
  2033.      * Gets the private '' shared service.
  2034.      *
  2035.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallMap
  2036.      */
  2037.     protected function getSecurity_Firewall_MapService()
  2038.     {
  2039.         return $this->privates[''] = new \Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallMap(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  2040.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_DevService.php'true],
  2041.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_GraphqlService.php'true],
  2042.             '' => ['privates''''getSecurity_Firewall_Map_Context_LoginService.php'true],
  2043.         ], [
  2044.             '' => '?',
  2045.             '' => '?',
  2046.             '' => '?',
  2047.         ]), new RewindableGenerator(function () {
  2048.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.Iy.T22O'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.Iy.T22O'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/')));
  2049.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.aOksG4F'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.aOksG4F'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/login')));
  2050.             yield '' => ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.3UEFixr'] ?? ($this->privates['.security.request_matcher.3UEFixr'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher('^/')));
  2051.         }, 3));
  2052.     }
  2053.     /**
  2054.      * Gets the private 'security.logout_url_generator' shared service.
  2055.      *
  2056.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout\LogoutUrlGenerator
  2057.      */
  2058.     protected function getSecurity_LogoutUrlGeneratorService()
  2059.     {
  2060.         return $this->privates['security.logout_url_generator'] = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout\LogoutUrlGenerator(($this->services['request_stack'] ?? ($this->services['request_stack'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack())), ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService()), ($this->services['security.token_storage'] ?? $this->getSecurity_TokenStorageService()));
  2061.     }
  2062.     /**
  2063.      * Gets the private 'session_listener' shared service.
  2064.      *
  2065.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener
  2066.      */
  2067.     protected function getSessionListenerService()
  2068.     {
  2069.         return $this->privates['session_listener'] = new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  2070.             'initialized_session' => ['services''session'NULLtrue],
  2071.             'request_stack' => ['services''request_stack''getRequestStackService'false],
  2072.             'session' => ['services''session''getSessionService.php'true],
  2073.             'session_storage' => ['privates''''getSession_Storage_NativeService.php'true],
  2074.         ], [
  2075.             'initialized_session' => '?',
  2076.             'request_stack' => '?',
  2077.             'session' => '?',
  2078.             'session_storage' => '?',
  2079.         ]));
  2080.     }
  2081.     /**
  2082.      * Gets the private 'translator.default' shared service.
  2083.      *
  2084.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator
  2085.      */
  2086.     protected function getTranslator_DefaultService()
  2087.     {
  2088.         $this->privates['translator.default'] = $instance = new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  2089.             'translation.loader.csv' => ['privates''translation.loader.csv''getTranslation_Loader_CsvService.php'true],
  2090.             'translation.loader.dat' => ['privates''translation.loader.dat''getTranslation_Loader_DatService.php'true],
  2091.             'translation.loader.ini' => ['privates''translation.loader.ini''getTranslation_Loader_IniService.php'true],
  2092.             'translation.loader.json' => ['privates''translation.loader.json''getTranslation_Loader_JsonService.php'true],
  2093.             '' => ['privates''''getTranslation_Loader_MoService.php'true],
  2094.             'translation.loader.php' => ['privates''translation.loader.php''getTranslation_Loader_PhpService.php'true],
  2095.             'translation.loader.po' => ['privates''translation.loader.po''getTranslation_Loader_PoService.php'true],
  2096.             'translation.loader.qt' => ['privates''translation.loader.qt''getTranslation_Loader_QtService.php'true],
  2097.             'translation.loader.res' => ['privates''translation.loader.res''getTranslation_Loader_ResService.php'true],
  2098.             'translation.loader.xliff' => ['privates''translation.loader.xliff''getTranslation_Loader_XliffService.php'true],
  2099.             'translation.loader.yml' => ['privates''translation.loader.yml''getTranslation_Loader_YmlService.php'true],
  2100.         ], [
  2101.             'translation.loader.csv' => '?',
  2102.             'translation.loader.dat' => '?',
  2103.             'translation.loader.ini' => '?',
  2104.             'translation.loader.json' => '?',
  2105.             '' => '?',
  2106.             'translation.loader.php' => '?',
  2107.             'translation.loader.po' => '?',
  2108.             'translation.loader.qt' => '?',
  2109.             'translation.loader.res' => '?',
  2110.             'translation.loader.xliff' => '?',
  2111.             'translation.loader.yml' => '?',
  2112.         ]), new \Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter\MessageFormatter(new \Symfony\Component\Translation\IdentityTranslator()), 'sk_SK', ['translation.loader.php' => [=> 'php'], 'translation.loader.yml' => [=> 'yaml'=> 'yml'], 'translation.loader.xliff' => [=> 'xlf'=> 'xliff'], 'translation.loader.po' => [=> 'po'], '' => [=> 'mo'], 'translation.loader.qt' => [=> 'ts'], 'translation.loader.csv' => [=> 'csv'], 'translation.loader.res' => [=> 'res'], 'translation.loader.dat' => [=> 'dat'], 'translation.loader.ini' => [=> 'ini'], 'translation.loader.json' => [=> 'json']], ['cache_dir' => ($this->targetDir.''.'/translations'), 'debug' => true'resource_files' => ['af' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/')], 'ar' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'az' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'be' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'bg' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'ca' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'cs' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.cs.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.cs.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.cs.xlf')], 'cy' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/')], 'da' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.da.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.da.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.da.xlf')], 'de' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'el' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.el.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.el.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.el.xlf')], 'en' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.en.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.en.xlf')], 'es' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'et' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/')], 'eu' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'fa' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.fa.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.fa.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.fa.xlf')], 'fi' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/')], 'fr' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'gl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'he' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.he.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.he.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.he.xlf')], 'hr' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'hu' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'hy' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.hy.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.hy.xlf')], 'id' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'it' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'ja' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.ja.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.ja.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.ja.xlf')], 'lb' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'lt' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'lv' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'mn' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/')], 'nb' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.nb.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.nb.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.nb.xlf')], 'nl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'nn' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.nn.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.nn.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.nn.xlf')], 'no' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'pl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'pt' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/')], 'pt_BR' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.pt_BR.xlf')], 'ro' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'ru' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'sk' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'sl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'sq' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.sq.xlf')], 'sr_Cyrl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.sr_Cyrl.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.sr_Cyrl.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.sr_Cyrl.xlf')], 'sr_Latn' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.sr_Latn.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.sr_Latn.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.sr_Latn.xlf')], 'sv' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'th' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'tl' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'tr' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'uk' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'vi' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/')], 'zh_CN' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.xlf'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.zh_CN.xlf')], 'zh_TW' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations/validators.zh_TW.xlf')], 'pt_PT' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations/security.pt_PT.xlf')], 'sk_SK' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/KnpPaginatorBundle.sk_SK.yaml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/flashes.sk_SK.yaml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/messages.sk_SK.yaml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/validators.sk_SK.yaml')], 'cs_CZ' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/messages.cs_CZ.yaml'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations/validators.cs_CZ.yaml')]], 'scanned_directories' => [=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bundle/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/monolog-bundle/translations'), => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/src/translations'), 10 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle/translations'), 11 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle/translations'), 12 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/translations'), 13 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/translations'), 14 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphiql-bundle/translations'), 15 => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/nelmio/cors-bundle/translations')], 'cache_vary' => ['scanned_directories' => [=> 'vendor/symfony/validator/Resources/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/form/Resources/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/security-core/Resources/translations'=> 'translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle/translations'=> 'vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/twig-bundle/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/monolog-bundle/translations'=> 'vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/src/translations'10 => 'vendor/knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle/translations'11 => 'vendor/symfony/security-bundle/translations'12 => 'vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/translations'13 => 'vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src/translations'14 => 'vendor/overblog/graphiql-bundle/translations'15 => 'vendor/nelmio/cors-bundle/translations']]]);
  2113.         $instance->setConfigCacheFactory(($this->privates['config_cache_factory'] ?? $this->getConfigCacheFactoryService()));
  2114.         $instance->setFallbackLocales([=> 'sk_SK']);
  2115.         return $instance;
  2116.     }
  2117.     /**
  2118.      * Gets the private 'validator.builder' shared service.
  2119.      *
  2120.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder
  2121.      */
  2122.     protected function getValidator_BuilderService()
  2123.     {
  2124.         $this->privates['validator.builder'] = $instance = \Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation::createValidatorBuilder();
  2125.         $instance->setConstraintValidatorFactory(($this->privates['validator.validator_factory'] ?? $this->getValidator_ValidatorFactoryService()));
  2126.         if ($this->has('translator')) {
  2127.             $instance->setTranslator(($this->services['translator'] ?? $this->getTranslatorService()));
  2128.         }
  2129.         $instance->setTranslationDomain('validators');
  2130.         $instance->addXmlMappings([=> (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/form/Resources/config/validation.xml')]);
  2131.         $instance->enableAnnotationMapping(($this->privates['annotations.cached_reader'] ?? $this->getAnnotations_CachedReaderService()));
  2132.         $instance->addMethodMapping('loadValidatorMetadata');
  2133.         $instance->addObjectInitializers([=> new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineInitializer(($this->services['doctrine'] ?? $this->getDoctrineService()))]);
  2134.         $instance->addLoader(new \Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineLoader(($this->services['doctrine.orm.entity_manager'] ?? $this->getDoctrine_Orm_EntityManagerService()), NULL));
  2135.         return $instance;
  2136.     }
  2137.     /**
  2138.      * Gets the private 'validator.validator_factory' shared service.
  2139.      *
  2140.      * @return \Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory
  2141.      */
  2142.     protected function getValidator_ValidatorFactoryService()
  2143.     {
  2144.         return $this->privates['validator.validator_factory'] = new \Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory(new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator($this->getService, [
  2145.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\ProductTranslationsValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Central\\ProductTranslationsValidator''getProductTranslationsValidatorService.php'true],
  2146.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierBusinessIDValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierBusinessIDValidator''getSupplierBusinessIDValidatorService.php'true],
  2147.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierTaxIDValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierTaxIDValidator''getSupplierTaxIDValidatorService.php'true],
  2148.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierVATValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierVATValidator''getSupplierVATValidatorService.php'true],
  2149.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\TaxUniqueValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Central\\TaxUniqueValidator''getTaxUniqueValidatorService.php'true],
  2150.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\CategoryTranslationsValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Client\\CategoryTranslationsValidator''getCategoryTranslationsValidatorService.php'true],
  2151.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\CustomerCodeValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Client\\CustomerCodeValidator''getCustomerCodeValidatorService.php'true],
  2152.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\PaymentMethodTranslationsValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Client\\PaymentMethodTranslationsValidator''getPaymentMethodTranslationsValidatorService.php'true],
  2153.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreGroupUniqueLocaleValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreGroupUniqueLocaleValidator''getStoreGroupUniqueLocaleValidatorService.php'true],
  2154.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreHeaderStoreTransferValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreHeaderStoreTransferValidator''getStoreHeaderStoreTransferValidatorService.php'true],
  2155.             'App\\Validator\\PhoneNumberRegexValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\PhoneNumberRegexValidator''getPhoneNumberRegexValidatorService.php'true],
  2156.             'App\\Validator\\StringRegexValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\StringRegexValidator''getStringRegexValidatorService.php'true],
  2157.             'App\\Validator\\ZipCodeRegexValidator' => ['privates''App\\Validator\\ZipCodeRegexValidator''getZipCodeRegexValidatorService.php'true],
  2158.             'Eshop\\Validator\\Banner\\BannerValidator' => ['privates''Eshop\\Validator\\Banner\\BannerValidator''getBannerValidatorService.php'true],
  2159.             'Eshop\\Validator\\DiscountCoupon\\DiscountCouponCodeValidator' => ['privates''Eshop\\Validator\\DiscountCoupon\\DiscountCouponCodeValidator''getDiscountCouponCodeValidatorService.php'true],
  2160.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerAddressDeleteValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerAddressDeleteValidator''getCustomerAddressDeleteValidatorService.php'true],
  2161.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerCodeUniqueValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerCodeUniqueValidator''getCustomerCodeUniqueValidatorService.php'true],
  2162.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerDeleteValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerDeleteValidator''getCustomerDeleteValidatorService.php'true],
  2163.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerOrderStateValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerOrderStateValidator''getCustomerOrderStateValidatorService.php'true],
  2164.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeDeleteValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeDeleteValidator''getCustomerTypeDeleteValidatorService.php'true],
  2165.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeUniqueValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeUniqueValidator''getCustomerTypeUniqueValidatorService.php'true],
  2166.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerUsernameUniqueValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerUsernameUniqueValidator''getCustomerUsernameUniqueValidatorService.php'true],
  2167.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Discount\\DiscountDeleteValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Discount\\DiscountDeleteValidator''getDiscountDeleteValidatorService.php'true],
  2168.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CreateOrderDateTimeValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CreateOrderDateTimeValidator''getCreateOrderDateTimeValidatorService.php'true],
  2169.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliveryMethodValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliveryMethodValidator''getCustomerOrderDeliveryMethodValidatorService.php'true],
  2170.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliverySlotValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliverySlotValidator''getCustomerOrderDeliverySlotValidatorService.php'true],
  2171.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\DeleteOrderValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\DeleteOrderValidator''getDeleteOrderValidatorService.php'true],
  2172.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\EditOrderProductsValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\EditOrderProductsValidator''getEditOrderProductsValidatorService.php'true],
  2173.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderProductUniqueProductValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderProductUniqueProductValidator''getOrderProductUniqueProductValidatorService.php'true],
  2174.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderTemporaryValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderTemporaryValidator''getOrderTemporaryValidatorService.php'true],
  2175.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductEuropeanArticleNumberValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductEuropeanArticleNumberValidator''getProductEuropeanArticleNumberValidatorService.php'true],
  2176.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductSupplierValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductSupplierValidator''getProductSupplierValidatorService.php'true],
  2177.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\EditSupplierOrderProductsValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\EditSupplierOrderProductsValidator''getEditSupplierOrderProductsValidatorService.php'true],
  2178.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\SupplierOrderProductUniqueProductValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\SupplierOrderProductUniqueProductValidator''getSupplierOrderProductUniqueProductValidatorService.php'true],
  2179.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Supplier\\SupplierValidator' => ['privates''GraphQL\\Validator\\Supplier\\SupplierValidator''getSupplierValidatorService.php'true],
  2180.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.validator.unique''getDoctrine_Orm_Validator_UniqueService.php'true],
  2181.             'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Validator\\Constraints\\UserPasswordValidator' => ['privates''security.validator.user_password''getSecurity_Validator_UserPasswordService.php'true],
  2182.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\EmailValidator' => ['privates''''getValidator_EmailService.php'true],
  2183.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\ExpressionValidator' => ['privates''validator.expression''getValidator_ExpressionService.php'true],
  2184.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator' => ['privates''validator.not_compromised_password''getValidator_NotCompromisedPasswordService.php'true],
  2185.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique' => ['privates''doctrine.orm.validator.unique''getDoctrine_Orm_Validator_UniqueService.php'true],
  2186.             'security.validator.user_password' => ['privates''security.validator.user_password''getSecurity_Validator_UserPasswordService.php'true],
  2187.             'validator.expression' => ['privates''validator.expression''getValidator_ExpressionService.php'true],
  2188.         ], [
  2189.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\ProductTranslationsValidator' => '?',
  2190.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierBusinessIDValidator' => '?',
  2191.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierTaxIDValidator' => '?',
  2192.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\SupplierVATValidator' => '?',
  2193.             'App\\Validator\\Central\\TaxUniqueValidator' => '?',
  2194.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\CategoryTranslationsValidator' => '?',
  2195.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\CustomerCodeValidator' => '?',
  2196.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\PaymentMethodTranslationsValidator' => '?',
  2197.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreGroupUniqueLocaleValidator' => '?',
  2198.             'App\\Validator\\Client\\StoreHeaderStoreTransferValidator' => '?',
  2199.             'App\\Validator\\PhoneNumberRegexValidator' => '?',
  2200.             'App\\Validator\\StringRegexValidator' => '?',
  2201.             'App\\Validator\\ZipCodeRegexValidator' => '?',
  2202.             'Eshop\\Validator\\Banner\\BannerValidator' => '?',
  2203.             'Eshop\\Validator\\DiscountCoupon\\DiscountCouponCodeValidator' => '?',
  2204.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerAddressDeleteValidator' => '?',
  2205.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerCodeUniqueValidator' => '?',
  2206.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerDeleteValidator' => '?',
  2207.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerOrderStateValidator' => '?',
  2208.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeDeleteValidator' => '?',
  2209.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerTypeUniqueValidator' => '?',
  2210.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Customer\\CustomerUsernameUniqueValidator' => '?',
  2211.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Discount\\DiscountDeleteValidator' => '?',
  2212.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CreateOrderDateTimeValidator' => '?',
  2213.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliveryMethodValidator' => '?',
  2214.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\CustomerOrderDeliverySlotValidator' => '?',
  2215.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\DeleteOrderValidator' => '?',
  2216.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\EditOrderProductsValidator' => '?',
  2217.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderProductUniqueProductValidator' => '?',
  2218.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Order\\OrderTemporaryValidator' => '?',
  2219.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductEuropeanArticleNumberValidator' => '?',
  2220.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Product\\ProductSupplierValidator' => '?',
  2221.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\EditSupplierOrderProductsValidator' => '?',
  2222.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\SupplierOrder\\SupplierOrderProductUniqueProductValidator' => '?',
  2223.             'GraphQL\\Validator\\Supplier\\SupplierValidator' => '?',
  2224.             'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator' => '?',
  2225.             'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Validator\\Constraints\\UserPasswordValidator' => '?',
  2226.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\EmailValidator' => '?',
  2227.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\ExpressionValidator' => '?',
  2228.             'Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator' => '?',
  2229.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique' => '?',
  2230.             'security.validator.user_password' => '?',
  2231.             'validator.expression' => '?',
  2232.         ]));
  2233.     }
  2234.     /**
  2235.      * Gets the private 'web_profiler.csp.handler' shared service.
  2236.      *
  2237.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
  2238.      */
  2239.     protected function getWebProfiler_Csp_HandlerService()
  2240.     {
  2241.         return $this->privates['web_profiler.csp.handler'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\ContentSecurityPolicyHandler(new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp\NonceGenerator());
  2242.     }
  2243.     /**
  2244.      * Gets the private 'web_profiler.debug_toolbar' shared service.
  2245.      *
  2246.      * @return \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener
  2247.      */
  2248.     protected function getWebProfiler_DebugToolbarService()
  2249.     {
  2250.         return $this->privates['web_profiler.debug_toolbar'] = new \Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener(($this->services['twig'] ?? $this->getTwigService()), false2, ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService()), '^/((index|app(_[\\w]+)?)\\.php/)?_wdt', ($this->privates['web_profiler.csp.handler'] ?? $this->getWebProfiler_Csp_HandlerService()));
  2251.     }
  2252.     public function getParameter(string $name)
  2253.     {
  2254.         if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
  2255.             return $this->buildParameters[$name];
  2256.         }
  2257.         if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name$this->parameters))) {
  2258.             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must be defined.'$name));
  2259.         }
  2260.         if (isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name])) {
  2261.             return $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
  2262.         }
  2263.         return $this->parameters[$name];
  2264.     }
  2265.     public function hasParameter(string $name): bool
  2266.     {
  2267.         if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
  2268.             return true;
  2269.         }
  2270.         return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || array_key_exists($name$this->parameters);
  2271.     }
  2272.     public function setParameter(string $name$value): void
  2273.     {
  2274.         throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.');
  2275.     }
  2276.     public function getParameterBag(): ParameterBagInterface
  2277.     {
  2278.         if (null === $this->parameterBag) {
  2279.             $parameters $this->parameters;
  2280.             foreach ($this->loadedDynamicParameters as $name => $loaded) {
  2281.                 $parameters[$name] = $loaded $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
  2282.             }
  2283.             foreach ($this->buildParameters as $name => $value) {
  2284.                 $parameters[$name] = $value;
  2285.             }
  2286.             $this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($parameters);
  2287.         }
  2288.         return $this->parameterBag;
  2289.     }
  2290.     private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
  2291.         'kernel.cache_dir' => false,
  2292.         'from_email' => false,
  2293.         'default_email_recipient' => false,
  2294.         'project_domain' => false,
  2295.         'project_ssl' => false,
  2296.         'kernel.secret' => false,
  2297.         'session.save_path' => false,
  2298.         'validator.mapping.cache.file' => false,
  2299.         '' => false,
  2300.         'debug.container.dump' => false,
  2301.         'doctrine.orm.proxy_dir' => false,
  2302.     ];
  2303.     private $dynamicParameters = [];
  2304.     private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
  2305.     {
  2306.         switch ($name) {
  2307.             case 'kernel.cache_dir'$value $this->targetDir.''; break;
  2308.             case 'from_email'$value $this->getEnv('FROM_EMAIL'); break;
  2309.             case 'default_email_recipient'$value $this->getEnv('DEFAULT_EMAIL_RECIPIENT'); break;
  2310.             case 'project_domain'$value $this->getEnv('PROJECT_DOMAIN'); break;
  2311.             case 'project_ssl'$value $this->getEnv('PROJECT_SSL'); break;
  2312.             case 'kernel.secret'$value $this->getEnv('APP_SECRET'); break;
  2313.             case 'session.save_path'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/sessions'); break;
  2314.             case 'validator.mapping.cache.file'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/validation.php'); break;
  2315.             case ''$value = ('file:'.$this->targetDir.''.'/profiler'); break;
  2316.             case 'debug.container.dump'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/graphqlDevDebugProjectContainer.xml'); break;
  2317.             case 'doctrine.orm.proxy_dir'$value = ($this->targetDir.''.'/doctrine/orm/Proxies'); break;
  2318.             default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The dynamic parameter "%s" must be defined.'$name));
  2319.         }
  2320.         $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;
  2321.         return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;
  2322.     }
  2323.     protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
  2324.     {
  2325.         return [
  2326.             'kernel.project_dir' => \dirname(__DIR__5),
  2327.             'kernel.environment' => 'dev',
  2328.             'kernel.debug' => true,
  2329.             'kernel.logs_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/log/graphql'),
  2330.             'kernel.bundles' => [
  2331.                 'FrameworkBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\FrameworkBundle',
  2332.                 'SwiftmailerBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SwiftmailerBundle\\SwiftmailerBundle',
  2333.                 'DoctrineBundle' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\DoctrineBundle',
  2334.                 'TwigBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigBundle',
  2335.                 'MonologBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MonologBundle\\MonologBundle',
  2336.                 'MakerBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MakerBundle\\MakerBundle',
  2337.                 'KnpGaufretteBundle' => 'Knp\\Bundle\\GaufretteBundle\\KnpGaufretteBundle',
  2338.                 'SecurityBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\SecurityBundle',
  2339.                 'WebProfilerBundle' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\WebProfilerBundle',
  2340.                 'OverblogGraphQLBundle' => 'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle\\OverblogGraphQLBundle',
  2341.                 'OverblogGraphiQLBundle' => 'Overblog\\GraphiQLBundle\\OverblogGraphiQLBundle',
  2342.                 'NelmioCorsBundle' => 'Nelmio\\CorsBundle\\NelmioCorsBundle',
  2343.             ],
  2344.             'kernel.bundles_metadata' => [
  2345.                 'FrameworkBundle' => [
  2346.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle'),
  2347.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle',
  2348.                 ],
  2349.                 'SwiftmailerBundle' => [
  2350.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle'),
  2351.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SwiftmailerBundle',
  2352.                 ],
  2353.                 'DoctrineBundle' => [
  2354.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle'),
  2355.                     'namespace' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle',
  2356.                 ],
  2357.                 'TwigBundle' => [
  2358.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/twig-bundle'),
  2359.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle',
  2360.                 ],
  2361.                 'MonologBundle' => [
  2362.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/monolog-bundle'),
  2363.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MonologBundle',
  2364.                 ],
  2365.                 'MakerBundle' => [
  2366.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/src'),
  2367.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\MakerBundle',
  2368.                 ],
  2369.                 'KnpGaufretteBundle' => [
  2370.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle'),
  2371.                     'namespace' => 'Knp\\Bundle\\GaufretteBundle',
  2372.                 ],
  2373.                 'SecurityBundle' => [
  2374.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/security-bundle'),
  2375.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle',
  2376.                 ],
  2377.                 'WebProfilerBundle' => [
  2378.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle'),
  2379.                     'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle',
  2380.                 ],
  2381.                 'OverblogGraphQLBundle' => [
  2382.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphql-bundle/src'),
  2383.                     'namespace' => 'Overblog\\GraphQLBundle',
  2384.                 ],
  2385.                 'OverblogGraphiQLBundle' => [
  2386.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/overblog/graphiql-bundle'),
  2387.                     'namespace' => 'Overblog\\GraphiQLBundle',
  2388.                 ],
  2389.                 'NelmioCorsBundle' => [
  2390.                     'path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/vendor/nelmio/cors-bundle'),
  2391.                     'namespace' => 'Nelmio\\CorsBundle',
  2392.                 ],
  2393.             ],
  2394.             'kernel.charset' => 'UTF-8',
  2395.             'kernel.container_class' => 'graphqlDevDebugProjectContainer',
  2396.             'container.dumper.inline_class_loader' => true,
  2397.             '' => 'graphql',
  2398.             'doctrine.class' => 'App\\Doctrine\\Registry',
  2399.             'locale' => 'sk_SK',
  2400.             'storage_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/storage'),
  2401.             'storage_image_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/storage/image'),
  2402.             'storage_custom_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/storage/custom'),
  2403.             'logger_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/logger'),
  2404.             'machine_learning_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/machine_learning'),
  2405.             'import_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/import'),
  2406.             'brandbank_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/brandbank'),
  2407.             'azure_futuresales' => 'u5gHh20eeVdpnAfux4GqPsW4qNCSSBAA',
  2408.             'python_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/python'),
  2409.             'keys_dir' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/keys'),
  2410.             'event_dispatcher.event_aliases' => [
  2411.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleCommandEvent' => 'console.command',
  2412.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleErrorEvent' => 'console.error',
  2413.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Event\\ConsoleTerminateEvent' => 'console.terminate',
  2414.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PreSubmitEvent' => 'form.pre_submit',
  2415.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\SubmitEvent' => 'form.submit',
  2416.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PostSubmitEvent' => 'form.post_submit',
  2417.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PreSetDataEvent' => 'form.pre_set_data',
  2418.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Event\\PostSetDataEvent' => 'form.post_set_data',
  2419.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ControllerArgumentsEvent' => 'kernel.controller_arguments',
  2420.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ControllerEvent' => 'kernel.controller',
  2421.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ResponseEvent' => 'kernel.response',
  2422.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\FinishRequestEvent' => 'kernel.finish_request',
  2423.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\RequestEvent' => 'kernel.request',
  2424.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ViewEvent' => 'kernel.view',
  2425.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\ExceptionEvent' => 'kernel.exception',
  2426.                 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Event\\TerminateEvent' => 'kernel.terminate',
  2427.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\GuardEvent' => 'workflow.guard',
  2428.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\LeaveEvent' => 'workflow.leave',
  2429.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\TransitionEvent' => 'workflow.transition',
  2430.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\EnterEvent' => 'workflow.enter',
  2431.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\EnteredEvent' => 'workflow.entered',
  2432.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\CompletedEvent' => 'workflow.completed',
  2433.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\AnnounceEvent' => 'workflow.announce',
  2434.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Event\\AuthenticationSuccessEvent' => 'security.authentication.success',
  2435.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Event\\AuthenticationFailureEvent' => 'security.authentication.failure',
  2436.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\InteractiveLoginEvent' => 'security.interactive_login',
  2437.                 'Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Event\\SwitchUserEvent' => 'security.switch_user',
  2438.             ],
  2439.             'fragment.renderer.hinclude.global_template' => '',
  2440.             'fragment.path' => '/_fragment',
  2441.             'kernel.http_method_override' => true,
  2442.             'kernel.trusted_hosts' => [
  2443.             ],
  2444.             'kernel.default_locale' => 'sk_SK',
  2445.             'kernel.error_controller' => 'error_controller',
  2446.             'debug.file_link_format' => NULL,
  2447.             'session.metadata.storage_key' => '_sf2_meta',
  2448.             '' => [
  2449.                 'cache_limiter' => '0',
  2450.                 'cookie_secure' => 'auto',
  2451.                 'cookie_httponly' => true,
  2452.                 'cookie_samesite' => 'lax',
  2453.                 'gc_probability' => 1,
  2454.             ],
  2455.             'session.metadata.update_threshold' => 0,
  2456.             'form.type_extension.csrf.enabled' => false,
  2457.             'asset.request_context.base_path' => '',
  2458.             '' => false,
  2459.             'validator.translation_domain' => 'validators',
  2460.             'translator.logging' => false,
  2461.             'translator.default_path' => (\dirname(__DIR__5).'/translations'),
  2462.             'profiler_listener.only_exceptions' => false,
  2463.             'profiler_listener.only_master_requests' => false,
  2464.             'debug.error_handler.throw_at' => -1,
  2465.             '' => 'localhost',
  2466.             'router.request_context.scheme' => 'http',
  2467.             'router.request_context.base_url' => '',
  2468.             'router.resource' => 'kernel::loadRoutes',
  2469.             'request_listener.http_port' => 80,
  2470.             'request_listener.https_port' => 443,
  2471.             '' => 'dynamic',
  2472.             'swiftmailer.spool.default.file.path' => (\dirname(__DIR__4).'/spool/default'),
  2473.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default.spool.enabled' => true,
  2474.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default.plugin.impersonate' => NULL,
  2475.             'swiftmailer.mailer.default.single_address' => NULL,
  2476.             '' => true,
  2477.             'swiftmailer.spool.enabled' => true,
  2478.             '' => true,
  2479.             'swiftmailer.single_address' => NULL,
  2480.             'swiftmailer.mailers' => [
  2481.                 'default' => 'swiftmailer.mailer.default',
  2482.             ],
  2483.             'swiftmailer.default_mailer' => 'default',
  2484.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Logging\\LoggerChain',
  2485.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Logging\\DebugStack',
  2486.             'doctrine.dbal.logger.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Logger\\DbalLogger',
  2487.             'doctrine.dbal.configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Configuration',
  2488.             'doctrine.data_collector.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\DataCollector\\DoctrineDataCollector',
  2489.             'doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\ContainerAwareEventManager',
  2490.             'doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\ConnectionFactory',
  2491.             '' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Event\\Listeners\\MysqlSessionInit',
  2492.             '' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Event\\Listeners\\OracleSessionInit',
  2493.             'doctrine.entity_managers' => [
  2494.                 'default' => 'doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager',
  2495.             ],
  2496.             'doctrine.default_entity_manager' => 'default',
  2497.             'doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.types' => [
  2498.             ],
  2499.             'doctrine.connections' => [
  2500.                 'default' => 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection',
  2501.             ],
  2502.             'doctrine.default_connection' => 'default',
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  2504.             'doctrine.orm.entity_manager.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager',
  2505.             'doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\ManagerConfigurator',
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  2509.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_host' => 'localhost',
  2510.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_port' => 11211,
  2511.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcache_instance.class' => 'Memcache',
  2512.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\MemcachedCache',
  2513.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_host' => 'localhost',
  2514.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_port' => 11211,
  2515.             'doctrine.orm.cache.memcached_instance.class' => 'Memcached',
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  2517.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_host' => 'localhost',
  2518.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_port' => 6379,
  2519.             'doctrine.orm.cache.redis_instance.class' => 'Redis',
  2520.             'doctrine.orm.cache.xcache.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\XcacheCache',
  2521.             'doctrine.orm.cache.wincache.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\WinCacheCache',
  2522.             'doctrine.orm.cache.zenddata.class' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ZendDataCache',
  2523.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.driver_chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\Persistence\\Mapping\\Driver\\MappingDriverChain',
  2524.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.annotation.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\AnnotationDriver',
  2525.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.xml.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\SimplifiedXmlDriver',
  2526.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.yml.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\SimplifiedYamlDriver',
  2527.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.php.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\PHPDriver',
  2528.             'doctrine.orm.metadata.staticphp.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\StaticPHPDriver',
  2529.             'doctrine.orm.proxy_cache_warmer.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\CacheWarmer\\ProxyCacheWarmer',
  2530.             'form.type_guesser.doctrine.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Form\\DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser',
  2531.             'doctrine.orm.validator.unique.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Constraints\\UniqueEntityValidator',
  2532.             'doctrine.orm.validator_initializer.class' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\DoctrineInitializer',
  2533.             '' => 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Security\\User\\EntityUserProvider',
  2534.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Tools\\ResolveTargetEntityListener',
  2535.             'doctrine.orm.listeners.attach_entity_listeners.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Tools\\AttachEntityListenersListener',
  2536.             'doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\DefaultNamingStrategy',
  2537.             'doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\UnderscoreNamingStrategy',
  2538.             'doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\DefaultQuoteStrategy',
  2539.             'doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.ansi.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\AnsiQuoteStrategy',
  2540.             'doctrine.orm.entity_listener_resolver.class' => 'Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Mapping\\ContainerEntityListenerResolver',
  2541.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.default_cache_factory.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\DefaultCacheFactory',
  2542.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.default_region.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Region\\DefaultRegion',
  2543.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.filelock_region.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Region\\FileLockRegion',
  2544.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.logger_chain.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Logging\\CacheLoggerChain',
  2545.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.logger_statistics.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\Logging\\StatisticsCacheLogger',
  2546.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.cache_configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\CacheConfiguration',
  2547.             'doctrine.orm.second_level_cache.regions_configuration.class' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Cache\\RegionsConfiguration',
  2548.             'doctrine.orm.auto_generate_proxy_classes' => true,
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  2551.                 => 'form_div_layout.html.twig',
  2552.             ],
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  2554.             'monolog.use_microseconds' => true,
  2555.             'monolog.swift_mailer.handlers' => [
  2556.                 => 'monolog.handler.swift',
  2557.             ],
  2558.             'monolog.handlers_to_channels' => [
  2559.                 'monolog.handler.main' => NULL,
  2560.             ],
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  2563.             ],
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  2576.                     ],
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  2583.                                 ],
  2584.                             ],
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  2588.                                 ],
  2589.                             ],
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  2593.                                 ],
  2594.                             ],
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  2598.                                 ],
  2599.                             ],
  2600.                         ],
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  2603.                         ],
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  2605.                         ],
  2606.                     ],
  2607.                 ],
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  2611.                     'inherits' => [
  2612.                     ],
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  2620.                                 ],
  2621.                             ],
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  2623.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  2626.                                 ],
  2627.                             ],
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  2629.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2630.                                 'description' => 'Tax rate of product',
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  2632.                                 ],
  2633.                             ],
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  2635.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2636.                                 'description' => 'Description of product',
  2637.                                 'args' => [
  2638.                                 ],
  2639.                             ],
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  2641.                                 'type' => '[ProductStore]!',
  2642.                                 'description' => 'List of stores where is product',
  2643.                                 'args' => [
  2644.                                     'storeGroup' => [
  2645.                                         'type' => 'StoreStoreGroupFilter',
  2646.                                     ],
  2647.                                 ],
  2648.                             ],
  2649.                             'storeGroups' => [
  2650.                                 'type' => '[ProductStoreGroup]!',
  2651.                                 'description' => 'List of store groups where is product',
  2652.                                 'args' => [
  2653.                                 ],
  2654.                             ],
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  2656.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  2657.                                 'description' => 'Is product returnable packaging',
  2658.                                 'args' => [
  2659.                                 ],
  2660.                             ],
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  2662.                                 'type' => '[Product]!',
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  2664.                                 'args' => [
  2665.                                 ],
  2666.                             ],
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  2668.                                 'type' => '[ProductContainers]',
  2669.                                 'description' => 'Returnable packaging with quantity for the product',
  2670.                                 'args' => [
  2671.                                 ],
  2672.                             ],
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  2674.                                 'type' => '[ProductTranslation!]!',
  2675.                                 'description' => 'Translations for the product',
  2676.                                 'args' => [
  2677.                                     'locales' => [
  2678.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  2679.                                     ],
  2680.                                 ],
  2681.                             ],
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  2686.                                 'args' => [
  2687.                                 ],
  2688.                             ],
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  2690.                                 'type' => '[ProductTax]',
  2691.                                 'description' => 'Taxes of product',
  2692.                                 'args' => [
  2693.                                     'locales' => [
  2694.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  2695.                                     ],
  2696.                                 ],
  2697.                             ],
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  2700.                                 'args' => [
  2701.                                 ],
  2702.                             ],
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  2704.                                 'type' => 'Category',
  2705.                                 'description' => 'Category of product',
  2706.                                 'args' => [
  2707.                                 ],
  2708.                             ],
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  2710.                                 'type' => 'EshopCategory',
  2711.                                 'description' => 'Eshop category of product',
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  2713.                                 ],
  2714.                             ],
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  2720.                                         'type' => 'EuropeanArticleNumberQuantity',
  2721.                                     ],
  2722.                                 ],
  2723.                             ],
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  2727.                                 ],
  2728.                             ],
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  2732.                                 ],
  2733.                             ],
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  2735.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
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  2738.                                 ],
  2739.                             ],
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  2744.                                 ],
  2745.                             ],
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  2749.                                 ],
  2750.                             ],
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  2752.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
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  2754.                                 ],
  2755.                             ],
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  2760.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  2761.                                     ],
  2762.                                 ],
  2763.                             ],
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  2767.                                 ],
  2768.                             ],
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  2772.                                 ],
  2773.                             ],
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  2775.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  2776.                                 'description' => 'JSON import data',
  2777.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'importConfiguration\', [value])',
  2778.                                 'args' => [
  2779.                                 ],
  2780.                             ],
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  2782.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2783.                                 'description' => 'UID of product from import',
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  2785.                                 'args' => [
  2786.                                 ],
  2787.                             ],
  2788.                         ],
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  2791.                         ],
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  2793.                         ],
  2794.                     ],
  2795.                 ],
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  2798.                     'class_name' => 'UnitTypeType',
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  2800.                     ],
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  2807.                                 ],
  2808.                             ],
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  2812.                                 ],
  2813.                             ],
  2814.                         ],
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  2817.                         ],
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  2819.                         ],
  2820.                     ],
  2821.                 ],
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  2826.                     ],
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  2830.                             'name' => [
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  2833.                                 ],
  2834.                             ],
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  2838.                                 ],
  2839.                             ],
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  2843.                                 ],
  2844.                             ],
  2845.                         ],
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  2847.                         'builders' => [
  2848.                         ],
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  2850.                         ],
  2851.                     ],
  2852.                 ],
  2853.                 'ProductSupplier' => [
  2854.                     'type' => 'object',
  2855.                     'class_name' => 'ProductSupplierType',
  2856.                     'inherits' => [
  2857.                     ],
  2858.                     'decorator' => false,
  2859.                     'config' => [
  2860.                         'fields' => [
  2861.                             'uid' => [
  2862.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2863.                                 'args' => [
  2864.                                 ],
  2865.                             ],
  2866.                             'name' => [
  2867.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  2868.                                 'args' => [
  2869.                                 ],
  2870.                             ],
  2871.                             'code' => [
  2872.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2873.                                 'args' => [
  2874.                                 ],
  2875.                             ],
  2876.                             'id' => [
  2877.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  2878.                                 'args' => [
  2879.                                 ],
  2880.                             ],
  2881.                         ],
  2882.                         'name' => 'ProductSupplier',
  2883.                         'builders' => [
  2884.                         ],
  2885.                         'interfaces' => [
  2886.                         ],
  2887.                     ],
  2888.                 ],
  2889.                 'ProductStoreGroup' => [
  2890.                     'type' => 'object',
  2891.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreGroupType',
  2892.                     'inherits' => [
  2893.                     ],
  2894.                     'decorator' => false,
  2895.                     'config' => [
  2896.                         'fields' => [
  2897.                             'id' => [
  2898.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  2899.                                 'description' => 'ID of store group',
  2900.                                 'args' => [
  2901.                                 ],
  2902.                             ],
  2903.                             'name' => [
  2904.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2905.                                 'description' => 'Name of store group',
  2906.                                 'args' => [
  2907.                                 ],
  2908.                             ],
  2909.                             'assortment' => [
  2910.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2911.                                 'args' => [
  2912.                                 ],
  2913.                             ],
  2914.                             'supplier' => [
  2915.                                 'type' => 'Supplier',
  2916.                                 'args' => [
  2917.                                 ],
  2918.                             ],
  2919.                         ],
  2920.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreGroup',
  2921.                         'builders' => [
  2922.                         ],
  2923.                         'interfaces' => [
  2924.                         ],
  2925.                     ],
  2926.                 ],
  2927.                 'ProductStore' => [
  2928.                     'type' => 'object',
  2929.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreType',
  2930.                     'inherits' => [
  2931.                     ],
  2932.                     'decorator' => false,
  2933.                     'config' => [
  2934.                         'fields' => [
  2935.                             'id' => [
  2936.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  2937.                                 'description' => 'ID of store',
  2938.                                 'args' => [
  2939.                                 ],
  2940.                             ],
  2941.                             'name' => [
  2942.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2943.                                 'description' => 'Name of store',
  2944.                                 'args' => [
  2945.                                 ],
  2946.                             ],
  2947.                             'sellPrice' => [
  2948.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2949.                                 'description' => 'Current sell price for store',
  2950.                                 'args' => [
  2951.                                 ],
  2952.                             ],
  2953.                             'discountPrice' => [
  2954.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2955.                                 'args' => [
  2956.                                 ],
  2957.                             ],
  2958.                             'assortment' => [
  2959.                                 'type' => 'String',
  2960.                                 'args' => [
  2961.                                 ],
  2962.                             ],
  2963.                             'buyPriceWithTax' => [
  2964.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2965.                                 'args' => [
  2966.                                 ],
  2967.                             ],
  2968.                             'buyPriceWithoutTax' => [
  2969.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2970.                                 'args' => [
  2971.                                 ],
  2972.                             ],
  2973.                             'quantity' => [
  2974.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2975.                                 'description' => 'Number of pieces in the store',
  2976.                                 'args' => [
  2977.                                 ],
  2978.                             ],
  2979.                             'userInventory' => [
  2980.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2981.                                 'args' => [
  2982.                                 ],
  2983.                             ],
  2984.                             'shelfCapacity' => [
  2985.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  2986.                                 'args' => [
  2987.                                 ],
  2988.                             ],
  2989.                             'changeAt' => [
  2990.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  2991.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'changeAt\', [value])',
  2992.                                 'args' => [
  2993.                                 ],
  2994.                             ],
  2995.                             'discounts' => [
  2996.                                 'type' => '[DiscountItem!]!',
  2997.                                 'args' => [
  2998.                                 ],
  2999.                             ],
  3000.                             'supplier' => [
  3001.                                 'type' => 'Supplier',
  3002.                                 'args' => [
  3003.                                 ],
  3004.                             ],
  3005.                             'product' => [
  3006.                                 'type' => 'Product',
  3007.                                 'args' => [
  3008.                                 ],
  3009.                             ],
  3010.                             'lastInventory' => [
  3011.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  3012.                                 'args' => [
  3013.                                 ],
  3014.                             ],
  3015.                             'thirtyDayLowPrice' => [
  3016.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3017.                                 'args' => [
  3018.                                 ],
  3019.                             ],
  3020.                         ],
  3021.                         'name' => 'ProductStore',
  3022.                         'builders' => [
  3023.                         ],
  3024.                         'interfaces' => [
  3025.                         ],
  3026.                     ],
  3027.                 ],
  3028.                 'ProductSupplierFilter' => [
  3029.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3030.                     'class_name' => 'ProductSupplierFilterType',
  3031.                     'inherits' => [
  3032.                     ],
  3033.                     'decorator' => false,
  3034.                     'config' => [
  3035.                         'fields' => [
  3036.                             'uids' => [
  3037.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  3038.                                 'validation' => [
  3039.                                     'constraints' => [
  3040.                                         => [
  3041.                                             'Count' => [
  3042.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3043.                                             ],
  3044.                                         ],
  3045.                                     ],
  3046.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3047.                                 ],
  3048.                             ],
  3049.                             'ids' => [
  3050.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  3051.                                 'validation' => [
  3052.                                     'constraints' => [
  3053.                                         => [
  3054.                                             'Count' => [
  3055.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3056.                                             ],
  3057.                                         ],
  3058.                                     ],
  3059.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3060.                                 ],
  3061.                             ],
  3062.                             'search' => [
  3063.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3064.                             ],
  3065.                         ],
  3066.                         'name' => 'ProductSupplierFilter',
  3067.                     ],
  3068.                 ],
  3069.                 'ProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilter' => [
  3070.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3071.                     'class_name' => 'ProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilterType',
  3072.                     'inherits' => [
  3073.                     ],
  3074.                     'decorator' => false,
  3075.                     'config' => [
  3076.                         'fields' => [
  3077.                             'numbers' => [
  3078.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  3079.                                 'validation' => [
  3080.                                     'constraints' => [
  3081.                                         => [
  3082.                                             'Count' => [
  3083.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3084.                                             ],
  3085.                                         ],
  3086.                                     ],
  3087.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3088.                                 ],
  3089.                             ],
  3090.                         ],
  3091.                         'name' => 'ProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilter',
  3092.                     ],
  3093.                 ],
  3094.                 'ProductStoreFilter' => [
  3095.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3096.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreFilterType',
  3097.                     'inherits' => [
  3098.                     ],
  3099.                     'decorator' => false,
  3100.                     'config' => [
  3101.                         'fields' => [
  3102.                             'ids' => [
  3103.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  3104.                                 'description' => 'Filter by stores ID',
  3105.                                 'validation' => [
  3106.                                     'constraints' => [
  3107.                                         => [
  3108.                                             'Count' => [
  3109.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3110.                                             ],
  3111.                                         ],
  3112.                                     ],
  3113.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3114.                                 ],
  3115.                             ],
  3116.                             'assortment' => [
  3117.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3118.                                 'description' => 'Filter only products included in the assortment',
  3119.                             ],
  3120.                             'sellPrice' => [
  3121.                                 'type' => 'ProductPrice',
  3122.                                 'description' => 'Filter product price for store',
  3123.                             ],
  3124.                             'discount' => [
  3125.                                 'type' => 'ProductStoreDiscountFilter',
  3126.                             ],
  3127.                         ],
  3128.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreFilter',
  3129.                     ],
  3130.                 ],
  3131.                 'ProductStoreGroupFilter' => [
  3132.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3133.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreGroupFilterType',
  3134.                     'inherits' => [
  3135.                     ],
  3136.                     'decorator' => false,
  3137.                     'config' => [
  3138.                         'fields' => [
  3139.                             'ids' => [
  3140.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  3141.                                 'description' => 'Filter by store groups ID',
  3142.                                 'validation' => [
  3143.                                     'constraints' => [
  3144.                                         => [
  3145.                                             'Count' => [
  3146.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3147.                                             ],
  3148.                                         ],
  3149.                                     ],
  3150.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3151.                                 ],
  3152.                             ],
  3153.                             'assortment' => [
  3154.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3155.                                 'description' => 'Filter only products included in the assortment',
  3156.                             ],
  3157.                         ],
  3158.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreGroupFilter',
  3159.                     ],
  3160.                 ],
  3161.                 'ProductPrice' => [
  3162.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3163.                     'class_name' => 'ProductPriceType',
  3164.                     'inherits' => [
  3165.                     ],
  3166.                     'decorator' => false,
  3167.                     'config' => [
  3168.                         'fields' => [
  3169.                             'eq' => [
  3170.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3171.                                 'description' => 'Equal',
  3172.                             ],
  3173.                             'gt' => [
  3174.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3175.                                 'description' => 'Greater than',
  3176.                             ],
  3177.                             'lw' => [
  3178.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3179.                                 'description' => 'Lower than',
  3180.                             ],
  3181.                             'neq' => [
  3182.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3183.                                 'description' => 'Not equal',
  3184.                             ],
  3185.                         ],
  3186.                         'name' => 'ProductPrice',
  3187.                     ],
  3188.                 ],
  3189.                 'ProductTax' => [
  3190.                     'type' => 'object',
  3191.                     'class_name' => 'ProductTaxType',
  3192.                     'inherits' => [
  3193.                     ],
  3194.                     'decorator' => false,
  3195.                     'config' => [
  3196.                         'fields' => [
  3197.                             'id' => [
  3198.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3199.                                 'description' => 'ID of product tax',
  3200.                                 'args' => [
  3201.                                 ],
  3202.                             ],
  3203.                             'locale' => [
  3204.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3205.                                 'description' => 'Locale of product tax',
  3206.                                 'args' => [
  3207.                                 ],
  3208.                             ],
  3209.                             'percent' => [
  3210.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3211.                                 'description' => 'Percent of product tax',
  3212.                                 'args' => [
  3213.                                 ],
  3214.                             ],
  3215.                             'vatReverseCharge' => [
  3216.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3217.                                 'description' => 'Transferred tax liability',
  3218.                                 'args' => [
  3219.                                 ],
  3220.                             ],
  3221.                         ],
  3222.                         'name' => 'ProductTax',
  3223.                         'builders' => [
  3224.                         ],
  3225.                         'interfaces' => [
  3226.                         ],
  3227.                     ],
  3228.                 ],
  3229.                 'ProductVariable' => [
  3230.                     'type' => 'object',
  3231.                     'class_name' => 'ProductVariableType',
  3232.                     'inherits' => [
  3233.                     ],
  3234.                     'decorator' => false,
  3235.                     'config' => [
  3236.                         'fields' => [
  3237.                             'id' => [
  3238.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3239.                                 'description' => 'ID of product variable',
  3240.                                 'args' => [
  3241.                                 ],
  3242.                             ],
  3243.                             'quantity' => [
  3244.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3245.                                 'description' => 'What part of the whole product is the given variant',
  3246.                                 'args' => [
  3247.                                 ],
  3248.                             ],
  3249.                             'percentagePrice' => [
  3250.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3251.                                 'description' => 'What % of the original price costs the given variant',
  3252.                                 'args' => [
  3253.                                 ],
  3254.                             ],
  3255.                             'isPiece' => [
  3256.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  3257.                                 'description' => 'Is the given variant a piece',
  3258.                                 'args' => [
  3259.                                 ],
  3260.                             ],
  3261.                         ],
  3262.                         'name' => 'ProductVariable',
  3263.                         'builders' => [
  3264.                         ],
  3265.                         'interfaces' => [
  3266.                         ],
  3267.                     ],
  3268.                 ],
  3269.                 'ProductLocaleRestriction' => [
  3270.                     'type' => 'object',
  3271.                     'class_name' => 'ProductLocaleRestrictionType',
  3272.                     'inherits' => [
  3273.                     ],
  3274.                     'decorator' => false,
  3275.                     'config' => [
  3276.                         'fields' => [
  3277.                             'id' => [
  3278.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3279.                                 'args' => [
  3280.                                 ],
  3281.                             ],
  3282.                             'locale' => [
  3283.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3284.                                 'args' => [
  3285.                                 ],
  3286.                             ],
  3287.                             'minimumAge' => [
  3288.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3289.                                 'args' => [
  3290.                                 ],
  3291.                             ],
  3292.                         ],
  3293.                         'name' => 'ProductLocaleRestriction',
  3294.                         'builders' => [
  3295.                         ],
  3296.                         'interfaces' => [
  3297.                         ],
  3298.                     ],
  3299.                 ],
  3300.                 'ProductPackage' => [
  3301.                     'type' => 'object',
  3302.                     'class_name' => 'ProductPackageType',
  3303.                     'inherits' => [
  3304.                     ],
  3305.                     'decorator' => false,
  3306.                     'config' => [
  3307.                         'fields' => [
  3308.                             'id' => [
  3309.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3310.                                 'args' => [
  3311.                                 ],
  3312.                             ],
  3313.                             'quantity' => [
  3314.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3315.                                 'args' => [
  3316.                                 ],
  3317.                             ],
  3318.                         ],
  3319.                         'name' => 'ProductPackage',
  3320.                         'builders' => [
  3321.                         ],
  3322.                         'interfaces' => [
  3323.                         ],
  3324.                     ],
  3325.                 ],
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  3328.                     'class_name' => 'ProductPackageInputType',
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  3330.                     ],
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  3335.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3336.                             ],
  3337.                         ],
  3338.                         'name' => 'ProductPackageInput',
  3339.                     ],
  3340.                 ],
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  3342.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3343.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreDiscountFilterType',
  3344.                     'inherits' => [
  3345.                     ],
  3346.                     'decorator' => false,
  3347.                     'config' => [
  3348.                         'fields' => [
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  3350.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3351.                             ],
  3352.                             'deleted' => [
  3353.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3354.                             ],
  3355.                             'validTo' => [
  3356.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3357.                             ],
  3358.                             'userConfirmable' => [
  3359.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3360.                             ],
  3361.                             'type' => [
  3362.                                 'type' => 'DiscountItemType',
  3363.                             ],
  3364.                         ],
  3365.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreDiscountFilter',
  3366.                     ],
  3367.                 ],
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  3370.                     'class_name' => 'ProductEditInputType',
  3371.                     'inherits' => [
  3372.                     ],
  3373.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3377.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3378.                             ],
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  3380.                                 'type' => '[ProductSupplierInput!]',
  3381.                             ],
  3382.                             'stores' => [
  3383.                                 'type' => '[ProductStoreInput!]',
  3384.                             ],
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  3386.                                 'type' => '[ProductStoreGroupInput!]',
  3387.                             ],
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  3389.                                 'type' => '[EditProductTranslationInput!]',
  3390.                             ],
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  3392.                                 'type' => '[EditProductTaxInput!]',
  3393.                             ],
  3394.                         ],
  3395.                         'name' => 'ProductEditInput',
  3396.                     ],
  3397.                 ],
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  3400.                     'class_name' => 'ProductSupplierInputType',
  3401.                     'inherits' => [
  3402.                     ],
  3403.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3407.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3408.                             ],
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  3410.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3411.                             ],
  3412.                         ],
  3413.                         'name' => 'ProductSupplierInput',
  3414.                     ],
  3415.                 ],
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  3420.                     ],
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  3426.                             ],
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  3428.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3429.                             ],
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  3431.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3432.                             ],
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  3434.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3435.                             ],
  3436.                         ],
  3437.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreInput',
  3438.                     ],
  3439.                 ],
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  3443.                     'inherits' => [
  3444.                     ],
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  3450.                             ],
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  3452.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3453.                             ],
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  3455.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3456.                             ],
  3457.                         ],
  3458.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreGroupInput',
  3459.                     ],
  3460.                 ],
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  3463.                     'class_name' => 'CreateProductInputType',
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  3465.                     ],
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  3471.                             ],
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  3473.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  3474.                             ],
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  3476.                                 'type' => '[CreateProductTranslationInput!]!',
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  3478.                                     'constraints' => [
  3479.                                         => [
  3480.                                             'Count' => [
  3481.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3482.                                             ],
  3483.                                         ],
  3484.                                     ],
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  3486.                                 ],
  3487.                             ],
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  3489.                                 'type' => '[CreateProductTaxInput!]!',
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  3491.                                     'constraints' => [
  3492.                                         => [
  3493.                                             'Count' => [
  3494.                                                 'min' => 1,
  3495.                                             ],
  3496.                                         ],
  3497.                                     ],
  3498.                                     'link' => NULL,
  3499.                                 ],
  3500.                             ],
  3501.                             'containersIDs' => [
  3502.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  3503.                             ],
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  3505.                                 'type' => '[CreateProductImage!]',
  3506.                             ],
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  3508.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3509.                             ],
  3510.                             'europeanArticleNumbers' => [
  3511.                                 'type' => '[CreateEuropeanArticleNumberInput!]',
  3512.                             ],
  3513.                             'unitType' => [
  3514.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3515.                             ],
  3516.                             'unitSize' => [
  3517.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3518.                             ],
  3519.                             'alcohol' => [
  3520.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3521.                             ],
  3522.                             'isCigarette' => [
  3523.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  3524.                             ],
  3525.                         ],
  3526.                         'name' => 'CreateProductInput',
  3527.                     ],
  3528.                 ],
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  3530.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3531.                     'class_name' => 'CreateProductImageType',
  3532.                     'inherits' => [
  3533.                     ],
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  3538.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  3539.                             ],
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  3541.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3542.                             ],
  3543.                         ],
  3544.                         'name' => 'CreateProductImage',
  3545.                     ],
  3546.                 ],
  3547.                 'CreateProductTranslationInput' => [
  3548.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3549.                     'class_name' => 'CreateProductTranslationInputType',
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  3551.                     ],
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  3556.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3557.                             ],
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  3559.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3560.                             ],
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  3562.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3563.                             ],
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  3565.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3566.                             ],
  3567.                         ],
  3568.                         'name' => 'CreateProductTranslationInput',
  3569.                     ],
  3570.                 ],
  3571.                 'EditProductTranslationInput' => [
  3572.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3573.                     'class_name' => 'EditProductTranslationInputType',
  3574.                     'inherits' => [
  3575.                     ],
  3576.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3578.                         'fields' => [
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  3580.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3581.                             ],
  3582.                             'name' => [
  3583.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3584.                             ],
  3585.                             'shortDescription' => [
  3586.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3587.                             ],
  3588.                             'description' => [
  3589.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3590.                             ],
  3591.                         ],
  3592.                         'name' => 'EditProductTranslationInput',
  3593.                     ],
  3594.                 ],
  3595.                 'CreateProductTaxInput' => [
  3596.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3597.                     'class_name' => 'CreateProductTaxInputType',
  3598.                     'inherits' => [
  3599.                     ],
  3600.                     'decorator' => false,
  3601.                     'config' => [
  3602.                         'fields' => [
  3603.                             'locale' => [
  3604.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3605.                             ],
  3606.                             'percent' => [
  3607.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3608.                             ],
  3609.                             'isVatReverseCharge' => [
  3610.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  3611.                             ],
  3612.                         ],
  3613.                         'name' => 'CreateProductTaxInput',
  3614.                     ],
  3615.                 ],
  3616.                 'EditProductTaxInput' => [
  3617.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3618.                     'class_name' => 'EditProductTaxInputType',
  3619.                     'inherits' => [
  3620.                     ],
  3621.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3625.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3626.                             ],
  3627.                             'percent' => [
  3628.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3629.                             ],
  3630.                             'isVatReverseCharge' => [
  3631.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  3632.                             ],
  3633.                         ],
  3634.                         'name' => 'EditProductTaxInput',
  3635.                     ],
  3636.                 ],
  3637.                 'CreateEuropeanArticleNumberInput' => [
  3638.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3639.                     'class_name' => 'CreateEuropeanArticleNumberInputType',
  3640.                     'inherits' => [
  3641.                     ],
  3642.                     'decorator' => false,
  3643.                     'config' => [
  3644.                         'fields' => [
  3645.                             'quantity' => [
  3646.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  3647.                             ],
  3648.                             'number' => [
  3649.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3650.                             ],
  3651.                         ],
  3652.                         'name' => 'CreateEuropeanArticleNumberInput',
  3653.                     ],
  3654.                 ],
  3655.                 'ProductFilter' => [
  3656.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3657.                     'class_name' => 'ProductFilterType',
  3658.                     'inherits' => [
  3659.                     ],
  3660.                     'decorator' => false,
  3661.                     'config' => [
  3662.                         'fields' => [
  3663.                             'store' => [
  3664.                                 'type' => 'ProductStoreFilter',
  3665.                             ],
  3666.                             'search' => [
  3667.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3668.                                 'description' => 'Search products by text',
  3669.                             ],
  3670.                         ],
  3671.                         'name' => 'ProductFilter',
  3672.                     ],
  3673.                 ],
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  3675.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3676.                     'class_name' => 'ProductTagFilterType',
  3677.                     'inherits' => [
  3678.                     ],
  3679.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3683.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  3684.                             ],
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  3686.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  3687.                             ],
  3688.                         ],
  3689.                         'name' => 'ProductTagFilter',
  3690.                     ],
  3691.                 ],
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  3693.                     'type' => 'object',
  3694.                     'class_name' => 'ProductTranslationType',
  3695.                     'inherits' => [
  3696.                     ],
  3697.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3703.                                 ],
  3704.                             ],
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  3708.                                 ],
  3709.                             ],
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  3711.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3712.                                 'args' => [
  3713.                                 ],
  3714.                             ],
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  3716.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  3718.                                 ],
  3719.                             ],
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  3721.                                 'type' => 'String',
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  3723.                                 ],
  3724.                             ],
  3725.                         ],
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  3728.                         ],
  3729.                         'interfaces' => [
  3730.                         ],
  3731.                     ],
  3732.                 ],
  3733.                 'ProductTranslationFilter' => [
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  3735.                     'class_name' => 'ProductTranslationFilterType',
  3736.                     'inherits' => [
  3737.                     ],
  3738.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3740.                         'fields' => [
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  3742.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  3743.                             ],
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  3745.                                 'type' => 'String',
  3746.                             ],
  3747.                         ],
  3748.                         'name' => 'ProductTranslationFilter',
  3749.                     ],
  3750.                 ],
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  3753.                     'class_name' => 'ProductTaxFilterType',
  3754.                     'inherits' => [
  3755.                     ],
  3756.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3760.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  3761.                             ],
  3762.                         ],
  3763.                         'name' => 'ProductTaxFilter',
  3764.                     ],
  3765.                 ],
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  3769.                     'inherits' => [
  3770.                     ],
  3771.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3773.                         'fields' => [
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  3775.                                 'type' => 'ProductAlertOrder',
  3776.                             ],
  3777.                         ],
  3778.                         'name' => 'ProductOrder',
  3779.                     ],
  3780.                 ],
  3781.                 'ProductAlertOrder' => [
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  3783.                     'class_name' => 'ProductAlertOrderType',
  3784.                     'inherits' => [
  3785.                     ],
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  3790.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3791.                             ],
  3792.                             'priceTag' => [
  3793.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  3794.                             ],
  3795.                         ],
  3796.                         'name' => 'ProductAlertOrder',
  3797.                     ],
  3798.                 ],
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  3800.                     'type' => 'object',
  3801.                     'class_name' => 'ProductContainersType',
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  3803.                     ],
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  3808.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  3810.                                 ],
  3811.                             ],
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  3813.                                 'type' => 'Product',
  3814.                                 'args' => [
  3815.                                 ],
  3816.                             ],
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  3818.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3819.                                 'args' => [
  3820.                                 ],
  3821.                             ],
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  3823.                                 'type' => 'Product',
  3824.                                 'args' => [
  3825.                                 ],
  3826.                             ],
  3827.                         ],
  3828.                         'name' => 'ProductContainers',
  3829.                         'builders' => [
  3830.                         ],
  3831.                         'interfaces' => [
  3832.                         ],
  3833.                     ],
  3834.                 ],
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  3837.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreSortByType',
  3838.                     'inherits' => [
  3839.                     ],
  3840.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3844.                                 'type' => 'ProductStoreSortByField!',
  3845.                             ],
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  3847.                                 'type' => 'SortOrder!',
  3848.                             ],
  3849.                         ],
  3850.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreSortBy',
  3851.                     ],
  3852.                 ],
  3853.                 'ProductStoreSortByField' => [
  3854.                     'type' => 'enum',
  3855.                     'class_name' => 'ProductStoreSortByFieldType',
  3856.                     'inherits' => [
  3857.                     ],
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  3862.                                 'value' => 'LAST_INVENTORY',
  3863.                             ],
  3864.                             'QUANTITY' => [
  3865.                                 'value' => 'QUANTITY',
  3866.                             ],
  3867.                         ],
  3868.                         'name' => 'ProductStoreSortByField',
  3869.                     ],
  3870.                 ],
  3871.                 'SortOrder' => [
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  3873.                     'class_name' => 'SortOrderType',
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  3875.                     ],
  3876.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3880.                                 'value' => 'ASC',
  3881.                             ],
  3882.                             'DESC' => [
  3883.                                 'value' => 'DESC',
  3884.                             ],
  3885.                         ],
  3886.                         'name' => 'SortOrder',
  3887.                     ],
  3888.                 ],
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  3892.                     'inherits' => [
  3893.                     ],
  3894.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3898.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3899.                             ],
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  3901.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3902.                             ],
  3903.                             'lw' => [
  3904.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3905.                             ],
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  3907.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  3908.                             ],
  3909.                         ],
  3910.                         'name' => 'NumberFilter',
  3911.                     ],
  3912.                 ],
  3913.                 'PriceTagConvertInput' => [
  3914.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  3915.                     'class_name' => 'PriceTagConvertInputType',
  3916.                     'inherits' => [
  3917.                     ],
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  3922.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3923.                             ],
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  3925.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  3926.                             ],
  3927.                         ],
  3928.                         'name' => 'PriceTagConvertInput',
  3929.                     ],
  3930.                 ],
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  3933.                     'class_name' => 'PriceTagConvertType',
  3934.                     'inherits' => [
  3935.                     ],
  3936.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3942.                                 ],
  3943.                             ],
  3944.                         ],
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  3946.                         'builders' => [
  3947.                         ],
  3948.                         'interfaces' => [
  3949.                         ],
  3950.                     ],
  3951.                 ],
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  3956.                     ],
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  3963.                                 ],
  3964.                             ],
  3965.                             'type' => [
  3966.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  3968.                                 ],
  3969.                             ],
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  3971.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  3973.                                 ],
  3974.                             ],
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  3976.                                 'type' => '[AttributeValue]!',
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  3978.                                 ],
  3979.                             ],
  3980.                         ],
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  3983.                         ],
  3984.                         'interfaces' => [
  3985.                         ],
  3986.                     ],
  3987.                 ],
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  3989.                     'type' => 'object',
  3990.                     'class_name' => 'AttributeValueType',
  3991.                     'inherits' => [
  3992.                     ],
  3993.                     'decorator' => false,
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  3999.                                 ],
  4000.                             ],
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  4002.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  4004.                                 ],
  4005.                             ],
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  4009.                                 ],
  4010.                             ],
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  4014.                                 ],
  4015.                             ],
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  4017.                                 'type' => '[AttributeValueTranslation]!',
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  4019.                                 ],
  4020.                             ],
  4021.                         ],
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  4023.                         'builders' => [
  4024.                         ],
  4025.                         'interfaces' => [
  4026.                         ],
  4027.                     ],
  4028.                 ],
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  4030.                     'type' => 'object',
  4031.                     'class_name' => 'AttributeValueTranslationType',
  4032.                     'inherits' => [
  4033.                     ],
  4034.                     'decorator' => false,
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  4038.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  4040.                                 ],
  4041.                             ],
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  4043.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  4044.                                 'args' => [
  4045.                                 ],
  4046.                             ],
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  4048.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  4050.                                 ],
  4051.                             ],
  4052.                         ],
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  4054.                         'builders' => [
  4055.                         ],
  4056.                         'interfaces' => [
  4057.                         ],
  4058.                     ],
  4059.                 ],
  4060.                 'Result' => [
  4061.                     'type' => 'object',
  4062.                     'class_name' => 'ResultType',
  4063.                     'inherits' => [
  4064.                     ],
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  4069.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
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  4071.                                 ],
  4072.                             ],
  4073.                         ],
  4074.                         'name' => 'Result',
  4075.                         'builders' => [
  4076.                         ],
  4077.                         'interfaces' => [
  4078.                         ],
  4079.                     ],
  4080.                 ],
  4081.                 'DeliverySlot' => [
  4082.                     'type' => 'object',
  4083.                     'class_name' => 'DeliverySlotType',
  4084.                     'inherits' => [
  4085.                     ],
  4086.                     'decorator' => false,
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  4089.                             'id' => [
  4090.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  4091.                                 'args' => [
  4092.                                 ],
  4093.                             ],
  4094.                             'priority' => [
  4095.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  4096.                                 'args' => [
  4097.                                 ],
  4098.                             ],
  4099.                             'date' => [
  4100.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  4101.                                 'args' => [
  4102.                                 ],
  4103.                             ],
  4104.                             'times' => [
  4105.                                 'type' => '[String!]!',
  4106.                                 'args' => [
  4107.                                 ],
  4108.                             ],
  4109.                             'prices' => [
  4110.                                 'type' => '[DeliverySlotsPrices]',
  4111.                                 'args' => [
  4112.                                 ],
  4113.                             ],
  4114.                             'storeId' => [
  4115.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  4116.                                 'args' => [
  4117.                                 ],
  4118.                             ],
  4119.                         ],
  4120.                         'name' => 'DeliverySlot',
  4121.                         'builders' => [
  4122.                         ],
  4123.                         'interfaces' => [
  4124.                         ],
  4125.                     ],
  4126.                 ],
  4127.                 'DeliverySlotsPrices' => [
  4128.                     'type' => 'object',
  4129.                     'class_name' => 'DeliverySlotsPricesType',
  4130.                     'inherits' => [
  4131.                     ],
  4132.                     'decorator' => false,
  4133.                     'config' => [
  4134.                         'fields' => [
  4135.                             'price' => [
  4136.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  4137.                                 'args' => [
  4138.                                 ],
  4139.                             ],
  4140.                             'cartTotalFrom' => [
  4141.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
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  4143.                                 ],
  4144.                             ],
  4145.                         ],
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  4147.                         'builders' => [
  4148.                         ],
  4149.                         'interfaces' => [
  4150.                         ],
  4151.                     ],
  4152.                 ],
  4153.                 'DeliveryPlaceType' => [
  4154.                     'type' => 'enum',
  4155.                     'class_name' => 'DeliveryPlaceTypeType',
  4156.                     'inherits' => [
  4157.                     ],
  4158.                     'decorator' => false,
  4159.                     'config' => [
  4160.                         'values' => [
  4161.                             'ZIP' => [
  4162.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Delivery\\\\DeliveryMethodPlace::PLACE_TYPE_ZIP")',
  4163.                             ],
  4164.                         ],
  4165.                         'name' => 'DeliveryPlaceType',
  4166.                     ],
  4167.                 ],
  4168.                 'Date' => [
  4169.                     'type' => 'custom-scalar',
  4170.                     'class_name' => 'DateType',
  4171.                     'inherits' => [
  4172.                     ],
  4173.                     'decorator' => false,
  4174.                     'config' => [
  4175.                         'serialize' => [
  4176.                             => 'GraphQL\\Type\\DateType',
  4177.                             => 'serialize',
  4178.                         ],
  4179.                         'parseValue' => [
  4180.                             => 'GraphQL\\Type\\DateType',
  4181.                             => 'parseValue',
  4182.                         ],
  4183.                         'parseLiteral' => [
  4184.                             => 'GraphQL\\Type\\DateType',
  4185.                             => 'parseLiteral',
  4186.                         ],
  4187.                         'name' => 'Date',
  4188.                     ],
  4189.                 ],
  4190.                 'DeliverySlotInput' => [
  4191.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  4192.                     'class_name' => 'DeliverySlotInputType',
  4193.                     'inherits' => [
  4194.                     ],
  4195.                     'decorator' => false,
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  4197.                         'fields' => [
  4198.                             'deliveryMethodID' => [
  4199.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  4200.                             ],
  4201.                             'date' => [
  4202.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  4203.                             ],
  4204.                             'time' => [
  4205.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  4206.                             ],
  4207.                             'price' => [
  4208.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  4209.                             ],
  4210.                         ],
  4211.                         'name' => 'DeliverySlotInput',
  4212.                     ],
  4213.                 ],
  4214.                 'DeliverySlotStores' => [
  4215.                     'type' => 'object',
  4216.                     'class_name' => 'DeliverySlotStoresType',
  4217.                     'inherits' => [
  4218.                     ],
  4219.                     'decorator' => false,
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  4222.                             'stores' => [
  4223.                                 'type' => '[Store!]!',
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  4225.                                 ],
  4226.                             ],
  4227.                         ],
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  4229.                         'builders' => [
  4230.                         ],
  4231.                         'interfaces' => [
  4232.                         ],
  4233.                     ],
  4234.                 ],
  4235.                 'DeliveryMethod' => [
  4236.                     'type' => 'object',
  4237.                     'class_name' => 'DeliveryMethodType',
  4238.                     'inherits' => [
  4239.                     ],
  4240.                     'decorator' => false,
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  4246.                                 ],
  4247.                             ],
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  4249.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  4251.                                 ],
  4252.                             ],
  4253.                             'places' => [
  4254.                                 'type' => '[DeliveryMethodPlace]!',
  4255.                                 'args' => [
  4256.                                 ],
  4257.                             ],
  4258.                         ],
  4259.                         'name' => 'DeliveryMethod',
  4260.                         'builders' => [
  4261.                         ],
  4262.                         'interfaces' => [
  4263.                         ],
  4264.                     ],
  4265.                 ],
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  4270.                     ],
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  4277.                                 ],
  4278.                             ],
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  4282.                                 ],
  4283.                             ],
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  4287.                                 ],
  4288.                             ],
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  4292.                                 ],
  4293.                             ],
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  4297.                                 ],
  4298.                             ],
  4299.                         ],
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  4302.                         ],
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  4304.                         ],
  4305.                     ],
  4306.                 ],
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  4311.                     ],
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  4318.                                 ],
  4319.                             ],
  4320.                         ],
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  4323.                         ],
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  4325.                         ],
  4326.                     ],
  4327.                 ],
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  4332.                     ],
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  4341.                             ],
  4342.                         ],
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  4344.                     ],
  4345.                 ],
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  4350.                     ],
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  4359.                         ],
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  4362.                         ],
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  4364.                         ],
  4365.                     ],
  4366.                 ],
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  4380.                             ],
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  4383.                             ],
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  4386.                             ],
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  4389.                             ],
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  4392.                             ],
  4393.                         ],
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  4395.                     ],
  4396.                 ],
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  4401.                     ],
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  4409.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  4410.                             ],
  4411.                         ],
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  4413.                     ],
  4414.                 ],
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  4419.                     ],
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  4431.                                 ],
  4432.                             ],
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  4436.                                 ],
  4437.                             ],
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  4441.                                 ],
  4442.                             ],
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  4446.                                 ],
  4447.                             ],
  4448.                         ],
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  4451.                         ],
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  4453.                         ],
  4454.                     ],
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  4460.                     ],
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  4472.                                 ],
  4473.                             ],
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  4477.                         ],
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  4486.                     ],
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  4493.                                 ],
  4494.                             ],
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  4498.                                 ],
  4499.                             ],
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  4505.                         ],
  4506.                     ],
  4507.                 ],
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  4512.                     ],
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  4519.                                 ],
  4520.                             ],
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  4524.                                 ],
  4525.                             ],
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  4529.                                 ],
  4530.                             ],
  4531.                         ],
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  4534.                         ],
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  4536.                         ],
  4537.                     ],
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  4543.                     ],
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  4555.                                 ],
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  4557.                         ],
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  4560.                         ],
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  4562.                         ],
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  4596.                     ],
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  4669.                             ],
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  4701.                         ],
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  5490.                         ],
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  5516.                             ],
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  5590.                         ],
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  5665.                         ],
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  5668.                     ],
  5669.                 ],
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  5687.                                 ],
  5688.                             ],
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  5696.                 ],
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  5698.                     'type' => 'object',
  5699.                     'class_name' => 'EshopPartnerImageType',
  5700.                     'inherits' => [
  5701.                     ],
  5702.                     'decorator' => false,
  5703.                     'config' => [
  5704.                         'fields' => [
  5705.                             'id' => [
  5706.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5707.                                 'args' => [
  5708.                                 ],
  5709.                             ],
  5710.                             'url' => [
  5711.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  5712.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'partnerImageURL\', [value])',
  5713.                                 'args' => [
  5714.                                 ],
  5715.                             ],
  5716.                         ],
  5717.                         'name' => 'EshopPartnerImage',
  5718.                         'builders' => [
  5719.                         ],
  5720.                         'interfaces' => [
  5721.                         ],
  5722.                     ],
  5723.                 ],
  5724.                 'Order' => [
  5725.                     'type' => 'object',
  5726.                     'class_name' => 'OrderType',
  5727.                     'inherits' => [
  5728.                     ],
  5729.                     'decorator' => false,
  5730.                     'config' => [
  5731.                         'fields' => [
  5732.                             'id' => [
  5733.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5734.                                 'args' => [
  5735.                                 ],
  5736.                             ],
  5737.                             'createdAt' => [
  5738.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  5739.                                 'args' => [
  5740.                                 ],
  5741.                             ],
  5742.                             'deliveryAt' => [
  5743.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  5744.                                 'args' => [
  5745.                                 ],
  5746.                             ],
  5747.                             'automatic' => [
  5748.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  5749.                                 'args' => [
  5750.                                 ],
  5751.                             ],
  5752.                             'note' => [
  5753.                                 'type' => 'String',
  5754.                                 'args' => [
  5755.                                 ],
  5756.                             ],
  5757.                             'supplier' => [
  5758.                                 'type' => 'Supplier!',
  5759.                                 'args' => [
  5760.                                 ],
  5761.                             ],
  5762.                             'store' => [
  5763.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  5764.                                 'args' => [
  5765.                                 ],
  5766.                             ],
  5767.                             'orderItems' => [
  5768.                                 'type' => '[OrderItem]!',
  5769.                                 'args' => [
  5770.                                 ],
  5771.                             ],
  5772.                             'confirmAt' => [
  5773.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  5774.                                 'args' => [
  5775.                                 ],
  5776.                             ],
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  5778.                                 'type' => 'StoreHeader',
  5779.                                 'args' => [
  5780.                                 ],
  5781.                             ],
  5782.                         ],
  5783.                         'name' => 'Order',
  5784.                         'builders' => [
  5785.                         ],
  5786.                         'interfaces' => [
  5787.                         ],
  5788.                     ],
  5789.                 ],
  5790.                 'OrderItem' => [
  5791.                     'type' => 'object',
  5792.                     'class_name' => 'OrderItemType',
  5793.                     'inherits' => [
  5794.                     ],
  5795.                     'decorator' => false,
  5796.                     'config' => [
  5797.                         'fields' => [
  5798.                             'id' => [
  5799.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5800.                                 'args' => [
  5801.                                 ],
  5802.                             ],
  5803.                             'product' => [
  5804.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  5805.                                 'args' => [
  5806.                                 ],
  5807.                             ],
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  5809.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5810.                                 'args' => [
  5811.                                 ],
  5812.                             ],
  5813.                             'quantity' => [
  5814.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5815.                                 'args' => [
  5816.                                 ],
  5817.                             ],
  5818.                         ],
  5819.                         'name' => 'OrderItem',
  5820.                         'builders' => [
  5821.                         ],
  5822.                         'interfaces' => [
  5823.                         ],
  5824.                     ],
  5825.                 ],
  5826.                 'OrderFilter' => [
  5827.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5828.                     'class_name' => 'OrderFilterType',
  5829.                     'inherits' => [
  5830.                     ],
  5831.                     'decorator' => false,
  5832.                     'config' => [
  5833.                         'fields' => [
  5834.                             'store' => [
  5835.                                 'type' => 'OrderStoreFilter',
  5836.                             ],
  5837.                         ],
  5838.                         'name' => 'OrderFilter',
  5839.                     ],
  5840.                 ],
  5841.                 'OrderStoreFilter' => [
  5842.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5843.                     'class_name' => 'OrderStoreFilterType',
  5844.                     'inherits' => [
  5845.                     ],
  5846.                     'decorator' => false,
  5847.                     'config' => [
  5848.                         'fields' => [
  5849.                             'ids' => [
  5850.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  5851.                             ],
  5852.                         ],
  5853.                         'name' => 'OrderStoreFilter',
  5854.                     ],
  5855.                 ],
  5856.                 'CreateOrderInput' => [
  5857.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5858.                     'class_name' => 'CreateOrderInputType',
  5859.                     'inherits' => [
  5860.                     ],
  5861.                     'decorator' => false,
  5862.                     'config' => [
  5863.                         'fields' => [
  5864.                             'storeID' => [
  5865.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5866.                             ],
  5867.                             'supplierID' => [
  5868.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5869.                             ],
  5870.                             'orderAt' => [
  5871.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  5872.                             ],
  5873.                             'deliveryAt' => [
  5874.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  5875.                             ],
  5876.                             'note' => [
  5877.                                 'type' => 'String',
  5878.                             ],
  5879.                         ],
  5880.                         'name' => 'CreateOrderInput',
  5881.                     ],
  5882.                 ],
  5883.                 'DeleteOrderInput' => [
  5884.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5885.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteOrderInputType',
  5886.                     'inherits' => [
  5887.                     ],
  5888.                     'decorator' => false,
  5889.                     'config' => [
  5890.                         'fields' => [
  5891.                             'orderID' => [
  5892.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5893.                             ],
  5894.                         ],
  5895.                         'name' => 'DeleteOrderInput',
  5896.                     ],
  5897.                 ],
  5898.                 'AddOrderProductsInput' => [
  5899.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5900.                     'class_name' => 'AddOrderProductsInputType',
  5901.                     'inherits' => [
  5902.                     ],
  5903.                     'decorator' => false,
  5904.                     'config' => [
  5905.                         'fields' => [
  5906.                             'orderID' => [
  5907.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5908.                             ],
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  5910.                                 'type' => '[AddOrderProductInput!]!',
  5911.                             ],
  5912.                         ],
  5913.                         'name' => 'AddOrderProductsInput',
  5914.                     ],
  5915.                 ],
  5916.                 'AddOrderProductInput' => [
  5917.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5918.                     'class_name' => 'AddOrderProductInputType',
  5919.                     'inherits' => [
  5920.                     ],
  5921.                     'decorator' => false,
  5922.                     'config' => [
  5923.                         'fields' => [
  5924.                             'productID' => [
  5925.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5926.                             ],
  5927.                             'buyPrice' => [
  5928.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5929.                             ],
  5930.                             'quantity' => [
  5931.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5932.                             ],
  5933.                         ],
  5934.                         'name' => 'AddOrderProductInput',
  5935.                     ],
  5936.                 ],
  5937.                 'EditOrderProductsInput' => [
  5938.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5939.                     'class_name' => 'EditOrderProductsInputType',
  5940.                     'inherits' => [
  5941.                     ],
  5942.                     'decorator' => false,
  5943.                     'config' => [
  5944.                         'fields' => [
  5945.                             'orderID' => [
  5946.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5947.                             ],
  5948.                             'orderProducts' => [
  5949.                                 'type' => '[EditOrderProductInput!]!',
  5950.                             ],
  5951.                         ],
  5952.                         'name' => 'EditOrderProductsInput',
  5953.                     ],
  5954.                 ],
  5955.                 'EditOrderProductInput' => [
  5956.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5957.                     'class_name' => 'EditOrderProductInputType',
  5958.                     'inherits' => [
  5959.                     ],
  5960.                     'decorator' => false,
  5961.                     'config' => [
  5962.                         'fields' => [
  5963.                             'orderProductID' => [
  5964.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5965.                             ],
  5966.                             'buyPrice' => [
  5967.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5968.                             ],
  5969.                             'quantity' => [
  5970.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  5971.                             ],
  5972.                         ],
  5973.                         'name' => 'EditOrderProductInput',
  5974.                     ],
  5975.                 ],
  5976.                 'DeleteOrderProductInput' => [
  5977.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5978.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteOrderProductInputType',
  5979.                     'inherits' => [
  5980.                     ],
  5981.                     'decorator' => false,
  5982.                     'config' => [
  5983.                         'fields' => [
  5984.                             'orderProductID' => [
  5985.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  5986.                             ],
  5987.                         ],
  5988.                         'name' => 'DeleteOrderProductInput',
  5989.                     ],
  5990.                 ],
  5991.                 'ConfirmOrderInput' => [
  5992.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  5993.                     'class_name' => 'ConfirmOrderInputType',
  5994.                     'inherits' => [
  5995.                     ],
  5996.                     'decorator' => false,
  5997.                     'config' => [
  5998.                         'fields' => [
  5999.                             'orderID' => [
  6000.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  6001.                             ],
  6002.                         ],
  6003.                         'name' => 'ConfirmOrderInput',
  6004.                     ],
  6005.                 ],
  6006.                 'Query' => [
  6007.                     'type' => 'object',
  6008.                     'class_name' => 'QueryType',
  6009.                     'inherits' => [
  6010.                     ],
  6011.                     'decorator' => false,
  6012.                     'config' => [
  6013.                         'description' => 'Flowy ORM repository',
  6014.                         'fields' => [
  6015.                             'headers' => [
  6016.                                 'type' => '[StoreHeader]!',
  6017.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'headers\', [info, args])',
  6018.                                 'args' => [
  6019.                                     'ids' => [
  6020.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6021.                                     ],
  6022.                                 ],
  6023.                             ],
  6024.                             'product' => [
  6025.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  6026.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'product\', [info, args])',
  6027.                                 'args' => [
  6028.                                     'id' => [
  6029.                                         'type' => 'Int!',
  6030.                                     ],
  6031.                                     'orderByCreatedAt' => [
  6032.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6033.                                         'description' => 'ASC or DESC',
  6034.                                     ],
  6035.                                 ],
  6036.                             ],
  6037.                             'productStores' => [
  6038.                                 'type' => '[ProductStore]!',
  6039.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'productStores\', [info, args])',
  6040.                                 'args' => [
  6041.                                     'limit' => [
  6042.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6043.                                         'description' => 'Limit of products for list',
  6044.                                     ],
  6045.                                     'offset' => [
  6046.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6047.                                     ],
  6048.                                     'ids' => [
  6049.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6050.                                         'description' => 'Filter by stores ID',
  6051.                                         'validation' => [
  6052.                                             'constraints' => [
  6053.                                                 => [
  6054.                                                     'Count' => [
  6055.                                                         'min' => 1,
  6056.                                                     ],
  6057.                                                 ],
  6058.                                             ],
  6059.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6060.                                         ],
  6061.                                     ],
  6062.                                     'assortment' => [
  6063.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6064.                                         'description' => 'Filter only products included in the assortment',
  6065.                                     ],
  6066.                                     'sellPrice' => [
  6067.                                         'type' => 'ProductPrice',
  6068.                                         'description' => 'Filter product price for store',
  6069.                                     ],
  6070.                                     'discount' => [
  6071.                                         'type' => 'ProductStoreDiscountFilter',
  6072.                                     ],
  6073.                                     'changeAt' => [
  6074.                                         'type' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  6075.                                     ],
  6076.                                     'sortBy' => [
  6077.                                         'type' => '[ProductStoreSortBy]',
  6078.                                     ],
  6079.                                     'quantity' => [
  6080.                                         'type' => 'NumberFilter',
  6081.                                     ],
  6082.                                     'translations' => [
  6083.                                         'type' => 'ProductTranslationFilter',
  6084.                                         'description' => 'Search products by text with locale',
  6085.                                     ],
  6086.                                 ],
  6087.                             ],
  6088.                             'products' => [
  6089.                                 'type' => '[Product]!',
  6090.                                 'description' => 'List of products (Maximum 10000 products per query)',
  6091.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'products\', [info, args])',
  6092.                                 'args' => [
  6093.                                     'ids' => [
  6094.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6095.                                         'description' => 'Filter by products ID',
  6096.                                     ],
  6097.                                     'order' => [
  6098.                                         'type' => 'ProductOrder',
  6099.                                     ],
  6100.                                     'search' => [
  6101.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6102.                                         'description' => 'Search products by text',
  6103.                                     ],
  6104.                                     'europeanArticleNumber' => [
  6105.                                         'type' => 'ProductEuropeanArticleNumberFilter',
  6106.                                     ],
  6107.                                     'limit' => [
  6108.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6109.                                         'description' => 'Limit of products for list',
  6110.                                     ],
  6111.                                     'offset' => [
  6112.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6113.                                     ],
  6114.                                     'store' => [
  6115.                                         'type' => 'ProductStoreFilter',
  6116.                                         'description' => 'Filter products by store conditions',
  6117.                                         'validation' => [
  6118.                                             'cascade' => [
  6119.                                                 'groups' => [
  6120.                                                 ],
  6121.                                             ],
  6122.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6123.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6124.                                         ],
  6125.                                     ],
  6126.                                     'storeGroup' => [
  6127.                                         'type' => 'ProductStoreGroupFilter',
  6128.                                         'description' => 'Filter products by store conditions',
  6129.                                         'validation' => [
  6130.                                             'cascade' => [
  6131.                                                 'groups' => [
  6132.                                                 ],
  6133.                                             ],
  6134.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6135.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6136.                                         ],
  6137.                                     ],
  6138.                                     'supplier' => [
  6139.                                         'type' => 'ProductSupplierFilter',
  6140.                                         'validation' => [
  6141.                                             'cascade' => [
  6142.                                                 'groups' => [
  6143.                                                 ],
  6144.                                             ],
  6145.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6146.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6147.                                         ],
  6148.                                     ],
  6149.                                     'onlyContainer' => [
  6150.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6151.                                     ],
  6152.                                     'translation' => [
  6153.                                         'type' => 'ProductTranslationFilter',
  6154.                                     ],
  6155.                                     'tax' => [
  6156.                                         'type' => 'ProductTaxFilter',
  6157.                                     ],
  6158.                                     'changeAt' => [
  6159.                                         'type' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  6160.                                     ],
  6161.                                     'locales' => [
  6162.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  6163.                                         'description' => 'Filter products by locales',
  6164.                                     ],
  6165.                                     'isFavourite' => [
  6166.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6167.                                     ],
  6168.                                     'tags' => [
  6169.                                         'type' => 'ProductTagFilter',
  6170.                                     ],
  6171.                                 ],
  6172.                             ],
  6173.                             'stores' => [
  6174.                                 'type' => '[Store]!',
  6175.                                 'description' => 'List of client stores',
  6176.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'stores\', [info, args])',
  6177.                                 'args' => [
  6178.                                     'ids' => [
  6179.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6180.                                         'description' => 'Filter by stores ID',
  6181.                                     ],
  6182.                                     'search' => [
  6183.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6184.                                         'description' => 'Search stores by text',
  6185.                                     ],
  6186.                                     'limit' => [
  6187.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6188.                                     ],
  6189.                                     'offset' => [
  6190.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6191.                                     ],
  6192.                                     'placeSearch' => [
  6193.                                         'type' => 'PlaceSearchInput',
  6194.                                     ],
  6195.                                 ],
  6196.                             ],
  6197.                             'suppliers' => [
  6198.                                 'type' => '[Supplier]!',
  6199.                                 'description' => 'List of suppliers',
  6200.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'suppliers\', [info, args])',
  6201.                                 'args' => [
  6202.                                     'ids' => [
  6203.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6204.                                     ],
  6205.                                     'search' => [
  6206.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6207.                                     ],
  6208.                                     'limit' => [
  6209.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6210.                                     ],
  6211.                                     'offset' => [
  6212.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6213.                                     ],
  6214.                                     'order' => [
  6215.                                         'type' => 'SupplierOrderFilter',
  6216.                                     ],
  6217.                                     'onlyClient' => [
  6218.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6219.                                     ],
  6220.                                 ],
  6221.                             ],
  6222.                             'categories' => [
  6223.                                 'type' => '[Category]!',
  6224.                                 'description' => 'List of client categories',
  6225.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'categories\', [info, args])',
  6226.                                 'args' => [
  6227.                                     'limit' => [
  6228.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6229.                                     ],
  6230.                                     'offset' => [
  6231.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6232.                                     ],
  6233.                                 ],
  6234.                             ],
  6235.                             'eshopCategories' => [
  6236.                                 'type' => '[EshopCategory]!',
  6237.                                 'description' => 'List of client eshop categories',
  6238.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'eshopCategories\', [info, args])',
  6239.                                 'args' => [
  6240.                                     'limit' => [
  6241.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6242.                                     ],
  6243.                                     'offset' => [
  6244.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6245.                                     ],
  6246.                                 ],
  6247.                             ],
  6248.                             'paymentMethods' => [
  6249.                                 'type' => '[PaymentMethod]!',
  6250.                                 'description' => 'List of client stores payment methods',
  6251.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'paymentMethods\', [info, args])',
  6252.                                 'args' => [
  6253.                                     'ids' => [
  6254.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6255.                                     ],
  6256.                                 ],
  6257.                             ],
  6258.                             'storeGroups' => [
  6259.                                 'type' => '[StoreGroup]!',
  6260.                                 'description' => 'List of client store groups',
  6261.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'storeGroups\', [info, args])',
  6262.                                 'args' => [
  6263.                                     'showDeleted' => [
  6264.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6265.                                     ],
  6266.                                     'stores' => [
  6267.                                         'type' => 'StoreGroupStoreFilter',
  6268.                                     ],
  6269.                                 ],
  6270.                             ],
  6271.                             'sellPrices' => [
  6272.                                 'type' => '[SellPrice]!',
  6273.                                 'description' => 'List of client sell prices',
  6274.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'sellPrices\', [info, args])',
  6275.                                 'args' => [
  6276.                                 ],
  6277.                             ],
  6278.                             'supplierWarehouseRecords' => [
  6279.                                 'type' => '[SupplierWarehouseRecord]!',
  6280.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'supplierWarehouseRecords\', [info, args])',
  6281.                                 'args' => [
  6282.                                     'temporary' => [
  6283.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6284.                                     ],
  6285.                                     'store' => [
  6286.                                         'type' => 'WarehouseStoreFilter',
  6287.                                         'description' => 'Filter products by store conditions',
  6288.                                         'validation' => [
  6289.                                             'cascade' => [
  6290.                                                 'groups' => [
  6291.                                                 ],
  6292.                                             ],
  6293.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6294.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6295.                                         ],
  6296.                                     ],
  6297.                                 ],
  6298.                             ],
  6299.                             'storeWarehouseRecords' => [
  6300.                                 'type' => '[StoreWarehouseRecord]!',
  6301.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'storeWarehouseRecords\', [info, args])',
  6302.                                 'args' => [
  6303.                                     'temporary' => [
  6304.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6305.                                     ],
  6306.                                     'store' => [
  6307.                                         'type' => 'WarehouseStoreFilter',
  6308.                                         'description' => 'Filter products by store conditions',
  6309.                                         'validation' => [
  6310.                                             'cascade' => [
  6311.                                                 'groups' => [
  6312.                                                 ],
  6313.                                             ],
  6314.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6315.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6316.                                         ],
  6317.                                     ],
  6318.                                 ],
  6319.                             ],
  6320.                             'discounts' => [
  6321.                                 'type' => '[Discount!]!',
  6322.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'discounts\', [info, args])',
  6323.                                 'args' => [
  6324.                                     'triggerCoupon' => [
  6325.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6326.                                     ],
  6327.                                     'store' => [
  6328.                                         'type' => 'DiscountStoreFilter',
  6329.                                     ],
  6330.                                     'order' => [
  6331.                                         'type' => 'DiscountOrder',
  6332.                                     ],
  6333.                                     'deleted' => [
  6334.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6335.                                     ],
  6336.                                     'limit' => [
  6337.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6338.                                     ],
  6339.                                     'offset' => [
  6340.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6341.                                     ],
  6342.                                     'search' => [
  6343.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6344.                                     ],
  6345.                                     'items' => [
  6346.                                         'type' => 'DiscountItemFilter',
  6347.                                     ],
  6348.                                     'changeAt' => [
  6349.                                         'type' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  6350.                                     ],
  6351.                                     'validDiscount' => [
  6352.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6353.                                     ],
  6354.                                 ],
  6355.                             ],
  6356.                             'labels' => [
  6357.                                 'type' => '[Label!]!',
  6358.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'labels\', [info, args])',
  6359.                                 'args' => [
  6360.                                     'limit' => [
  6361.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6362.                                     ],
  6363.                                 ],
  6364.                             ],
  6365.                             'clientLabels' => [
  6366.                                 'type' => '[ClientLabel!]!',
  6367.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'clientLabels\', [info, args])',
  6368.                                 'args' => [
  6369.                                     'limit' => [
  6370.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6371.                                     ],
  6372.                                     'store' => [
  6373.                                         'type' => 'StoreFilter',
  6374.                                     ],
  6375.                                 ],
  6376.                             ],
  6377.                             'europeanArticleNumbers' => [
  6378.                                 'type' => '[EuropeanArticleNumber!]!',
  6379.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'europeanArticleNumbers\', [info, args])',
  6380.                                 'args' => [
  6381.                                     'limit' => [
  6382.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6383.                                     ],
  6384.                                     'numbers' => [
  6385.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  6386.                                         'validation' => [
  6387.                                             'constraints' => [
  6388.                                                 => [
  6389.                                                     'Count' => [
  6390.                                                         'min' => 1,
  6391.                                                     ],
  6392.                                                 ],
  6393.                                             ],
  6394.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6395.                                         ],
  6396.                                     ],
  6397.                                 ],
  6398.                             ],
  6399.                             'supplierOrders' => [
  6400.                                 'type' => '[SupplierOrder!]!',
  6401.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'supplierOrders\', [info, args])',
  6402.                                 'args' => [
  6403.                                     'supplier' => [
  6404.                                         'type' => 'SupplierFilter',
  6405.                                         'validation' => [
  6406.                                             'cascade' => [
  6407.                                                 'groups' => [
  6408.                                                 ],
  6409.                                             ],
  6410.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6411.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6412.                                         ],
  6413.                                     ],
  6414.                                     'store' => [
  6415.                                         'type' => 'StoreFilter',
  6416.                                         'validation' => [
  6417.                                             'cascade' => [
  6418.                                                 'groups' => [
  6419.                                                 ],
  6420.                                             ],
  6421.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6422.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6423.                                         ],
  6424.                                     ],
  6425.                                     'storeGroup' => [
  6426.                                         'type' => 'StoreGroupFilter',
  6427.                                         'validation' => [
  6428.                                             'cascade' => [
  6429.                                                 'groups' => [
  6430.                                                 ],
  6431.                                             ],
  6432.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6433.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6434.                                         ],
  6435.                                     ],
  6436.                                 ],
  6437.                             ],
  6438.                             'orders' => [
  6439.                                 'type' => '[Order!]!',
  6440.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'orders\', [info, args])',
  6441.                                 'args' => [
  6442.                                     'ids' => [
  6443.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6444.                                     ],
  6445.                                     'supplier' => [
  6446.                                         'type' => 'SupplierFilter',
  6447.                                         'validation' => [
  6448.                                             'cascade' => [
  6449.                                                 'groups' => [
  6450.                                                 ],
  6451.                                             ],
  6452.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6453.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6454.                                         ],
  6455.                                     ],
  6456.                                     'store' => [
  6457.                                         'type' => 'StoreFilter',
  6458.                                         'validation' => [
  6459.                                             'cascade' => [
  6460.                                                 'groups' => [
  6461.                                                 ],
  6462.                                             ],
  6463.                                             'link' => NULL,
  6464.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  6465.                                         ],
  6466.                                     ],
  6467.                                     'automatic' => [
  6468.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6469.                                     ],
  6470.                                     'temporary' => [
  6471.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6472.                                     ],
  6473.                                 ],
  6474.                             ],
  6475.                             'customers' => [
  6476.                                 'type' => '[Customer!]!',
  6477.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'customers\', [info, args])',
  6478.                                 'args' => [
  6479.                                     'ids' => [
  6480.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6481.                                     ],
  6482.                                     'search' => [
  6483.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6484.                                     ],
  6485.                                     'code' => [
  6486.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6487.                                     ],
  6488.                                     'type' => [
  6489.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6490.                                     ],
  6491.                                     'limit' => [
  6492.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6493.                                     ],
  6494.                                     'offset' => [
  6495.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6496.                                     ],
  6497.                                     'changeAt' => [
  6498.                                         'type' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  6499.                                     ],
  6500.                                 ],
  6501.                             ],
  6502.                             'customerTypes' => [
  6503.                                 'type' => '[CustomerType!]!',
  6504.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'customerTypes\', [info, args])',
  6505.                                 'args' => [
  6506.                                     'ids' => [
  6507.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6508.                                     ],
  6509.                                     'search' => [
  6510.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6511.                                     ],
  6512.                                     'type' => [
  6513.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6514.                                     ],
  6515.                                 ],
  6516.                             ],
  6517.                             'taxes' => [
  6518.                                 'type' => '[Tax!]!',
  6519.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'taxes\', [info, args])',
  6520.                                 'args' => [
  6521.                                     'locales' => [
  6522.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  6523.                                     ],
  6524.                                     'clientLocale' => [
  6525.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6526.                                     ],
  6527.                                 ],
  6528.                             ],
  6529.                             'permissions' => [
  6530.                                 'type' => '[Permission!]!',
  6531.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'permissions\', [info, args])',
  6532.                                 'args' => [
  6533.                                     'storeID' => [
  6534.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6535.                                     ],
  6536.                                     'userID' => [
  6537.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6538.                                     ],
  6539.                                     'code' => [
  6540.                                         'type' => 'String!',
  6541.                                     ],
  6542.                                 ],
  6543.                             ],
  6544.                             'attributes' => [
  6545.                                 'type' => '[Attribute!]!',
  6546.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'attributes\', [info, args])',
  6547.                                 'args' => [
  6548.                                     'codes' => [
  6549.                                         'type' => '[String!]',
  6550.                                     ],
  6551.                                 ],
  6552.                             ],
  6553.                             'customerOrder' => [
  6554.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrder!]!',
  6555.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'customerOrder\', [info, args])',
  6556.                                 'args' => [
  6557.                                     'id' => [
  6558.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6559.                                     ],
  6560.                                     'ids' => [
  6561.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6562.                                     ],
  6563.                                     'limit' => [
  6564.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6565.                                     ],
  6566.                                     'offset' => [
  6567.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6568.                                     ],
  6569.                                     'changeAt' => [
  6570.                                         'type' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  6571.                                     ],
  6572.                                 ],
  6573.                             ],
  6574.                             'articles' => [
  6575.                                 'type' => '[Article!]!',
  6576.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'articles\', [info, args])',
  6577.                                 'args' => [
  6578.                                     'ids' => [
  6579.                                         'type' => '[Int!]',
  6580.                                     ],
  6581.                                     'tags' => [
  6582.                                         'type' => 'ArticleTagFilter',
  6583.                                     ],
  6584.                                     'types' => [
  6585.                                         'type' => 'ArticleTypeFilter',
  6586.                                     ],
  6587.                                     'keyWordFilter' => [
  6588.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6589.                                     ],
  6590.                                     'locale' => [
  6591.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6592.                                     ],
  6593.                                     'orderByCreatedAt' => [
  6594.                                         'type' => 'String',
  6595.                                         'description' => 'ASC or DESC',
  6596.                                     ],
  6597.                                     'isFavourite' => [
  6598.                                         'type' => 'Boolean',
  6599.                                     ],
  6600.                                     'limit' => [
  6601.                                         'type' => 'Int',
  6602.                                     ],
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  6656.                                     ],
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  6740.                                     ],
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  6743.                                     ],
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  6746.                                     ],
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  6749.                                     ],
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  6780.                                 ],
  6781.                             ],
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  6801.                                 ],
  6802.                             ],
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  6821.                                     ],
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  6826.                             ],
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  6831.                                 ],
  6832.                             ],
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  6839.                                     ],
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  6861.                                 ],
  6862.                             ],
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  6871.                             ],
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  6885.                                 ],
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  6893.                                     ],
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  6902.                         ],
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  6911.                     ],
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  6923.                                 ],
  6924.                             ],
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  6928.                                 ],
  6929.                             ],
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  6933.                                 ],
  6934.                             ],
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  6938.                                 ],
  6939.                             ],
  6940.                         ],
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  6943.                         ],
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  6945.                         ],
  6946.                     ],
  6947.                 ],
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  6952.                     ],
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  6959.                                 ],
  6960.                             ],
  6961.                         ],
  6962.                         'name' => 'PointOfSaleMove',
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  6964.                         ],
  6965.                         'interfaces' => [
  6966.                         ],
  6967.                     ],
  6968.                 ],
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  6971.                     'class_name' => 'CreatePointOfSaleMoveInputType',
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  6973.                     ],
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  6978.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  6979.                             ],
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  6982.                             ],
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  6984.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  6985.                             ],
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  6987.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  6988.                             ],
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  6991.                             ],
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  6993.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
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  6995.                             ],
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  6997.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  6998.                             ],
  6999.                         ],
  7000.                         'name' => 'CreatePointOfSaleMoveInput',
  7001.                     ],
  7002.                 ],
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  7007.                     ],
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  7012.                                 => [
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  7015.                                     ],
  7016.                                 ],
  7017.                             ],
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  7019.                         ],
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  7025.                                     'input' => [
  7026.                                         'type' => 'CreatePointOfSaleMoveInput!',
  7027.                                     ],
  7028.                                 ],
  7029.                             ],
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  7033.                                 'args' => [
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  7035.                                         'type' => 'CreateStoreCentralInput!',
  7036.                                     ],
  7037.                                 ],
  7038.                             ],
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  7043.                                     'input' => [
  7044.                                         'type' => 'CreateCustomerInput!',
  7045.                                     ],
  7046.                                 ],
  7047.                             ],
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  7054.                                     ],
  7055.                                 ],
  7056.                             ],
  7057.                             'deleteCustomer' => [
  7058.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7059.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteCustomer\', [info, args, validator])',
  7060.                                 'args' => [
  7061.                                     'input' => [
  7062.                                         'type' => 'DeleteCustomerInput!',
  7063.                                     ],
  7064.                                 ],
  7065.                             ],
  7066.                             'createCustomerType' => [
  7067.                                 'type' => 'CustomerType!',
  7068.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createCustomerType\', [info, args, validator])',
  7069.                                 'args' => [
  7070.                                     'input' => [
  7071.                                         'type' => 'CreateCustomerTypeInput!',
  7072.                                     ],
  7073.                                 ],
  7074.                             ],
  7075.                             'deleteCustomerType' => [
  7076.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7077.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteCustomerType\', [info, args, validator])',
  7078.                                 'args' => [
  7079.                                     'input' => [
  7080.                                         'type' => 'DeleteCustomerTypeInput!',
  7081.                                     ],
  7082.                                 ],
  7083.                             ],
  7084.                             'createCustomerReceipt' => [
  7085.                                 'type' => 'CustomerReceipt!',
  7086.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createCustomerReceipt\', [info, args, validator])',
  7087.                                 'args' => [
  7088.                                     'input' => [
  7089.                                         'type' => 'CustomerReceiptInput!',
  7090.                                     ],
  7091.                                 ],
  7092.                             ],
  7093.                             'warehouseMoveMutation' => [
  7094.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  7095.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'warehouseMoveMutation\', [info, args, validator])',
  7096.                                 'args' => [
  7097.                                     'input' => [
  7098.                                         'type' => 'WarehouseMoveMutationInput!',
  7099.                                     ],
  7100.                                 ],
  7101.                             ],
  7102.                             'sellPriceMutation' => [
  7103.                                 'type' => 'SellPrice!',
  7104.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'sellPriceMutation\', [info, args, validator])',
  7105.                                 'args' => [
  7106.                                     'input' => [
  7107.                                         'type' => 'SellPriceInput!',
  7108.                                     ],
  7109.                                 ],
  7110.                             ],
  7111.                             'createSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7112.                                 'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  7113.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7114.                                 'args' => [
  7115.                                     'input' => [
  7116.                                         'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7117.                                     ],
  7118.                                 ],
  7119.                             ],
  7120.                             'addProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7121.                                 'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  7122.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'addProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7123.                                 'args' => [
  7124.                                     'input' => [
  7125.                                         'type' => 'AddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7126.                                     ],
  7127.                                 ],
  7128.                             ],
  7129.                             'editProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7130.                                 'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  7131.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7132.                                 'args' => [
  7133.                                     'input' => [
  7134.                                         'type' => 'EditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7135.                                     ],
  7136.                                 ],
  7137.                             ],
  7138.                             'deleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7139.                                 'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  7140.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7141.                                 'args' => [
  7142.                                     'input' => [
  7143.                                         'type' => 'DeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7144.                                     ],
  7145.                                 ],
  7146.                             ],
  7147.                             'confirmSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7148.                                 'type' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  7149.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'confirmSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7150.                                 'args' => [
  7151.                                     'input' => [
  7152.                                         'type' => 'ConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7153.                                     ],
  7154.                                 ],
  7155.                             ],
  7156.                             'deleteSupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  7157.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7158.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteSupplierWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7159.                                 'args' => [
  7160.                                     'input' => [
  7161.                                         'type' => 'DeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7162.                                     ],
  7163.                                 ],
  7164.                             ],
  7165.                             'createSupplier' => [
  7166.                                 'type' => 'Supplier',
  7167.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createSupplier\', [info, args, validator])',
  7168.                                 'args' => [
  7169.                                     'input' => [
  7170.                                         'type' => 'SupplierInput!',
  7171.                                     ],
  7172.                                 ],
  7173.                             ],
  7174.                             'createStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7175.                                 'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  7176.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7177.                                 'args' => [
  7178.                                     'input' => [
  7179.                                         'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7180.                                     ],
  7181.                                 ],
  7182.                             ],
  7183.                             'addProductsStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7184.                                 'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  7185.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'addProductsStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7186.                                 'args' => [
  7187.                                     'input' => [
  7188.                                         'type' => 'AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7189.                                     ],
  7190.                                 ],
  7191.                             ],
  7192.                             'editProductsStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7193.                                 'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  7194.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editProductsStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7195.                                 'args' => [
  7196.                                     'input' => [
  7197.                                         'type' => 'EditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7198.                                     ],
  7199.                                 ],
  7200.                             ],
  7201.                             'deleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7202.                                 'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  7203.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7204.                                 'args' => [
  7205.                                     'input' => [
  7206.                                         'type' => 'DeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7207.                                     ],
  7208.                                 ],
  7209.                             ],
  7210.                             'confirmStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7211.                                 'type' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  7212.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'confirmStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7213.                                 'args' => [
  7214.                                     'input' => [
  7215.                                         'type' => 'ConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7216.                                     ],
  7217.                                 ],
  7218.                             ],
  7219.                             'deleteStoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  7220.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7221.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteStoreWarehouseRecord\', [info, args, validator])',
  7222.                                 'args' => [
  7223.                                     'input' => [
  7224.                                         'type' => 'DeleteStoreWarehouseRecordInput!',
  7225.                                     ],
  7226.                                 ],
  7227.                             ],
  7228.                             'createSupplierOrder' => [
  7229.                                 'type' => 'SupplierOrder!',
  7230.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createSupplierOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7231.                                 'args' => [
  7232.                                     'input' => [
  7233.                                         'type' => 'SupplierOrderInput!',
  7234.                                     ],
  7235.                                 ],
  7236.                             ],
  7237.                             'priceTagConvert' => [
  7238.                                 'type' => '[PriceTagConvert!]!',
  7239.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'priceTagConvertor\', [info, args, validator])',
  7240.                                 'args' => [
  7241.                                     'input' => [
  7242.                                         'type' => '[PriceTagConvertInput!]!',
  7243.                                     ],
  7244.                                 ],
  7245.                             ],
  7246.                             'createLabels' => [
  7247.                                 'type' => '[LabelConvert!]!',
  7248.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createLabels\', [info, args, validator])',
  7249.                                 'args' => [
  7250.                                     'input' => [
  7251.                                         'type' => '[LabelInput!]!',
  7252.                                     ],
  7253.                                 ],
  7254.                             ],
  7255.                             'createDiscount' => [
  7256.                                 'type' => 'Discount!',
  7257.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createDiscount\', [info, args, validator])',
  7258.                                 'args' => [
  7259.                                     'input' => [
  7260.                                         'type' => 'DiscountInput!',
  7261.                                     ],
  7262.                                 ],
  7263.                             ],
  7264.                             'editProduct' => [
  7265.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  7266.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editProduct\', [info, args, validator])',
  7267.                                 'args' => [
  7268.                                     'input' => [
  7269.                                         'type' => 'ProductEditInput!',
  7270.                                     ],
  7271.                                 ],
  7272.                             ],
  7273.                             'deleteDiscount' => [
  7274.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7275.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteDiscount\', [info, args, validator])',
  7276.                                 'args' => [
  7277.                                     'input' => [
  7278.                                         'type' => 'DeleteDiscountInput!',
  7279.                                     ],
  7280.                                 ],
  7281.                             ],
  7282.                             'createOrder' => [
  7283.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7284.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7285.                                 'args' => [
  7286.                                     'input' => [
  7287.                                         'type' => 'CreateOrderInput!',
  7288.                                     ],
  7289.                                 ],
  7290.                             ],
  7291.                             'addOrderProducts' => [
  7292.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7293.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'addOrderProducts\', [info, args, validator])',
  7294.                                 'args' => [
  7295.                                     'input' => [
  7296.                                         'type' => 'AddOrderProductsInput!',
  7297.                                     ],
  7298.                                 ],
  7299.                             ],
  7300.                             'addSupplierOrderProducts' => [
  7301.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7302.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'addSupplierOrderProducts\', [info, args, validator])',
  7303.                                 'args' => [
  7304.                                     'input' => [
  7305.                                         'type' => 'AddSupplierOrderProductsInput!',
  7306.                                     ],
  7307.                                 ],
  7308.                             ],
  7309.                             'editOrderProducts' => [
  7310.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7311.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editOrderProducts\', [info, args, validator])',
  7312.                                 'args' => [
  7313.                                     'input' => [
  7314.                                         'type' => 'EditOrderProductsInput!',
  7315.                                     ],
  7316.                                 ],
  7317.                             ],
  7318.                             'deleteOrderProduct' => [
  7319.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7320.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteOrderProduct\', [info, args, validator])',
  7321.                                 'args' => [
  7322.                                     'input' => [
  7323.                                         'type' => 'DeleteOrderProductInput!',
  7324.                                     ],
  7325.                                 ],
  7326.                             ],
  7327.                             'editSupplierOrderProducts' => [
  7328.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7329.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editSupplierOrderProducts\', [info, args, validator])',
  7330.                                 'args' => [
  7331.                                     'input' => [
  7332.                                         'type' => 'EditSupplierOrderProductsInput!',
  7333.                                     ],
  7334.                                 ],
  7335.                             ],
  7336.                             'deleteSupplierOrderProduct' => [
  7337.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7338.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteSupplierOrderProduct\', [info, args, validator])',
  7339.                                 'args' => [
  7340.                                     'input' => [
  7341.                                         'type' => 'DeleteSupplierOrderProductInput!',
  7342.                                     ],
  7343.                                 ],
  7344.                             ],
  7345.                             'deleteSupplierOrder' => [
  7346.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7347.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteSupplierOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7348.                                 'args' => [
  7349.                                     'input' => [
  7350.                                         'type' => 'DeleteSupplierOrderInput!',
  7351.                                     ],
  7352.                                 ],
  7353.                             ],
  7354.                             'deleteOrder' => [
  7355.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7356.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'deleteOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7357.                                 'args' => [
  7358.                                     'input' => [
  7359.                                         'type' => 'DeleteOrderInput!',
  7360.                                     ],
  7361.                                 ],
  7362.                             ],
  7363.                             'editSupplierOrder' => [
  7364.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7365.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editSupplierOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7366.                                 'args' => [
  7367.                                     'input' => [
  7368.                                         'type' => 'EditSupplierOrderInput!',
  7369.                                     ],
  7370.                                 ],
  7371.                             ],
  7372.                             'createProduct' => [
  7373.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  7374.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createProduct\', [info, args, validator])',
  7375.                                 'args' => [
  7376.                                     'input' => [
  7377.                                         'type' => 'CreateProductInput!',
  7378.                                     ],
  7379.                                 ],
  7380.                             ],
  7381.                             'confirmOrder' => [
  7382.                                 'type' => 'Order!',
  7383.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'confirmOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7384.                                 'args' => [
  7385.                                     'input' => [
  7386.                                         'type' => 'ConfirmOrderInput!',
  7387.                                     ],
  7388.                                 ],
  7389.                             ],
  7390.                             'createClientLabel' => [
  7391.                                 'type' => 'ClientLabel!',
  7392.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createClientLabel\', [info, args, validator])',
  7393.                                 'args' => [
  7394.                                     'input' => [
  7395.                                         'type' => 'ClientLabelInput!',
  7396.                                     ],
  7397.                                 ],
  7398.                             ],
  7399.                             'logger' => [
  7400.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
  7401.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'logger\', [info, args, validator])',
  7402.                                 'args' => [
  7403.                                     'input' => [
  7404.                                         'type' => 'LoggerInput!',
  7405.                                         'validation' => [
  7406.                                             'cascade' => [
  7407.                                                 'groups' => [
  7408.                                                 ],
  7409.                                             ],
  7410.                                             'link' => NULL,
  7411.                                             'constraints' => NULL,
  7412.                                         ],
  7413.                                     ],
  7414.                                 ],
  7415.                             ],
  7416.                             'createCustomerOrder' => [
  7417.                                 'type' => 'CustomerOrder!',
  7418.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createCustomerOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7419.                                 'args' => [
  7420.                                     'input' => [
  7421.                                         'type' => 'CreateCustomerOrderInput!',
  7422.                                     ],
  7423.                                 ],
  7424.                             ],
  7425.                             'editCustomerOrder' => [
  7426.                                 'type' => 'CustomerOrder!',
  7427.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'editCustomerOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7428.                                 'args' => [
  7429.                                     'input' => [
  7430.                                         'type' => 'EditCustomerOrderInput!',
  7431.                                     ],
  7432.                                 ],
  7433.                             ],
  7434.                             'createFavouriteCustomerArticle' => [
  7435.                                 'type' => 'Article',
  7436.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createFavouriteCustomerArticle\', [info, args, validator])',
  7437.                                 'args' => [
  7438.                                     'input' => [
  7439.                                         'type' => 'CreateFavoriteCustomerArticleInput!',
  7440.                                     ],
  7441.                                 ],
  7442.                             ],
  7443.                             'confirmCustomerOrder' => [
  7444.                                 'type' => 'CustomerOrder!',
  7445.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'confirmCustomerOrder\', [info, args, validator])',
  7446.                                 'args' => [
  7447.                                     'input' => [
  7448.                                         'type' => 'ConfirmCustomerOrderInput!',
  7449.                                     ],
  7450.                                 ],
  7451.                             ],
  7452.                             'createFavouriteCustomerProduct' => [
  7453.                                 'type' => 'Product',
  7454.                                 'resolve' => '@=mutation(\'createFavouriteCustomerProduct\', [info, args, validator])',
  7455.                                 'args' => [
  7456.                                     'input' => [
  7457.                                         'type' => 'CreateFavouriteCustomerProductInput!',
  7458.                                     ],
  7459.                                 ],
  7460.                             ],
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  7462.                                 'type' => 'CustomerAddress',
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  7464.                                 'args' => [
  7465.                                     'input' => [
  7466.                                         'type' => 'CreateCustomerAddressInput!',
  7467.                                     ],
  7468.                                 ],
  7469.                             ],
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  7473.                                 'args' => [
  7474.                                     'input' => [
  7475.                                         'type' => 'EditCustomerAddressInput!',
  7476.                                     ],
  7477.                                 ],
  7478.                             ],
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  7480.                                 'type' => 'Result!',
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  7482.                                 'args' => [
  7483.                                     'input' => [
  7484.                                         'type' => 'DeleteCustomerAddressInput!',
  7485.                                     ],
  7486.                                 ],
  7487.                             ],
  7488.                             'createCustomerServiceRating' => [
  7489.                                 'type' => 'CustomerServiceRating',
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  7491.                                 'args' => [
  7492.                                     'input' => [
  7493.                                         'type' => 'CreateCustomerServiceRatingInput!',
  7494.                                     ],
  7495.                                 ],
  7496.                             ],
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  7498.                                 'type' => 'CustomerOrder!',
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  7500.                                 'args' => [
  7501.                                     'input' => [
  7502.                                         'type' => 'EditCustomerOrderStateInput!',
  7503.                                     ],
  7504.                                 ],
  7505.                             ],
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  7511.                                         'type' => 'ProductInventoryInput!',
  7512.                                     ],
  7513.                                 ],
  7514.                             ],
  7515.                         ],
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  7518.                         ],
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  7520.                         ],
  7521.                     ],
  7522.                 ],
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  7527.                     ],
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  7542.                                             ],
  7543.                                         ],
  7544.                                     ],
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  7546.                                 ],
  7547.                             ],
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  7555.                                             ],
  7556.                                         ],
  7557.                                     ],
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  7566.                                         => [
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  7569.                                                 'max' => 19,
  7570.                                             ],
  7571.                                         ],
  7572.                                     ],
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  7574.                                 ],
  7575.                             ],
  7576.                         ],
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  7578.                     ],
  7579.                 ],
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  7584.                     ],
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  7591.                                 ],
  7592.                             ],
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  7596.                                 ],
  7597.                             ],
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  7601.                                 ],
  7602.                             ],
  7603.                         ],
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  7606.                         ],
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  7608.                         ],
  7609.                     ],
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  7622.                                 ],
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  7627.                                 ],
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  7637.                                 ],
  7638.                             ],
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  7642.                                 ],
  7643.                             ],
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  7647.                                 ],
  7648.                             ],
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  7652.                                 ],
  7653.                             ],
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  7657.                                 ],
  7658.                             ],
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  7662.                                 ],
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  7689.                                 ],
  7690.                             ],
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  7711.                             ],
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  7742.                                 ],
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  7761.                     ],
  7762.                 ],
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  7767.                     ],
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  7776.                             ],
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  7779.                             ],
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  7783.                         ],
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  7791.                     ],
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  7798.                                 ],
  7799.                             ],
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  7803.                                 ],
  7804.                             ],
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  7813.                                 ],
  7814.                             ],
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  7818.                                 ],
  7819.                             ],
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  7823.                                 ],
  7824.                             ],
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  7828.                                 ],
  7829.                             ],
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  7833.                                 ],
  7834.                             ],
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  7838.                                 ],
  7839.                             ],
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  7843.                                 ],
  7844.                             ],
  7845.                         ],
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  7848.                         ],
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  7850.                         ],
  7851.                     ],
  7852.                 ],
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  7857.                     ],
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  7866.                             ],
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  7869.                             ],
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  7872.                             ],
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  7875.                             ],
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  7881.                             ],
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  7884.                             ],
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  7887.                             ],
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  7890.                             ],
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  7893.                             ],
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  7896.                             ],
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  7899.                             ],
  7900.                         ],
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  7902.                     ],
  7903.                 ],
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  7908.                     ],
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  7916.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  7917.                             ],
  7918.                             'billingAddress' => [
  7919.                                 'type' => 'CustomerAddressInput',
  7920.                             ],
  7921.                             'deliveryAddress' => [
  7922.                                 'type' => 'CustomerAddressInput',
  7923.                             ],
  7924.                             'deliverySlot' => [
  7925.                                 'type' => 'DeliverySlotInput',
  7926.                             ],
  7927.                             'phoneNumber' => [
  7928.                                 'type' => 'String',
  7929.                             ],
  7930.                             'email' => [
  7931.                                 'type' => 'String',
  7932.                             ],
  7933.                             'note' => [
  7934.                                 'type' => 'String',
  7935.                             ],
  7936.                             'firstName' => [
  7937.                                 'type' => 'String',
  7938.                             ],
  7939.                             'lastName' => [
  7940.                                 'type' => 'String',
  7941.                             ],
  7942.                             'products' => [
  7943.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrderProductInput]',
  7944.                             ],
  7945.                             'paymentMethods' => [
  7946.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrderPaymentMethodInput]',
  7947.                             ],
  7948.                             'totalPrice' => [
  7949.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  7950.                             ],
  7951.                             'discountCoupons' => [
  7952.                                 'type' => '[String]',
  7953.                             ],
  7954.                         ],
  7955.                         'name' => 'EditCustomerOrderInput',
  7956.                     ],
  7957.                 ],
  7958.                 'CustomerOrder' => [
  7959.                     'type' => 'object',
  7960.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderType',
  7961.                     'inherits' => [
  7962.                     ],
  7963.                     'decorator' => false,
  7964.                     'config' => [
  7965.                         'fields' => [
  7966.                             'id' => [
  7967.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  7968.                                 'args' => [
  7969.                                 ],
  7970.                             ],
  7971.                             'state' => [
  7972.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  7973.                                 'args' => [
  7974.                                 ],
  7975.                             ],
  7976.                             'createdAt' => [
  7977.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  7978.                                 'args' => [
  7979.                                 ],
  7980.                             ],
  7981.                             'updatedAt' => [
  7982.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  7983.                                 'args' => [
  7984.                                 ],
  7985.                             ],
  7986.                             'finishedAt' => [
  7987.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  7988.                                 'args' => [
  7989.                                 ],
  7990.                             ],
  7991.                             'customerId' => [
  7992.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  7993.                                 'args' => [
  7994.                                 ],
  7995.                             ],
  7996.                             'billingAddress' => [
  7997.                                 'type' => 'Address',
  7998.                                 'args' => [
  7999.                                 ],
  8000.                             ],
  8001.                             'deliveryAddress' => [
  8002.                                 'type' => 'Address!',
  8003.                                 'args' => [
  8004.                                 ],
  8005.                             ],
  8006.                             'phoneNumber' => [
  8007.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8008.                                 'args' => [
  8009.                                 ],
  8010.                             ],
  8011.                             'paymentMethods' => [
  8012.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrderPaymentMethod]!',
  8013.                                 'args' => [
  8014.                                 ],
  8015.                             ],
  8016.                             'orderItems' => [
  8017.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrderItem]!',
  8018.                                 'args' => [
  8019.                                 ],
  8020.                             ],
  8021.                             'note' => [
  8022.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8023.                                 'args' => [
  8024.                                 ],
  8025.                             ],
  8026.                             'customer' => [
  8027.                                 'type' => 'Customer',
  8028.                                 'args' => [
  8029.                                 ],
  8030.                             ],
  8031.                             'email' => [
  8032.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8033.                                 'args' => [
  8034.                                 ],
  8035.                             ],
  8036.                             'orderDeliverySlot' => [
  8037.                                 'type' => 'OrderDeliverySlot',
  8038.                                 'args' => [
  8039.                                 ],
  8040.                             ],
  8041.                             'totalPrice' => [
  8042.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8043.                                 'args' => [
  8044.                                 ],
  8045.                             ],
  8046.                         ],
  8047.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrder',
  8048.                         'builders' => [
  8049.                         ],
  8050.                         'interfaces' => [
  8051.                         ],
  8052.                     ],
  8053.                 ],
  8054.                 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethodInput' => [
  8055.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8056.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethodInputType',
  8057.                     'inherits' => [
  8058.                     ],
  8059.                     'decorator' => false,
  8060.                     'config' => [
  8061.                         'fields' => [
  8062.                             'type' => [
  8063.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8064.                             ],
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  8066.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8067.                             ],
  8068.                         ],
  8069.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethodInput',
  8070.                     ],
  8071.                 ],
  8072.                 'CustomerOrderProductInput' => [
  8073.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8074.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderProductInputType',
  8075.                     'inherits' => [
  8076.                     ],
  8077.                     'decorator' => false,
  8078.                     'config' => [
  8079.                         'fields' => [
  8080.                             'productID' => [
  8081.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8082.                             ],
  8083.                             'quantity' => [
  8084.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8085.                             ],
  8086.                             'price' => [
  8087.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8088.                             ],
  8089.                             'variableID' => [
  8090.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8091.                             ],
  8092.                             'productVariableQuantity' => [
  8093.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8094.                             ],
  8095.                         ],
  8096.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrderProductInput',
  8097.                     ],
  8098.                 ],
  8099.                 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethod' => [
  8100.                     'type' => 'object',
  8101.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethodType',
  8102.                     'inherits' => [
  8103.                     ],
  8104.                     'decorator' => false,
  8105.                     'config' => [
  8106.                         'fields' => [
  8107.                             'type' => [
  8108.                                 'type' => 'String',
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  8110.                                 ],
  8111.                             ],
  8112.                             'price' => [
  8113.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8114.                                 'args' => [
  8115.                                 ],
  8116.                             ],
  8117.                         ],
  8118.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrderPaymentMethod',
  8119.                         'builders' => [
  8120.                         ],
  8121.                         'interfaces' => [
  8122.                         ],
  8123.                     ],
  8124.                 ],
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  8126.                     'type' => 'object',
  8127.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderItemType',
  8128.                     'inherits' => [
  8129.                     ],
  8130.                     'decorator' => false,
  8131.                     'config' => [
  8132.                         'fields' => [
  8133.                             'id' => [
  8134.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8135.                                 'args' => [
  8136.                                 ],
  8137.                             ],
  8138.                             'product' => [
  8139.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  8140.                                 'args' => [
  8141.                                 ],
  8142.                             ],
  8143.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  8144.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8145.                                 'args' => [
  8146.                                 ],
  8147.                             ],
  8148.                             'unitPriceWithTax' => [
  8149.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8150.                                 'args' => [
  8151.                                 ],
  8152.                             ],
  8153.                             'quantity' => [
  8154.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8155.                                 'args' => [
  8156.                                 ],
  8157.                             ],
  8158.                             'productVariable' => [
  8159.                                 'type' => 'ProductVariable',
  8160.                                 'args' => [
  8161.                                 ],
  8162.                             ],
  8163.                             'productVariableQuantity' => [
  8164.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8165.                                 'args' => [
  8166.                                 ],
  8167.                             ],
  8168.                         ],
  8169.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrderItem',
  8170.                         'builders' => [
  8171.                         ],
  8172.                         'interfaces' => [
  8173.                         ],
  8174.                     ],
  8175.                 ],
  8176.                 'OrderDeliverySlot' => [
  8177.                     'type' => 'object',
  8178.                     'class_name' => 'OrderDeliverySlotType',
  8179.                     'inherits' => [
  8180.                     ],
  8181.                     'decorator' => false,
  8182.                     'config' => [
  8183.                         'fields' => [
  8184.                             'id' => [
  8185.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  8187.                                 ],
  8188.                             ],
  8189.                             'date' => [
  8190.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8191.                                 'args' => [
  8192.                                 ],
  8193.                             ],
  8194.                             'time' => [
  8195.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8196.                                 'args' => [
  8197.                                 ],
  8198.                             ],
  8199.                             'createdAt' => [
  8200.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8201.                                 'args' => [
  8202.                                 ],
  8203.                             ],
  8204.                             'updatedAt' => [
  8205.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8206.                                 'args' => [
  8207.                                 ],
  8208.                             ],
  8209.                             'deliveryMethod' => [
  8210.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8211.                                 'args' => [
  8212.                                 ],
  8213.                             ],
  8214.                             'deliveryMethodPlaceValue' => [
  8215.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8216.                                 'args' => [
  8217.                                 ],
  8218.                             ],
  8219.                             'price' => [
  8220.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8221.                                 'args' => [
  8222.                                 ],
  8223.                             ],
  8224.                         ],
  8225.                         'name' => 'OrderDeliverySlot',
  8226.                         'builders' => [
  8227.                         ],
  8228.                         'interfaces' => [
  8229.                         ],
  8230.                     ],
  8231.                 ],
  8232.                 'AddCustomerOrderItemsInput' => [
  8233.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8234.                     'class_name' => 'AddCustomerOrderItemsInputType',
  8235.                     'inherits' => [
  8236.                     ],
  8237.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8239.                         'fields' => [
  8240.                             'customerOrderId' => [
  8241.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8242.                             ],
  8243.                             'products' => [
  8244.                                 'type' => '[CustomerOrderProductInput!]!',
  8245.                             ],
  8246.                         ],
  8247.                         'name' => 'AddCustomerOrderItemsInput',
  8248.                     ],
  8249.                 ],
  8250.                 'DeleteCustomerOrderItemsInput' => [
  8251.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8252.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteCustomerOrderItemsInputType',
  8253.                     'inherits' => [
  8254.                     ],
  8255.                     'decorator' => false,
  8256.                     'config' => [
  8257.                         'fields' => [
  8258.                             'customerOrderId' => [
  8259.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8260.                             ],
  8261.                             'customerOrderItemIDs' => [
  8262.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  8263.                             ],
  8264.                         ],
  8265.                         'name' => 'DeleteCustomerOrderItemsInput',
  8266.                     ],
  8267.                 ],
  8268.                 'ConfirmCustomerOrderInput' => [
  8269.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8270.                     'class_name' => 'ConfirmCustomerOrderInputType',
  8271.                     'inherits' => [
  8272.                     ],
  8273.                     'decorator' => false,
  8274.                     'config' => [
  8275.                         'fields' => [
  8276.                             'customerOrderID' => [
  8277.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8278.                             ],
  8279.                         ],
  8280.                         'name' => 'ConfirmCustomerOrderInput',
  8281.                     ],
  8282.                 ],
  8283.                 'EditCustomerOrderStateInput' => [
  8284.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8285.                     'class_name' => 'EditCustomerOrderStateInputType',
  8286.                     'inherits' => [
  8287.                     ],
  8288.                     'decorator' => false,
  8289.                     'config' => [
  8290.                         'fields' => [
  8291.                             'customerOrderID' => [
  8292.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8293.                             ],
  8294.                             'state' => [
  8295.                                 'type' => 'CustomerOrderState!',
  8296.                             ],
  8297.                         ],
  8298.                         'name' => 'EditCustomerOrderStateInput',
  8299.                     ],
  8300.                 ],
  8301.                 'CustomerOrderState' => [
  8302.                     'type' => 'enum',
  8303.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerOrderStateType',
  8304.                     'inherits' => [
  8305.                     ],
  8306.                     'decorator' => false,
  8307.                     'config' => [
  8308.                         'values' => [
  8309.                             'PROCESSING' => [
  8310.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_PROCESSING")',
  8311.                             ],
  8312.                             'CONFIRMED' => [
  8313.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_CONFIRMED")',
  8314.                             ],
  8315.                             'SHIPPING' => [
  8316.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_SHIPPING")',
  8317.                             ],
  8318.                             'CANCELLED' => [
  8319.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_CANCELLED")',
  8320.                             ],
  8321.                             'RETURNED' => [
  8322.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_RETURNED")',
  8323.                             ],
  8324.                             'IN_PROGRESS' => [
  8325.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_IN_PROGRESS")',
  8326.                             ],
  8327.                             'COMPLETED' => [
  8328.                                 'value' => '@=constant("Eshop\\\\Entity\\\\Customer\\\\CustomerOrder::STATE_COMPLETED")',
  8329.                             ],
  8330.                         ],
  8331.                         'name' => 'CustomerOrderState',
  8332.                     ],
  8333.                 ],
  8334.                 'PaymentMethod' => [
  8335.                     'type' => 'object',
  8336.                     'class_name' => 'PaymentMethodType',
  8337.                     'inherits' => [
  8338.                     ],
  8339.                     'decorator' => false,
  8340.                     'config' => [
  8341.                         'fields' => [
  8342.                             'id' => [
  8343.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8344.                                 'args' => [
  8345.                                 ],
  8346.                             ],
  8347.                             'code' => [
  8348.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8349.                                 'args' => [
  8350.                                 ],
  8351.                             ],
  8352.                             'name' => [
  8353.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8354.                                 'args' => [
  8355.                                 ],
  8356.                             ],
  8357.                             'uid' => [
  8358.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8359.                                 'args' => [
  8360.                                 ],
  8361.                             ],
  8362.                             'configuration' => [
  8363.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8364.                                 'args' => [
  8365.                                 ],
  8366.                             ],
  8367.                             'translations' => [
  8368.                                 'type' => '[PaymentMethodTranslation!]!',
  8369.                                 'args' => [
  8370.                                 ],
  8371.                             ],
  8372.                             'stores' => [
  8373.                                 'type' => '[Store!]!',
  8374.                                 'args' => [
  8375.                                 ],
  8376.                             ],
  8377.                         ],
  8378.                         'name' => 'PaymentMethod',
  8379.                         'builders' => [
  8380.                         ],
  8381.                         'interfaces' => [
  8382.                         ],
  8383.                     ],
  8384.                 ],
  8385.                 'PaymentMethodTranslation' => [
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  8387.                     'class_name' => 'PaymentMethodTranslationType',
  8388.                     'inherits' => [
  8389.                     ],
  8390.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8396.                                 ],
  8397.                             ],
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  8399.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  8401.                                 ],
  8402.                             ],
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  8404.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  8406.                                 ],
  8407.                             ],
  8408.                         ],
  8409.                         'name' => 'PaymentMethodTranslation',
  8410.                         'builders' => [
  8411.                         ],
  8412.                         'interfaces' => [
  8413.                         ],
  8414.                     ],
  8415.                 ],
  8416.                 'DateTimeFilter' => [
  8417.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8418.                     'class_name' => 'DateTimeFilterType',
  8419.                     'inherits' => [
  8420.                     ],
  8421.                     'decorator' => false,
  8422.                     'config' => [
  8423.                         'fields' => [
  8424.                             'gt' => [
  8425.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  8426.                                 'description' => 'Greater than',
  8427.                             ],
  8428.                             'lw' => [
  8429.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  8430.                                 'description' => 'Lower than',
  8431.                             ],
  8432.                         ],
  8433.                         'name' => 'DateTimeFilter',
  8434.                     ],
  8435.                 ],
  8436.                 'ClientLabelInput' => [
  8437.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8438.                     'class_name' => 'ClientLabelInputType',
  8439.                     'inherits' => [
  8440.                     ],
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  8445.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8446.                             ],
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  8448.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8449.                             ],
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  8451.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8452.                             ],
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  8454.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8455.                             ],
  8456.                         ],
  8457.                         'name' => 'ClientLabelInput',
  8458.                     ],
  8459.                 ],
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  8462.                     'class_name' => 'ClientLabelType',
  8463.                     'inherits' => [
  8464.                     ],
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  8471.                                 ],
  8472.                             ],
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  8474.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  8476.                                 ],
  8477.                             ],
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  8479.                                 'type' => 'Label!',
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  8481.                                 ],
  8482.                             ],
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  8484.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  8486.                                 ],
  8487.                             ],
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  8491.                                 ],
  8492.                             ],
  8493.                         ],
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  8495.                         'builders' => [
  8496.                         ],
  8497.                         'interfaces' => [
  8498.                         ],
  8499.                     ],
  8500.                 ],
  8501.                 'User' => [
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  8503.                     'class_name' => 'UserType',
  8504.                     'inherits' => [
  8505.                     ],
  8506.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8509.                             'id' => [
  8510.                                 'type' => 'Int',
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  8512.                                 ],
  8513.                             ],
  8514.                             'username' => [
  8515.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8516.                                 'args' => [
  8517.                                 ],
  8518.                             ],
  8519.                             'firstName' => [
  8520.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8521.                                 'args' => [
  8522.                                 ],
  8523.                             ],
  8524.                             'lastName' => [
  8525.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8526.                                 'args' => [
  8527.                                 ],
  8528.                             ],
  8529.                         ],
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  8531.                         'builders' => [
  8532.                         ],
  8533.                         'interfaces' => [
  8534.                         ],
  8535.                     ],
  8536.                 ],
  8537.                 'UserFilter' => [
  8538.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8539.                     'class_name' => 'UserFilterType',
  8540.                     'inherits' => [
  8541.                     ],
  8542.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8546.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  8547.                             ],
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  8549.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8550.                             ],
  8551.                             'limit' => [
  8552.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8553.                             ],
  8554.                             'offset' => [
  8555.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8556.                             ],
  8557.                         ],
  8558.                         'name' => 'UserFilter',
  8559.                     ],
  8560.                 ],
  8561.                 'ProductInventoryInput' => [
  8562.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8563.                     'class_name' => 'ProductInventoryInputType',
  8564.                     'inherits' => [
  8565.                     ],
  8566.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8571.                             ],
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  8573.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8574.                             ],
  8575.                             'quantity' => [
  8576.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8577.                             ],
  8578.                         ],
  8579.                         'name' => 'ProductInventoryInput',
  8580.                     ],
  8581.                 ],
  8582.                 'CustomerReceipt' => [
  8583.                     'type' => 'object',
  8584.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptType',
  8585.                     'inherits' => [
  8586.                     ],
  8587.                     'decorator' => false,
  8588.                     'config' => [
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  8590.                             'id' => [
  8591.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  8593.                                 ],
  8594.                             ],
  8595.                         ],
  8596.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceipt',
  8597.                         'builders' => [
  8598.                         ],
  8599.                         'interfaces' => [
  8600.                         ],
  8601.                     ],
  8602.                 ],
  8603.                 'CustomerReceiptInput' => [
  8604.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8605.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptInputType',
  8606.                     'inherits' => [
  8607.                     ],
  8608.                     'decorator' => false,
  8609.                     'config' => [
  8610.                         'fields' => [
  8611.                             'createdBy' => [
  8612.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8613.                             ],
  8614.                             'createdAt' => [
  8615.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8616.                             ],
  8617.                             'items' => [
  8618.                                 'type' => '[CustomerReceiptItemInput!]!',
  8619.                             ],
  8620.                             'totalPrice' => [
  8621.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8622.                             ],
  8623.                             'tax' => [
  8624.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  8625.                             ],
  8626.                             'customerID' => [
  8627.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8628.                             ],
  8629.                             'evidenceNumber' => [
  8630.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8631.                             ],
  8632.                             'storeID' => [
  8633.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8634.                             ],
  8635.                             'payments' => [
  8636.                                 'type' => '[PaymentInput!]!',
  8637.                             ],
  8638.                             'temporary' => [
  8639.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  8640.                             ],
  8641.                             'type' => [
  8642.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8643.                             ],
  8644.                             'printer' => [
  8645.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8646.                             ],
  8647.                             'roundings' => [
  8648.                                 'type' => '[CustomerReceiptRoundingInput!]!',
  8649.                             ],
  8650.                         ],
  8651.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceiptInput',
  8652.                     ],
  8653.                 ],
  8654.                 'CustomerInput' => [
  8655.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8656.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerInputType',
  8657.                     'inherits' => [
  8658.                     ],
  8659.                     'decorator' => false,
  8660.                     'config' => [
  8661.                         'fields' => [
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  8663.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8664.                             ],
  8665.                             'lastName' => [
  8666.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8667.                             ],
  8668.                             'billingAddress' => [
  8669.                                 'type' => 'AddressInput!',
  8670.                             ],
  8671.                         ],
  8672.                         'name' => 'CustomerInput',
  8673.                     ],
  8674.                 ],
  8675.                 'CustomerReceiptItemInput' => [
  8676.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8677.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptItemInputType',
  8678.                     'inherits' => [
  8679.                     ],
  8680.                     'decorator' => false,
  8681.                     'config' => [
  8682.                         'fields' => [
  8683.                             'productID' => [
  8684.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  8685.                             ],
  8686.                             'quantity' => [
  8687.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8688.                             ],
  8689.                             'price' => [
  8690.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8691.                             ],
  8692.                             'totalPrice' => [
  8693.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8694.                             ],
  8695.                             'taxRate' => [
  8696.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8697.                             ],
  8698.                             'valid' => [
  8699.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  8700.                             ],
  8701.                             'discounts' => [
  8702.                                 'type' => '[CustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInput!]',
  8703.                             ],
  8704.                             'barcodes' => [
  8705.                                 'type' => '[CustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInput!]',
  8706.                             ],
  8707.                         ],
  8708.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceiptItemInput',
  8709.                     ],
  8710.                 ],
  8711.                 'CustomerReceiptRoundingInput' => [
  8712.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8713.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptRoundingInputType',
  8714.                     'inherits' => [
  8715.                     ],
  8716.                     'decorator' => false,
  8717.                     'config' => [
  8718.                         'fields' => [
  8719.                             'taxRate' => [
  8720.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8721.                             ],
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  8723.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8724.                             ],
  8725.                         ],
  8726.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceiptRoundingInput',
  8727.                     ],
  8728.                 ],
  8729.                 'CustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInput' => [
  8730.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8731.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInputType',
  8732.                     'inherits' => [
  8733.                     ],
  8734.                     'decorator' => false,
  8735.                     'config' => [
  8736.                         'fields' => [
  8737.                             'discountItemID' => [
  8738.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8739.                             ],
  8740.                             'price' => [
  8741.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8742.                             ],
  8743.                             'coupon' => [
  8744.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8745.                             ],
  8746.                         ],
  8747.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceiptMoveDiscountInput',
  8748.                     ],
  8749.                 ],
  8750.                 'CustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInput' => [
  8751.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8752.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInputType',
  8753.                     'inherits' => [
  8754.                     ],
  8755.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8759.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8760.                             ],
  8761.                         ],
  8762.                         'name' => 'CustomerReceiptMoveBarcodeInput',
  8763.                     ],
  8764.                 ],
  8765.                 'Category' => [
  8766.                     'type' => 'object',
  8767.                     'class_name' => 'CategoryType',
  8768.                     'inherits' => [
  8769.                     ],
  8770.                     'decorator' => false,
  8771.                     'config' => [
  8772.                         'fields' => [
  8773.                             'id' => [
  8774.                                 'type' => 'Int',
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  8776.                                 ],
  8777.                             ],
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  8779.                                 'type' => 'String',
  8780.                                 'args' => [
  8781.                                 ],
  8782.                             ],
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  8784.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8785.                                 'args' => [
  8786.                                 ],
  8787.                             ],
  8788.                             'parent' => [
  8789.                                 'type' => 'Category',
  8790.                                 'args' => [
  8791.                                 ],
  8792.                             ],
  8793.                             'images' => [
  8794.                                 'type' => '[CategoryImage]',
  8795.                                 'args' => [
  8796.                                 ],
  8797.                             ],
  8798.                         ],
  8799.                         'name' => 'Category',
  8800.                         'builders' => [
  8801.                         ],
  8802.                         'interfaces' => [
  8803.                         ],
  8804.                     ],
  8805.                 ],
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  8807.                     'type' => 'object',
  8808.                     'class_name' => 'CategoryImageType',
  8809.                     'inherits' => [
  8810.                     ],
  8811.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8813.                         'fields' => [
  8814.                             'id' => [
  8815.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  8817.                                 ],
  8818.                             ],
  8819.                             'url' => [
  8820.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8821.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'categoryImages\', [value])',
  8822.                                 'args' => [
  8823.                                 ],
  8824.                             ],
  8825.                             'priority' => [
  8826.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8827.                                 'args' => [
  8828.                                 ],
  8829.                             ],
  8830.                         ],
  8831.                         'name' => 'CategoryImage',
  8832.                         'builders' => [
  8833.                         ],
  8834.                         'interfaces' => [
  8835.                         ],
  8836.                     ],
  8837.                 ],
  8838.                 'EshopCategory' => [
  8839.                     'type' => 'object',
  8840.                     'class_name' => 'EshopCategoryType',
  8841.                     'inherits' => [
  8842.                     ],
  8843.                     'decorator' => false,
  8844.                     'config' => [
  8845.                         'fields' => [
  8846.                             'id' => [
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  8849.                                 ],
  8850.                             ],
  8851.                             'name' => [
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  8853.                                 'args' => [
  8854.                                 ],
  8855.                             ],
  8856.                             'position' => [
  8857.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8858.                                 'args' => [
  8859.                                 ],
  8860.                             ],
  8861.                             'parent' => [
  8862.                                 'type' => 'EshopCategory',
  8863.                                 'args' => [
  8864.                                 ],
  8865.                             ],
  8866.                         ],
  8867.                         'name' => 'EshopCategory',
  8868.                         'builders' => [
  8869.                         ],
  8870.                         'interfaces' => [
  8871.                         ],
  8872.                     ],
  8873.                 ],
  8874.                 'ProductInput' => [
  8875.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8876.                     'class_name' => 'ProductInputType',
  8877.                     'inherits' => [
  8878.                     ],
  8879.                     'decorator' => false,
  8880.                     'config' => [
  8881.                         'fields' => [
  8882.                             'id' => [
  8883.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8884.                             ],
  8885.                         ],
  8886.                         'name' => 'ProductInput',
  8887.                     ],
  8888.                 ],
  8889.                 'OrderProductInput' => [
  8890.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8891.                     'class_name' => 'OrderProductInputType',
  8892.                     'inherits' => [
  8893.                     ],
  8894.                     'decorator' => false,
  8895.                     'config' => [
  8896.                         'fields' => [
  8897.                             'id' => [
  8898.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  8899.                             ],
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  8901.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8902.                             ],
  8903.                             'quantity' => [
  8904.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  8905.                             ],
  8906.                         ],
  8907.                         'name' => 'OrderProductInput',
  8908.                     ],
  8909.                 ],
  8910.                 'StoreHeader' => [
  8911.                     'type' => 'object',
  8912.                     'class_name' => 'StoreHeaderType',
  8913.                     'inherits' => [
  8914.                     ],
  8915.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8917.                         'fields' => [
  8918.                             'id' => [
  8919.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
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  8921.                                 ],
  8922.                             ],
  8923.                             'type' => [
  8924.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  8926.                                 ],
  8927.                             ],
  8928.                             'storeMoves' => [
  8929.                                 'type' => '[StoreMove]!',
  8930.                                 'args' => [
  8931.                                 ],
  8932.                             ],
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  8934.                                 'type' => '[StoreHeaderPayment]!',
  8935.                                 'args' => [
  8936.                                 ],
  8937.                             ],
  8938.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  8939.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8940.                                 'args' => [
  8941.                                 ],
  8942.                             ],
  8943.                             'totalPriceWithoutTax' => [
  8944.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  8945.                                 'args' => [
  8946.                                 ],
  8947.                             ],
  8948.                             'tax' => [
  8949.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  8950.                                 'args' => [
  8951.                                 ],
  8952.                             ],
  8953.                         ],
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  8955.                         'builders' => [
  8956.                         ],
  8957.                         'interfaces' => [
  8958.                         ],
  8959.                     ],
  8960.                 ],
  8961.                 'StoreHeaderPayment' => [
  8962.                     'type' => 'object',
  8963.                     'class_name' => 'StoreHeaderPaymentType',
  8964.                     'inherits' => [
  8965.                     ],
  8966.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8970.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
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  8972.                                 ],
  8973.                             ],
  8974.                             'type' => [
  8975.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8976.                                 'args' => [
  8977.                                 ],
  8978.                             ],
  8979.                         ],
  8980.                         'name' => 'StoreHeaderPayment',
  8981.                         'builders' => [
  8982.                         ],
  8983.                         'interfaces' => [
  8984.                         ],
  8985.                     ],
  8986.                 ],
  8987.                 'AddressInput' => [
  8988.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  8989.                     'class_name' => 'AddressInputType',
  8990.                     'inherits' => [
  8991.                     ],
  8992.                     'decorator' => false,
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  8996.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  8997.                             ],
  8998.                             'streetNumber' => [
  8999.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9000.                             ],
  9001.                             'zip' => [
  9002.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9003.                             ],
  9004.                             'city' => [
  9005.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9006.                             ],
  9007.                             'country' => [
  9008.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9009.                             ],
  9010.                         ],
  9011.                         'name' => 'AddressInput',
  9012.                     ],
  9013.                 ],
  9014.                 'Address' => [
  9015.                     'type' => 'object',
  9016.                     'class_name' => 'AddressType',
  9017.                     'inherits' => [
  9018.                     ],
  9019.                     'decorator' => false,
  9020.                     'config' => [
  9021.                         'fields' => [
  9022.                             'street' => [
  9023.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9024.                                 'args' => [
  9025.                                 ],
  9026.                             ],
  9027.                             'streetNumber' => [
  9028.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9029.                                 'args' => [
  9030.                                 ],
  9031.                             ],
  9032.                             'zip' => [
  9033.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9034.                                 'args' => [
  9035.                                 ],
  9036.                             ],
  9037.                             'city' => [
  9038.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9039.                                 'args' => [
  9040.                                 ],
  9041.                             ],
  9042.                             'country' => [
  9043.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9044.                                 'args' => [
  9045.                                 ],
  9046.                             ],
  9047.                         ],
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  9049.                         'builders' => [
  9050.                         ],
  9051.                         'interfaces' => [
  9052.                         ],
  9053.                     ],
  9054.                 ],
  9055.                 'WarehouseRecord' => [
  9056.                     'type' => 'interface',
  9057.                     'class_name' => 'WarehouseRecordType',
  9058.                     'inherits' => [
  9059.                     ],
  9060.                     'decorator' => false,
  9061.                     'config' => [
  9062.                         'fields' => [
  9063.                             'id' => [
  9064.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9065.                                 'args' => [
  9066.                                 ],
  9067.                             ],
  9068.                             'evidenceNumber' => [
  9069.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9070.                                 'args' => [
  9071.                                 ],
  9072.                             ],
  9073.                             'temporary' => [
  9074.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9075.                                 'args' => [
  9076.                                 ],
  9077.                             ],
  9078.                             'store' => [
  9079.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  9080.                                 'args' => [
  9081.                                 ],
  9082.                             ],
  9083.                             'createdAt' => [
  9084.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9085.                                 'args' => [
  9086.                                 ],
  9087.                             ],
  9088.                             'totalPriceWithoutTax' => [
  9089.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9090.                                 'args' => [
  9091.                                 ],
  9092.                             ],
  9093.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  9094.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9095.                                 'args' => [
  9096.                                 ],
  9097.                             ],
  9098.                         ],
  9099.                         'name' => 'WarehouseRecord',
  9100.                     ],
  9101.                 ],
  9102.                 'SupplierWarehouseRecord' => [
  9103.                     'type' => 'object',
  9104.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecordType',
  9105.                     'inherits' => [
  9106.                     ],
  9107.                     'decorator' => false,
  9108.                     'config' => [
  9109.                         'interfaces' => [
  9110.                             => 'WarehouseRecord',
  9111.                         ],
  9112.                         'fields' => [
  9113.                             'id' => [
  9114.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9115.                                 'args' => [
  9116.                                 ],
  9117.                             ],
  9118.                             'evidenceNumber' => [
  9119.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9120.                                 'args' => [
  9121.                                 ],
  9122.                             ],
  9123.                             'temporary' => [
  9124.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9125.                                 'args' => [
  9126.                                 ],
  9127.                             ],
  9128.                             'supplier' => [
  9129.                                 'type' => 'Supplier!',
  9130.                                 'args' => [
  9131.                                 ],
  9132.                             ],
  9133.                             'return' => [
  9134.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9135.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'supplierWarehouseReturnResolver\', [value])',
  9136.                                 'args' => [
  9137.                                 ],
  9138.                             ],
  9139.                             'createdAt' => [
  9140.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9141.                                 'args' => [
  9142.                                 ],
  9143.                             ],
  9144.                             'store' => [
  9145.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  9146.                                 'args' => [
  9147.                                 ],
  9148.                             ],
  9149.                             'products' => [
  9150.                                 'type' => '[ProductWarehouseRecord!]!',
  9151.                                 'args' => [
  9152.                                 ],
  9153.                             ],
  9154.                             'totalPriceWithoutTax' => [
  9155.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9156.                                 'args' => [
  9157.                                 ],
  9158.                             ],
  9159.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  9160.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9161.                                 'args' => [
  9162.                                 ],
  9163.                             ],
  9164.                             'tax' => [
  9165.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9166.                                 'args' => [
  9167.                                 ],
  9168.                             ],
  9169.                         ],
  9170.                         'name' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecord',
  9171.                         'builders' => [
  9172.                         ],
  9173.                     ],
  9174.                 ],
  9175.                 'StoreWarehouseRecord' => [
  9176.                     'type' => 'object',
  9177.                     'class_name' => 'StoreWarehouseRecordType',
  9178.                     'inherits' => [
  9179.                     ],
  9180.                     'decorator' => false,
  9181.                     'config' => [
  9182.                         'interfaces' => [
  9183.                             => 'WarehouseRecord',
  9184.                         ],
  9185.                         'fields' => [
  9186.                             'id' => [
  9187.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9188.                                 'args' => [
  9189.                                 ],
  9190.                             ],
  9191.                             'evidenceNumber' => [
  9192.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9193.                                 'args' => [
  9194.                                 ],
  9195.                             ],
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  9197.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9198.                                 'args' => [
  9199.                                 ],
  9200.                             ],
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  9202.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  9203.                                 'args' => [
  9204.                                 ],
  9205.                             ],
  9206.                             'toStore' => [
  9207.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  9208.                                 'args' => [
  9209.                                 ],
  9210.                             ],
  9211.                             'createdAt' => [
  9212.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9213.                                 'args' => [
  9214.                                 ],
  9215.                             ],
  9216.                             'products' => [
  9217.                                 'type' => '[ProductWarehouseRecord!]!',
  9218.                                 'args' => [
  9219.                                 ],
  9220.                             ],
  9221.                             'totalPriceWithoutTax' => [
  9222.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9223.                                 'args' => [
  9224.                                 ],
  9225.                             ],
  9226.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  9227.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9228.                                 'args' => [
  9229.                                 ],
  9230.                             ],
  9231.                         ],
  9232.                         'name' => 'StoreWarehouseRecord',
  9233.                         'builders' => [
  9234.                         ],
  9235.                     ],
  9236.                 ],
  9237.                 'ProductWarehouseRecord' => [
  9238.                     'type' => 'object',
  9239.                     'class_name' => 'ProductWarehouseRecordType',
  9240.                     'inherits' => [
  9241.                     ],
  9242.                     'decorator' => false,
  9243.                     'config' => [
  9244.                         'fields' => [
  9245.                             'id' => [
  9246.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9247.                                 'args' => [
  9248.                                 ],
  9249.                             ],
  9250.                             'product' => [
  9251.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  9252.                                 'args' => [
  9253.                                 ],
  9254.                             ],
  9255.                             'priceWithoutTax' => [
  9256.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9257.                                 'args' => [
  9258.                                 ],
  9259.                             ],
  9260.                             'priceWithTax' => [
  9261.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9262.                                 'args' => [
  9263.                                 ],
  9264.                             ],
  9265.                             'totalPriceWithoutTax' => [
  9266.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9267.                                 'args' => [
  9268.                                 ],
  9269.                             ],
  9270.                             'totalPriceWithTax' => [
  9271.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9272.                                 'args' => [
  9273.                                 ],
  9274.                             ],
  9275.                             'taxRate' => [
  9276.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9277.                                 'args' => [
  9278.                                 ],
  9279.                             ],
  9280.                             'quantity' => [
  9281.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9282.                                 'args' => [
  9283.                                 ],
  9284.                             ],
  9285.                         ],
  9286.                         'name' => 'ProductWarehouseRecord',
  9287.                         'builders' => [
  9288.                         ],
  9289.                         'interfaces' => [
  9290.                         ],
  9291.                     ],
  9292.                 ],
  9293.                 'SupplierWarehouseRecordInput' => [
  9294.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9295.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9296.                     'inherits' => [
  9297.                     ],
  9298.                     'decorator' => false,
  9299.                     'config' => [
  9300.                         'fields' => [
  9301.                             'supplierID' => [
  9302.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9303.                             ],
  9304.                             'storeID' => [
  9305.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9306.                             ],
  9307.                             'evidenceNumber' => [
  9308.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9309.                             ],
  9310.                             'tax' => [
  9311.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9312.                             ],
  9313.                             'temporary' => [
  9314.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9315.                             ],
  9316.                             'return' => [
  9317.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9318.                             ],
  9319.                         ],
  9320.                         'name' => 'SupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9321.                     ],
  9322.                 ],
  9323.                 'AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput' => [
  9324.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9325.                     'class_name' => 'AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9326.                     'inherits' => [
  9327.                     ],
  9328.                     'decorator' => false,
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  9333.                             ],
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  9335.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9336.                             ],
  9337.                         ],
  9338.                         'name' => 'AddProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9339.                     ],
  9340.                 ],
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  9343.                     'class_name' => 'EditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType',
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  9345.                     ],
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  9351.                             ],
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  9353.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9354.                             ],
  9355.                         ],
  9356.                         'name' => 'EditProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9357.                     ],
  9358.                 ],
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  9361.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9362.                     'inherits' => [
  9363.                     ],
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  9369.                             ],
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  9371.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9372.                             ],
  9373.                         ],
  9374.                         'name' => 'DeleteProductsStoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9375.                     ],
  9376.                 ],
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  9379.                     'class_name' => 'AddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9380.                     'inherits' => [
  9381.                     ],
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  9387.                             ],
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  9389.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9390.                             ],
  9391.                         ],
  9392.                         'name' => 'AddProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9393.                     ],
  9394.                 ],
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  9399.                     ],
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  9405.                             ],
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  9407.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9408.                             ],
  9409.                         ],
  9410.                         'name' => 'EditProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9411.                     ],
  9412.                 ],
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  9415.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType',
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  9417.                     ],
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  9423.                             ],
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  9425.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9426.                             ],
  9427.                         ],
  9428.                         'name' => 'DeleteProductsSupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9429.                     ],
  9430.                 ],
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  9435.                     ],
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  9441.                             ],
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  9444.                             ],
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  9446.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9447.                             ],
  9448.                         ],
  9449.                         'name' => 'AddProductWarehouseRecordInput',
  9450.                     ],
  9451.                 ],
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  9456.                     ],
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  9462.                             ],
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  9465.                             ],
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  9467.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  9468.                             ],
  9469.                         ],
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  9471.                     ],
  9472.                 ],
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  9477.                     ],
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  9483.                             ],
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  9485.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9486.                             ],
  9487.                         ],
  9488.                         'name' => 'DeleteProductsWarehouseRecordInput',
  9489.                     ],
  9490.                 ],
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  9495.                     ],
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  9501.                             ],
  9502.                         ],
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  9504.                     ],
  9505.                 ],
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  9510.                     ],
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  9516.                             ],
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  9518.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9519.                             ],
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  9521.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9522.                             ],
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  9524.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  9525.                             ],
  9526.                         ],
  9527.                         'name' => 'StoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9528.                     ],
  9529.                 ],
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  9533.                     'inherits' => [
  9534.                     ],
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  9540.                             ],
  9541.                         ],
  9542.                         'name' => 'ConfirmStoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9543.                     ],
  9544.                 ],
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  9547.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteStoreWarehouseRecordInputType',
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  9549.                     ],
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  9555.                             ],
  9556.                         ],
  9557.                         'name' => 'DeleteStoreWarehouseRecordInput',
  9558.                     ],
  9559.                 ],
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  9562.                     'class_name' => 'ConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9563.                     'inherits' => [
  9564.                     ],
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  9570.                             ],
  9571.                         ],
  9572.                         'name' => 'ConfirmSupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9573.                     ],
  9574.                 ],
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  9577.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordInputType',
  9578.                     'inherits' => [
  9579.                     ],
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  9585.                             ],
  9586.                         ],
  9587.                         'name' => 'DeleteSupplierWarehouseRecordInput',
  9588.                     ],
  9589.                 ],
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  9591.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9592.                     'class_name' => 'WarehouseStoreFilterType',
  9593.                     'inherits' => [
  9594.                     ],
  9595.                     'decorator' => false,
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  9603.                                         => [
  9604.                                             'Count' => [
  9605.                                                 'min' => 1,
  9606.                                             ],
  9607.                                         ],
  9608.                                     ],
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  9610.                                 ],
  9611.                             ],
  9612.                         ],
  9613.                         'name' => 'WarehouseStoreFilter',
  9614.                     ],
  9615.                 ],
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  9618.                     'class_name' => 'BannerType',
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  9620.                     ],
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  9627.                                 ],
  9628.                             ],
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  9632.                                 ],
  9633.                             ],
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  9637.                                 ],
  9638.                             ],
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  9640.                                 'type' => '[BannerImage]!',
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  9642.                                 ],
  9643.                             ],
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  9647.                                 ],
  9648.                             ],
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  9652.                                 ],
  9653.                             ],
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  9657.                                 ],
  9658.                             ],
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  9662.                                 ],
  9663.                             ],
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  9667.                                 ],
  9668.                             ],
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  9672.                                 ],
  9673.                             ],
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  9677.                                 ],
  9678.                             ],
  9679.                         ],
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  9682.                         ],
  9683.                         'interfaces' => [
  9684.                         ],
  9685.                     ],
  9686.                 ],
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  9689.                     'class_name' => 'BannerImageType',
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  9691.                     ],
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  9698.                                 ],
  9699.                             ],
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  9701.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9702.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'bannerImageURL\', [value])',
  9703.                                 'args' => [
  9704.                                 ],
  9705.                             ],
  9706.                             'type' => [
  9707.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  9709.                                 ],
  9710.                             ],
  9711.                         ],
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  9714.                         ],
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  9716.                         ],
  9717.                     ],
  9718.                 ],
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  9721.                     'class_name' => 'BannerRedirectType',
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  9723.                     ],
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  9730.                                 ],
  9731.                             ],
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  9733.                                 'type' => 'Int',
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  9735.                                 ],
  9736.                             ],
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  9738.                                 'type' => 'Int',
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  9740.                                 ],
  9741.                             ],
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  9743.                                 'type' => 'String',
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  9745.                                 ],
  9746.                             ],
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  9748.                                 'type' => '[Int]',
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  9750.                                 ],
  9751.                             ],
  9752.                         ],
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  9754.                         'builders' => [
  9755.                         ],
  9756.                         'interfaces' => [
  9757.                         ],
  9758.                     ],
  9759.                 ],
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  9761.                     'type' => 'object',
  9762.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierType',
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  9764.                     ],
  9765.                     'decorator' => false,
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  9771.                                 ],
  9772.                             ],
  9773.                             'name' => [
  9774.                                 'type' => 'String!',
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  9776.                                 ],
  9777.                             ],
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  9779.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9780.                                 'args' => [
  9781.                                 ],
  9782.                             ],
  9783.                             'orders' => [
  9784.                                 'type' => '[SupplierOrder!]!',
  9785.                                 'args' => [
  9786.                                 ],
  9787.                             ],
  9788.                         ],
  9789.                         'name' => 'Supplier',
  9790.                         'builders' => [
  9791.                         ],
  9792.                         'interfaces' => [
  9793.                         ],
  9794.                     ],
  9795.                 ],
  9796.                 'SupplierInput' => [
  9797.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9798.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierInputType',
  9799.                     'inherits' => [
  9800.                     ],
  9801.                     'decorator' => false,
  9802.                     'config' => [
  9803.                         'fields' => [
  9804.                             'name' => [
  9805.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9806.                             ],
  9807.                             'businessID' => [
  9808.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9809.                             ],
  9810.                             'taxID' => [
  9811.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9812.                             ],
  9813.                             'VAT' => [
  9814.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  9815.                             ],
  9816.                             'address' => [
  9817.                                 'type' => 'AddressInput!',
  9818.                             ],
  9819.                         ],
  9820.                         'name' => 'SupplierInput',
  9821.                     ],
  9822.                 ],
  9823.                 'SupplierFilter' => [
  9824.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9825.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierFilterType',
  9826.                     'inherits' => [
  9827.                     ],
  9828.                     'decorator' => false,
  9829.                     'config' => [
  9830.                         'fields' => [
  9831.                             'uids' => [
  9832.                                 'type' => '[String!]',
  9833.                                 'validation' => [
  9834.                                     'constraints' => [
  9835.                                         => [
  9836.                                             'Count' => [
  9837.                                                 'min' => 1,
  9838.                                             ],
  9839.                                         ],
  9840.                                     ],
  9841.                                     'link' => NULL,
  9842.                                 ],
  9843.                             ],
  9844.                             'ids' => [
  9845.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  9846.                                 'validation' => [
  9847.                                     'constraints' => [
  9848.                                         => [
  9849.                                             'Count' => [
  9850.                                                 'min' => 1,
  9851.                                             ],
  9852.                                         ],
  9853.                                     ],
  9854.                                     'link' => NULL,
  9855.                                 ],
  9856.                             ],
  9857.                             'search' => [
  9858.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9859.                             ],
  9860.                         ],
  9861.                         'name' => 'SupplierFilter',
  9862.                     ],
  9863.                 ],
  9864.                 'CreateCustomerInput' => [
  9865.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9866.                     'class_name' => 'CreateCustomerInputType',
  9867.                     'inherits' => [
  9868.                     ],
  9869.                     'decorator' => false,
  9870.                     'config' => [
  9871.                         'fields' => [
  9872.                             'code' => [
  9873.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9874.                             ],
  9875.                             'points' => [
  9876.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  9877.                             ],
  9878.                             'typeID' => [
  9879.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  9880.                             ],
  9881.                             'username' => [
  9882.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9883.                             ],
  9884.                             'password' => [
  9885.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9886.                             ],
  9887.                             'firstName' => [
  9888.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9889.                             ],
  9890.                             'lastName' => [
  9891.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9892.                             ],
  9893.                             'sex' => [
  9894.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9895.                             ],
  9896.                             'phone' => [
  9897.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9898.                             ],
  9899.                             'street' => [
  9900.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9901.                             ],
  9902.                             'city' => [
  9903.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9904.                             ],
  9905.                             'zipcode' => [
  9906.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9907.                             ],
  9908.                             'birthday' => [
  9909.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9910.                             ],
  9911.                             'title' => [
  9912.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9913.                             ],
  9914.                             'physicalCard' => [
  9915.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  9916.                             ],
  9917.                         ],
  9918.                         'name' => 'CreateCustomerInput',
  9919.                     ],
  9920.                 ],
  9921.                 'EditCustomerInput' => [
  9922.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9923.                     'class_name' => 'EditCustomerInputType',
  9924.                     'inherits' => [
  9925.                     ],
  9926.                     'decorator' => false,
  9927.                     'config' => [
  9928.                         'fields' => [
  9929.                             'customerID' => [
  9930.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9931.                             ],
  9932.                             'code' => [
  9933.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9934.                             ],
  9935.                             'typeID' => [
  9936.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  9937.                             ],
  9938.                             'points' => [
  9939.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  9940.                             ],
  9941.                             'email' => [
  9942.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9943.                             ],
  9944.                             'firstName' => [
  9945.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9946.                             ],
  9947.                             'lastName' => [
  9948.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9949.                             ],
  9950.                             'sex' => [
  9951.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9952.                             ],
  9953.                             'phone' => [
  9954.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9955.                             ],
  9956.                             'street' => [
  9957.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9958.                             ],
  9959.                             'streetNumber' => [
  9960.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9961.                             ],
  9962.                             'city' => [
  9963.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9964.                             ],
  9965.                             'zipcode' => [
  9966.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9967.                             ],
  9968.                             'birthday' => [
  9969.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9970.                             ],
  9971.                             'title' => [
  9972.                                 'type' => 'String',
  9973.                             ],
  9974.                         ],
  9975.                         'name' => 'EditCustomerInput',
  9976.                     ],
  9977.                 ],
  9978.                 'DeleteCustomerInput' => [
  9979.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  9980.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteCustomerInputType',
  9981.                     'inherits' => [
  9982.                     ],
  9983.                     'decorator' => false,
  9984.                     'config' => [
  9985.                         'fields' => [
  9986.                             'customerID' => [
  9987.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  9988.                             ],
  9989.                         ],
  9990.                         'name' => 'DeleteCustomerInput',
  9991.                     ],
  9992.                 ],
  9993.                 'Customer' => [
  9994.                     'type' => 'object',
  9995.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerType',
  9996.                     'inherits' => [
  9997.                     ],
  9998.                     'decorator' => false,
  9999.                     'config' => [
  10000.                         'fields' => [
  10001.                             'id' => [
  10002.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10003.                                 'args' => [
  10004.                                 ],
  10005.                             ],
  10006.                             'code' => [
  10007.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10008.                                 'args' => [
  10009.                                 ],
  10010.                             ],
  10011.                             'points' => [
  10012.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10013.                                 'args' => [
  10014.                                 ],
  10015.                             ],
  10016.                             'type' => [
  10017.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10018.                                 'args' => [
  10019.                                 ],
  10020.                             ],
  10021.                             'createdAt' => [
  10022.                                 'type' => 'DateTime!',
  10023.                                 'args' => [
  10024.                                 ],
  10025.                             ],
  10026.                             'updatedAt' => [
  10027.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  10028.                                 'args' => [
  10029.                                 ],
  10030.                             ],
  10031.                             'deletedAt' => [
  10032.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  10033.                                 'args' => [
  10034.                                 ],
  10035.                             ],
  10036.                             'discounts' => [
  10037.                                 'type' => '[Discount!]!',
  10038.                                 'args' => [
  10039.                                 ],
  10040.                             ],
  10041.                             'userName' => [
  10042.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10043.                                 'args' => [
  10044.                                 ],
  10045.                             ],
  10046.                             'firstName' => [
  10047.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10048.                                 'args' => [
  10049.                                 ],
  10050.                             ],
  10051.                             'lastName' => [
  10052.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10053.                                 'args' => [
  10054.                                 ],
  10055.                             ],
  10056.                             'sex' => [
  10057.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10058.                                 'args' => [
  10059.                                 ],
  10060.                             ],
  10061.                             'phone' => [
  10062.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10063.                                 'args' => [
  10064.                                 ],
  10065.                             ],
  10066.                         ],
  10067.                         'name' => 'Customer',
  10068.                         'builders' => [
  10069.                         ],
  10070.                         'interfaces' => [
  10071.                         ],
  10072.                     ],
  10073.                 ],
  10074.                 'CustomerType' => [
  10075.                     'type' => 'object',
  10076.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerTypeType',
  10077.                     'inherits' => [
  10078.                     ],
  10079.                     'decorator' => false,
  10080.                     'config' => [
  10081.                         'fields' => [
  10082.                             'id' => [
  10083.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10084.                                 'args' => [
  10085.                                 ],
  10086.                             ],
  10087.                             'type' => [
  10088.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10089.                                 'args' => [
  10090.                                 ],
  10091.                             ],
  10092.                             'deletedAt' => [
  10093.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  10094.                                 'args' => [
  10095.                                 ],
  10096.                             ],
  10097.                         ],
  10098.                         'name' => 'CustomerType',
  10099.                         'builders' => [
  10100.                         ],
  10101.                         'interfaces' => [
  10102.                         ],
  10103.                     ],
  10104.                 ],
  10105.                 'CreateCustomerTypeInput' => [
  10106.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10107.                     'class_name' => 'CreateCustomerTypeInputType',
  10108.                     'inherits' => [
  10109.                     ],
  10110.                     'decorator' => false,
  10111.                     'config' => [
  10112.                         'fields' => [
  10113.                             'type' => [
  10114.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10115.                             ],
  10116.                         ],
  10117.                         'name' => 'CreateCustomerTypeInput',
  10118.                     ],
  10119.                 ],
  10120.                 'DeleteCustomerTypeInput' => [
  10121.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10122.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteCustomerTypeInputType',
  10123.                     'inherits' => [
  10124.                     ],
  10125.                     'decorator' => false,
  10126.                     'config' => [
  10127.                         'fields' => [
  10128.                             'typeID' => [
  10129.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10130.                             ],
  10131.                         ],
  10132.                         'name' => 'DeleteCustomerTypeInput',
  10133.                     ],
  10134.                 ],
  10135.                 'DeleteCustomerAddressInput' => [
  10136.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10137.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteCustomerAddressInputType',
  10138.                     'inherits' => [
  10139.                     ],
  10140.                     'decorator' => false,
  10141.                     'config' => [
  10142.                         'fields' => [
  10143.                             'id' => [
  10144.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10145.                             ],
  10146.                         ],
  10147.                         'name' => 'DeleteCustomerAddressInput',
  10148.                     ],
  10149.                 ],
  10150.                 'CustomerTypeFilter' => [
  10151.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10152.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerTypeFilterType',
  10153.                     'inherits' => [
  10154.                     ],
  10155.                     'decorator' => false,
  10156.                     'config' => [
  10157.                         'fields' => [
  10158.                             'ids' => [
  10159.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  10160.                             ],
  10161.                             'search' => [
  10162.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10163.                             ],
  10164.                             'type' => [
  10165.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10166.                             ],
  10167.                         ],
  10168.                         'name' => 'CustomerTypeFilter',
  10169.                     ],
  10170.                 ],
  10171.                 'CustomerAddressInput' => [
  10172.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10173.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerAddressInputType',
  10174.                     'inherits' => [
  10175.                     ],
  10176.                     'decorator' => false,
  10177.                     'config' => [
  10178.                         'fields' => [
  10179.                             'street' => [
  10180.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10181.                             ],
  10182.                             'streetNumber' => [
  10183.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10184.                             ],
  10185.                             'zip' => [
  10186.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10187.                             ],
  10188.                             'city' => [
  10189.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10190.                             ],
  10191.                             'country' => [
  10192.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10193.                             ],
  10194.                             'longitude' => [
  10195.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10196.                             ],
  10197.                             'latitude' => [
  10198.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10199.                             ],
  10200.                         ],
  10201.                         'name' => 'CustomerAddressInput',
  10202.                     ],
  10203.                 ],
  10204.                 'EditCustomerAddressInput' => [
  10205.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10206.                     'class_name' => 'EditCustomerAddressInputType',
  10207.                     'inherits' => [
  10208.                     ],
  10209.                     'decorator' => false,
  10210.                     'config' => [
  10211.                         'fields' => [
  10212.                             'id' => [
  10213.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10214.                             ],
  10215.                             'street' => [
  10216.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10217.                             ],
  10218.                             'streetNumber' => [
  10219.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10220.                             ],
  10221.                             'zip' => [
  10222.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10223.                             ],
  10224.                             'city' => [
  10225.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10226.                             ],
  10227.                             'country' => [
  10228.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10229.                             ],
  10230.                             'longitude' => [
  10231.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10232.                             ],
  10233.                             'latitude' => [
  10234.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10235.                             ],
  10236.                             'name' => [
  10237.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10238.                             ],
  10239.                         ],
  10240.                         'name' => 'EditCustomerAddressInput',
  10241.                     ],
  10242.                 ],
  10243.                 'CreateCustomerAddressInput' => [
  10244.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10245.                     'class_name' => 'CreateCustomerAddressInputType',
  10246.                     'inherits' => [
  10247.                     ],
  10248.                     'decorator' => false,
  10249.                     'config' => [
  10250.                         'fields' => [
  10251.                             'street' => [
  10252.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10253.                             ],
  10254.                             'streetNumber' => [
  10255.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10256.                             ],
  10257.                             'zip' => [
  10258.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10259.                             ],
  10260.                             'city' => [
  10261.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10262.                             ],
  10263.                             'country' => [
  10264.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10265.                             ],
  10266.                             'longitude' => [
  10267.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10268.                             ],
  10269.                             'latitude' => [
  10270.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10271.                             ],
  10272.                             'name' => [
  10273.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10274.                             ],
  10275.                         ],
  10276.                         'name' => 'CreateCustomerAddressInput',
  10277.                     ],
  10278.                 ],
  10279.                 'CustomerAddress' => [
  10280.                     'type' => 'object',
  10281.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerAddressType',
  10282.                     'inherits' => [
  10283.                     ],
  10284.                     'decorator' => false,
  10285.                     'config' => [
  10286.                         'fields' => [
  10287.                             'id' => [
  10288.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10289.                                 'args' => [
  10290.                                 ],
  10291.                             ],
  10292.                             'street' => [
  10293.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10294.                                 'args' => [
  10295.                                 ],
  10296.                             ],
  10297.                             'streetNumber' => [
  10298.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10299.                                 'args' => [
  10300.                                 ],
  10301.                             ],
  10302.                             'zip' => [
  10303.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10304.                                 'args' => [
  10305.                                 ],
  10306.                             ],
  10307.                             'city' => [
  10308.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10309.                                 'args' => [
  10310.                                 ],
  10311.                             ],
  10312.                             'country' => [
  10313.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10314.                                 'args' => [
  10315.                                 ],
  10316.                             ],
  10317.                             'longitude' => [
  10318.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10319.                                 'args' => [
  10320.                                 ],
  10321.                             ],
  10322.                             'latitude' => [
  10323.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10324.                                 'args' => [
  10325.                                 ],
  10326.                             ],
  10327.                             'name' => [
  10328.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10329.                                 'args' => [
  10330.                                 ],
  10331.                             ],
  10332.                             'deletedAt' => [
  10333.                                 'type' => 'DateTime',
  10334.                                 'args' => [
  10335.                                 ],
  10336.                             ],
  10337.                         ],
  10338.                         'name' => 'CustomerAddress',
  10339.                         'builders' => [
  10340.                         ],
  10341.                         'interfaces' => [
  10342.                         ],
  10343.                     ],
  10344.                 ],
  10345.                 'CreateFavouriteCustomerProductInput' => [
  10346.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10347.                     'class_name' => 'CreateFavouriteCustomerProductInputType',
  10348.                     'inherits' => [
  10349.                     ],
  10350.                     'decorator' => false,
  10351.                     'config' => [
  10352.                         'fields' => [
  10353.                             'productId' => [
  10354.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10355.                             ],
  10356.                             'isFavourite' => [
  10357.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10358.                             ],
  10359.                         ],
  10360.                         'name' => 'CreateFavouriteCustomerProductInput',
  10361.                     ],
  10362.                 ],
  10363.                 'CustomerServiceRating' => [
  10364.                     'type' => 'object',
  10365.                     'class_name' => 'CustomerServiceRatingType',
  10366.                     'inherits' => [
  10367.                     ],
  10368.                     'decorator' => false,
  10369.                     'config' => [
  10370.                         'fields' => [
  10371.                             'id' => [
  10372.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10373.                                 'args' => [
  10374.                                 ],
  10375.                             ],
  10376.                         ],
  10377.                         'name' => 'CustomerServiceRating',
  10378.                         'builders' => [
  10379.                         ],
  10380.                         'interfaces' => [
  10381.                         ],
  10382.                     ],
  10383.                 ],
  10384.                 'CreateCustomerServiceRatingInput' => [
  10385.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10386.                     'class_name' => 'CreateCustomerServiceRatingInputType',
  10387.                     'inherits' => [
  10388.                     ],
  10389.                     'decorator' => false,
  10390.                     'config' => [
  10391.                         'fields' => [
  10392.                             'ratingValueID' => [
  10393.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10394.                             ],
  10395.                             'ratingTypeID' => [
  10396.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10397.                             ],
  10398.                             'customerOrderID' => [
  10399.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10400.                             ],
  10401.                             'storeID' => [
  10402.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10403.                             ],
  10404.                             'note' => [
  10405.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10406.                             ],
  10407.                             'phoneNumber' => [
  10408.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10409.                             ],
  10410.                         ],
  10411.                         'name' => 'CreateCustomerServiceRatingInput',
  10412.                     ],
  10413.                 ],
  10414.                 'StoreInput' => [
  10415.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10416.                     'class_name' => 'StoreInputType',
  10417.                     'inherits' => [
  10418.                     ],
  10419.                     'decorator' => false,
  10420.                     'config' => [
  10421.                         'fields' => [
  10422.                             'id' => [
  10423.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10424.                             ],
  10425.                         ],
  10426.                         'name' => 'StoreInput',
  10427.                     ],
  10428.                 ],
  10429.                 'Discount' => [
  10430.                     'type' => 'object',
  10431.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountType',
  10432.                     'inherits' => [
  10433.                     ],
  10434.                     'decorator' => false,
  10435.                     'config' => [
  10436.                         'fields' => [
  10437.                             'id' => [
  10438.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10439.                                 'args' => [
  10440.                                 ],
  10441.                             ],
  10442.                             'items' => [
  10443.                                 'type' => '[DiscountItem]!',
  10444.                                 'args' => [
  10445.                                 ],
  10446.                             ],
  10447.                             'title' => [
  10448.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10449.                                 'args' => [
  10450.                                 ],
  10451.                             ],
  10452.                             'uid' => [
  10453.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10454.                                 'args' => [
  10455.                                 ],
  10456.                             ],
  10457.                             'type' => [
  10458.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10459.                                 'args' => [
  10460.                                 ],
  10461.                             ],
  10462.                             'store' => [
  10463.                                 'type' => 'Store',
  10464.                                 'args' => [
  10465.                                 ],
  10466.                             ],
  10467.                             'validFrom' => [
  10468.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10469.                                 'args' => [
  10470.                                 ],
  10471.                             ],
  10472.                             'validTo' => [
  10473.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10474.                                 'args' => [
  10475.                                 ],
  10476.                             ],
  10477.                             'userConfirmable' => [
  10478.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10479.                                 'args' => [
  10480.                                 ],
  10481.                             ],
  10482.                             'alreadyUsed' => [
  10483.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  10484.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'nullBeZero\', [info, value])',
  10485.                                 'args' => [
  10486.                                 ],
  10487.                             ],
  10488.                             'maximumUses' => [
  10489.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10490.                                 'args' => [
  10491.                                 ],
  10492.                             ],
  10493.                             'triggerCoupon' => [
  10494.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10495.                                 'args' => [
  10496.                                 ],
  10497.                             ],
  10498.                             'triggerPoints' => [
  10499.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10500.                                 'args' => [
  10501.                                 ],
  10502.                             ],
  10503.                             'triggerCartValue' => [
  10504.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10505.                                 'args' => [
  10506.                                 ],
  10507.                             ],
  10508.                             'triggerMinimumQuantity' => [
  10509.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10510.                                 'args' => [
  10511.                                 ],
  10512.                             ],
  10513.                             'deletedAt' => [
  10514.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10515.                                 'args' => [
  10516.                                 ],
  10517.                             ],
  10518.                             'createdAt' => [
  10519.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10520.                                 'args' => [
  10521.                                 ],
  10522.                             ],
  10523.                             'updatedAt' => [
  10524.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10525.                                 'args' => [
  10526.                                 ],
  10527.                             ],
  10528.                             'triggerCoupons' => [
  10529.                                 'type' => '[DiscountCoupon]!',
  10530.                                 'args' => [
  10531.                                 ],
  10532.                             ],
  10533.                             'triggerProducts' => [
  10534.                                 'type' => '[Product]!',
  10535.                                 'args' => [
  10536.                                 ],
  10537.                             ],
  10538.                             'triggerCustomerTypes' => [
  10539.                                 'type' => '[CustomerType]!',
  10540.                                 'args' => [
  10541.                                 ],
  10542.                             ],
  10543.                             'triggerApplyToAllCustomers' => [
  10544.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10545.                                 'args' => [
  10546.                                 ],
  10547.                             ],
  10548.                         ],
  10549.                         'name' => 'Discount',
  10550.                         'builders' => [
  10551.                         ],
  10552.                         'interfaces' => [
  10553.                         ],
  10554.                     ],
  10555.                 ],
  10556.                 'DiscountOrder' => [
  10557.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10558.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountOrderType',
  10559.                     'inherits' => [
  10560.                     ],
  10561.                     'decorator' => false,
  10562.                     'config' => [
  10563.                         'fields' => [
  10564.                             'validFrom' => [
  10565.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10566.                             ],
  10567.                         ],
  10568.                         'name' => 'DiscountOrder',
  10569.                     ],
  10570.                 ],
  10571.                 'DiscountItemFilter' => [
  10572.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10573.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountItemFilterType',
  10574.                     'inherits' => [
  10575.                     ],
  10576.                     'decorator' => false,
  10577.                     'config' => [
  10578.                         'fields' => [
  10579.                             'onlyProducts' => [
  10580.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  10581.                             ],
  10582.                             'product' => [
  10583.                                 'type' => 'ProductFilter',
  10584.                             ],
  10585.                         ],
  10586.                         'name' => 'DiscountItemFilter',
  10587.                     ],
  10588.                 ],
  10589.                 'DiscountStoreFilter' => [
  10590.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10591.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountStoreFilterType',
  10592.                     'inherits' => [
  10593.                     ],
  10594.                     'decorator' => false,
  10595.                     'config' => [
  10596.                         'fields' => [
  10597.                             'ids' => [
  10598.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  10599.                                 'validation' => [
  10600.                                     'constraints' => [
  10601.                                         => [
  10602.                                             'Count' => [
  10603.                                                 'min' => 1,
  10604.                                             ],
  10605.                                         ],
  10606.                                     ],
  10607.                                     'link' => NULL,
  10608.                                 ],
  10609.                             ],
  10610.                         ],
  10611.                         'name' => 'DiscountStoreFilter',
  10612.                     ],
  10613.                 ],
  10614.                 'DiscountItem' => [
  10615.                     'type' => 'object',
  10616.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountItemType',
  10617.                     'inherits' => [
  10618.                     ],
  10619.                     'decorator' => false,
  10620.                     'config' => [
  10621.                         'fields' => [
  10622.                             'id' => [
  10623.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10624.                                 'args' => [
  10625.                                 ],
  10626.                             ],
  10627.                             'productID' => [
  10628.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10629.                                 'args' => [
  10630.                                 ],
  10631.                             ],
  10632.                             'product' => [
  10633.                                 'type' => 'Product',
  10634.                                 'args' => [
  10635.                                 ],
  10636.                             ],
  10637.                             'type' => [
  10638.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10639.                                 'args' => [
  10640.                                 ],
  10641.                             ],
  10642.                             'amount' => [
  10643.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  10644.                                 'args' => [
  10645.                                 ],
  10646.                             ],
  10647.                             'discount' => [
  10648.                                 'type' => 'Discount',
  10649.                                 'args' => [
  10650.                                 ],
  10651.                             ],
  10652.                             'excludeTags' => [
  10653.                                 'type' => '[ProductTag]!',
  10654.                                 'args' => [
  10655.                                 ],
  10656.                             ],
  10657.                         ],
  10658.                         'name' => 'DiscountItem',
  10659.                         'builders' => [
  10660.                         ],
  10661.                         'interfaces' => [
  10662.                         ],
  10663.                     ],
  10664.                 ],
  10665.                 'DiscountTriggerBarcode' => [
  10666.                     'type' => 'object',
  10667.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountTriggerBarcodeType',
  10668.                     'inherits' => [
  10669.                     ],
  10670.                     'decorator' => false,
  10671.                     'config' => [
  10672.                         'fields' => [
  10673.                             'id' => [
  10674.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10675.                                 'args' => [
  10676.                                 ],
  10677.                             ],
  10678.                             'code' => [
  10679.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10680.                                 'args' => [
  10681.                                 ],
  10682.                             ],
  10683.                         ],
  10684.                         'name' => 'DiscountTriggerBarcode',
  10685.                         'builders' => [
  10686.                         ],
  10687.                         'interfaces' => [
  10688.                         ],
  10689.                     ],
  10690.                 ],
  10691.                 'DiscountInput' => [
  10692.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10693.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountInputType',
  10694.                     'inherits' => [
  10695.                     ],
  10696.                     'decorator' => false,
  10697.                     'config' => [
  10698.                         'fields' => [
  10699.                             'uid' => [
  10700.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10701.                             ],
  10702.                             'type' => [
  10703.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10704.                             ],
  10705.                             'title' => [
  10706.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10707.                             ],
  10708.                             'validFrom' => [
  10709.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10710.                                 'description' => 'Required format yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss',
  10711.                             ],
  10712.                             'validTo' => [
  10713.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10714.                                 'description' => 'Required format yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss',
  10715.                             ],
  10716.                             'userConfirmable' => [
  10717.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10718.                             ],
  10719.                             'maximumUses' => [
  10720.                                 'type' => 'Float',
  10721.                             ],
  10722.                             'triggerProducts' => [
  10723.                                 'type' => '[Int!]',
  10724.                             ],
  10725.                             'triggerCustomerTypes' => [
  10726.                                 'type' => '[DiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInput!]',
  10727.                             ],
  10728.                             'items' => [
  10729.                                 'type' => '[DiscountItemInput!]!',
  10730.                             ],
  10731.                             'storeID' => [
  10732.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10733.                                 'description' => 'If the storeID is empty, then discount can be applied for all stores of client',
  10734.                             ],
  10735.                             'triggerCoupon' => [
  10736.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10737.                             ],
  10738.                         ],
  10739.                         'name' => 'DiscountInput',
  10740.                     ],
  10741.                 ],
  10742.                 'DiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInput' => [
  10743.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10744.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInputType',
  10745.                     'inherits' => [
  10746.                     ],
  10747.                     'decorator' => false,
  10748.                     'config' => [
  10749.                         'fields' => [
  10750.                             'type' => [
  10751.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10752.                             ],
  10753.                         ],
  10754.                         'name' => 'DiscountTriggerCustomerTypeInput',
  10755.                     ],
  10756.                 ],
  10757.                 'DiscountItemInput' => [
  10758.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10759.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountItemInputType',
  10760.                     'inherits' => [
  10761.                     ],
  10762.                     'decorator' => false,
  10763.                     'config' => [
  10764.                         'fields' => [
  10765.                             'productID' => [
  10766.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10767.                                 'description' => 'If the productID is empty, the discount will be applied to the entire purchase',
  10768.                             ],
  10769.                             'type' => [
  10770.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10771.                                 'description' => 'DiscountItemType enum',
  10772.                             ],
  10773.                             'amount' => [
  10774.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  10775.                             ],
  10776.                         ],
  10777.                         'name' => 'DiscountItemInput',
  10778.                     ],
  10779.                 ],
  10780.                 'DiscountItemType' => [
  10781.                     'type' => 'enum',
  10782.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountItemTypeType',
  10783.                     'inherits' => [
  10784.                     ],
  10785.                     'decorator' => false,
  10786.                     'config' => [
  10787.                         'values' => [
  10788.                             'PERCENTAGE' => [
  10789.                                 'value' => NULL,
  10790.                             ],
  10791.                             'PRICE' => [
  10792.                                 'value' => NULL,
  10793.                             ],
  10794.                             'AFTER_DISCOUNT_PRICE' => [
  10795.                                 'value' => NULL,
  10796.                             ],
  10797.                         ],
  10798.                         'name' => 'DiscountItemType',
  10799.                     ],
  10800.                 ],
  10801.                 'DeleteDiscountInput' => [
  10802.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10803.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteDiscountInputType',
  10804.                     'inherits' => [
  10805.                     ],
  10806.                     'decorator' => false,
  10807.                     'config' => [
  10808.                         'fields' => [
  10809.                             'discountID' => [
  10810.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10811.                             ],
  10812.                         ],
  10813.                         'name' => 'DeleteDiscountInput',
  10814.                     ],
  10815.                 ],
  10816.                 'DiscountCoupon' => [
  10817.                     'type' => 'object',
  10818.                     'class_name' => 'DiscountCouponType',
  10819.                     'inherits' => [
  10820.                     ],
  10821.                     'decorator' => false,
  10822.                     'config' => [
  10823.                         'fields' => [
  10824.                             'id' => [
  10825.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10826.                                 'args' => [
  10827.                                 ],
  10828.                             ],
  10829.                             'code' => [
  10830.                                 'type' => 'String!',
  10831.                                 'args' => [
  10832.                                 ],
  10833.                             ],
  10834.                         ],
  10835.                         'name' => 'DiscountCoupon',
  10836.                         'builders' => [
  10837.                         ],
  10838.                         'interfaces' => [
  10839.                         ],
  10840.                     ],
  10841.                 ],
  10842.                 'SupplierOrder' => [
  10843.                     'type' => 'object',
  10844.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierOrderType',
  10845.                     'inherits' => [
  10846.                     ],
  10847.                     'decorator' => false,
  10848.                     'config' => [
  10849.                         'fields' => [
  10850.                             'id' => [
  10851.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10852.                                 'args' => [
  10853.                                 ],
  10854.                             ],
  10855.                             'supplier' => [
  10856.                                 'type' => 'Supplier!',
  10857.                                 'args' => [
  10858.                                 ],
  10859.                             ],
  10860.                             'store' => [
  10861.                                 'type' => 'Store!',
  10862.                                 'args' => [
  10863.                                 ],
  10864.                             ],
  10865.                             'monday' => [
  10866.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10867.                                 'args' => [
  10868.                                 ],
  10869.                             ],
  10870.                             'tuesday' => [
  10871.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10872.                                 'args' => [
  10873.                                 ],
  10874.                             ],
  10875.                             'wednesday' => [
  10876.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10877.                                 'args' => [
  10878.                                 ],
  10879.                             ],
  10880.                             'thursday' => [
  10881.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10882.                                 'args' => [
  10883.                                 ],
  10884.                             ],
  10885.                             'friday' => [
  10886.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10887.                                 'args' => [
  10888.                                 ],
  10889.                             ],
  10890.                             'saturday' => [
  10891.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10892.                                 'args' => [
  10893.                                 ],
  10894.                             ],
  10895.                             'sunday' => [
  10896.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  10897.                                 'args' => [
  10898.                                 ],
  10899.                             ],
  10900.                             'supplierOrderProducts' => [
  10901.                                 'type' => '[SupplierOrderProduct]!',
  10902.                                 'args' => [
  10903.                                 ],
  10904.                             ],
  10905.                             'active' => [
  10906.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10907.                                 'resolve' => '@=resolver(\'nullBeFalse\', [info, value])',
  10908.                                 'args' => [
  10909.                                 ],
  10910.                             ],
  10911.                             'note' => [
  10912.                                 'type' => 'String',
  10913.                                 'args' => [
  10914.                                 ],
  10915.                             ],
  10916.                         ],
  10917.                         'name' => 'SupplierOrder',
  10918.                         'builders' => [
  10919.                         ],
  10920.                         'interfaces' => [
  10921.                         ],
  10922.                     ],
  10923.                 ],
  10924.                 'SupplierOrderFilter' => [
  10925.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10926.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierOrderFilterType',
  10927.                     'inherits' => [
  10928.                     ],
  10929.                     'decorator' => false,
  10930.                     'config' => [
  10931.                         'fields' => [
  10932.                             'haveOrder' => [
  10933.                                 'type' => 'Boolean',
  10934.                             ],
  10935.                         ],
  10936.                         'name' => 'SupplierOrderFilter',
  10937.                     ],
  10938.                 ],
  10939.                 'SupplierOrderProduct' => [
  10940.                     'type' => 'object',
  10941.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierOrderProductType',
  10942.                     'inherits' => [
  10943.                     ],
  10944.                     'decorator' => false,
  10945.                     'config' => [
  10946.                         'fields' => [
  10947.                             'id' => [
  10948.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10949.                                 'args' => [
  10950.                                 ],
  10951.                             ],
  10952.                             'buyPrice' => [
  10953.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  10954.                                 'args' => [
  10955.                                 ],
  10956.                             ],
  10957.                             'minimumQuantity' => [
  10958.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  10959.                                 'args' => [
  10960.                                 ],
  10961.                             ],
  10962.                             'sellToDays' => [
  10963.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  10964.                                 'args' => [
  10965.                                 ],
  10966.                             ],
  10967.                             'allowPieces' => [
  10968.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  10969.                                 'args' => [
  10970.                                 ],
  10971.                             ],
  10972.                             'product' => [
  10973.                                 'type' => 'Product!',
  10974.                                 'args' => [
  10975.                                 ],
  10976.                             ],
  10977.                             'package' => [
  10978.                                 'type' => 'ProductPackage!',
  10979.                                 'args' => [
  10980.                                 ],
  10981.                             ],
  10982.                         ],
  10983.                         'name' => 'SupplierOrderProduct',
  10984.                         'builders' => [
  10985.                         ],
  10986.                         'interfaces' => [
  10987.                         ],
  10988.                     ],
  10989.                 ],
  10990.                 'SupplierOrderInput' => [
  10991.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  10992.                     'class_name' => 'SupplierOrderInputType',
  10993.                     'inherits' => [
  10994.                     ],
  10995.                     'decorator' => false,
  10996.                     'config' => [
  10997.                         'fields' => [
  10998.                             'active' => [
  10999.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  11000.                             ],
  11001.                             'supplierID' => [
  11002.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11003.                             ],
  11004.                             'storeID' => [
  11005.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11006.                             ],
  11007.                             'supplierOrderProducts' => [
  11008.                                 'type' => '[AddSupplierOrderProductInput!]',
  11009.                             ],
  11010.                             'note' => [
  11011.                                 'type' => 'String',
  11012.                             ],
  11013.                             'monday' => [
  11014.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11015.                             ],
  11016.                             'tuesday' => [
  11017.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11018.                             ],
  11019.                             'wednesday' => [
  11020.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11021.                             ],
  11022.                             'thursday' => [
  11023.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11024.                             ],
  11025.                             'friday' => [
  11026.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11027.                             ],
  11028.                             'saturday' => [
  11029.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11030.                             ],
  11031.                             'sunday' => [
  11032.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11033.                             ],
  11034.                         ],
  11035.                         'name' => 'SupplierOrderInput',
  11036.                     ],
  11037.                 ],
  11038.                 'EditSupplierOrderInput' => [
  11039.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11040.                     'class_name' => 'EditSupplierOrderInputType',
  11041.                     'inherits' => [
  11042.                     ],
  11043.                     'decorator' => false,
  11044.                     'config' => [
  11045.                         'fields' => [
  11046.                             'supplierOrderID' => [
  11047.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11048.                             ],
  11049.                             'active' => [
  11050.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  11051.                             ],
  11052.                             'note' => [
  11053.                                 'type' => 'String',
  11054.                             ],
  11055.                             'monday' => [
  11056.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11057.                             ],
  11058.                             'tuesday' => [
  11059.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11060.                             ],
  11061.                             'wednesday' => [
  11062.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11063.                             ],
  11064.                             'thursday' => [
  11065.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11066.                             ],
  11067.                             'friday' => [
  11068.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11069.                             ],
  11070.                             'saturday' => [
  11071.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11072.                             ],
  11073.                             'sunday' => [
  11074.                                 'type' => 'Int',
  11075.                             ],
  11076.                         ],
  11077.                         'name' => 'EditSupplierOrderInput',
  11078.                     ],
  11079.                 ],
  11080.                 'AddSupplierOrderProductInput' => [
  11081.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11082.                     'class_name' => 'AddSupplierOrderProductInputType',
  11083.                     'inherits' => [
  11084.                     ],
  11085.                     'decorator' => false,
  11086.                     'config' => [
  11087.                         'fields' => [
  11088.                             'productID' => [
  11089.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11090.                             ],
  11091.                             'buyPrice' => [
  11092.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  11093.                             ],
  11094.                             'minimumQuantity' => [
  11095.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  11096.                             ],
  11097.                             'allowPieces' => [
  11098.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  11099.                             ],
  11100.                             'sellToDays' => [
  11101.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11102.                             ],
  11103.                             'package' => [
  11104.                                 'type' => 'ProductPackageInput!',
  11105.                             ],
  11106.                         ],
  11107.                         'name' => 'AddSupplierOrderProductInput',
  11108.                     ],
  11109.                 ],
  11110.                 'EditSupplierOrderProductInput' => [
  11111.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11112.                     'class_name' => 'EditSupplierOrderProductInputType',
  11113.                     'inherits' => [
  11114.                     ],
  11115.                     'decorator' => false,
  11116.                     'config' => [
  11117.                         'fields' => [
  11118.                             'supplierOrderProductID' => [
  11119.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11120.                             ],
  11121.                             'buyPrice' => [
  11122.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  11123.                             ],
  11124.                             'minimumQuantity' => [
  11125.                                 'type' => 'Float!',
  11126.                             ],
  11127.                             'allowPieces' => [
  11128.                                 'type' => 'Boolean!',
  11129.                             ],
  11130.                             'sellToDays' => [
  11131.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11132.                             ],
  11133.                             'package' => [
  11134.                                 'type' => 'ProductPackageInput!',
  11135.                             ],
  11136.                         ],
  11137.                         'name' => 'EditSupplierOrderProductInput',
  11138.                     ],
  11139.                 ],
  11140.                 'AddSupplierOrderProductsInput' => [
  11141.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11142.                     'class_name' => 'AddSupplierOrderProductsInputType',
  11143.                     'inherits' => [
  11144.                     ],
  11145.                     'decorator' => false,
  11146.                     'config' => [
  11147.                         'fields' => [
  11148.                             'supplierOrderID' => [
  11149.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11150.                             ],
  11151.                             'supplierOrderProducts' => [
  11152.                                 'type' => '[AddSupplierOrderProductInput!]!',
  11153.                             ],
  11154.                         ],
  11155.                         'name' => 'AddSupplierOrderProductsInput',
  11156.                     ],
  11157.                 ],
  11158.                 'EditSupplierOrderProductsInput' => [
  11159.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11160.                     'class_name' => 'EditSupplierOrderProductsInputType',
  11161.                     'inherits' => [
  11162.                     ],
  11163.                     'decorator' => false,
  11164.                     'config' => [
  11165.                         'fields' => [
  11166.                             'supplierOrderID' => [
  11167.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11168.                             ],
  11169.                             'supplierOrderProducts' => [
  11170.                                 'type' => '[EditSupplierOrderProductInput!]!',
  11171.                             ],
  11172.                         ],
  11173.                         'name' => 'EditSupplierOrderProductsInput',
  11174.                     ],
  11175.                 ],
  11176.                 'DeleteSupplierOrderProductInput' => [
  11177.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11178.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteSupplierOrderProductInputType',
  11179.                     'inherits' => [
  11180.                     ],
  11181.                     'decorator' => false,
  11182.                     'config' => [
  11183.                         'fields' => [
  11184.                             'supplierOrderProductID' => [
  11185.                                 'type' => 'Int!',
  11186.                             ],
  11187.                         ],
  11188.                         'name' => 'DeleteSupplierOrderProductInput',
  11189.                     ],
  11190.                 ],
  11191.                 'DeleteSupplierOrderInput' => [
  11192.                     'type' => 'input-object',
  11193.                     'class_name' => 'DeleteSupplierOrderInputType',
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  11195.                     ],
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  11204.                     ],
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  11223.                         ],
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  11225.                     ],
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  11282.                     ],
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  11486.                 33 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\LoggerCleanerCommand',
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  11490.                 37 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Token\\TokenInvalidCommand',
  11491.                 38 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Main\\Weather\\WeatherCommand',
  11492.                 39 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Migration\\StoreGroupCommand',
  11493.                 40 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\Migration\\StoreStockGroupCommand',
  11494.                 41 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\TestCommand',
  11495.                 42 => 'console.command.public_alias.App\\Command\\UpdateDatabaseClientUserCommand',
  11496.                 43 => 'console.command.public_alias.Eshop\\Command\\ClearDeliverySlotCommand',
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  11498.                 45 => 'console.command.public_alias.Eshop\\Command\\SendConfirmedOrderEmailCommand',
  11499.             ],
  11500.         ];
  11501.     }
  11502.     protected function throw($message)
  11503.     {
  11504.         throw new RuntimeException($message);
  11505.     }
  11506. }